Transferring to FV?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Goth, Aug 16, 2014.

  1. Goth Augur

    Do i get to keep my plat and gear?

    What limitations is there on the transfer to FV?

  2. SpamFactory Augur

    It's the same as transfering to any other server and you keep all your plat/gear.
    You just can't transfer off, so it's a permanent move
  3. Goth Augur

    ok thanks,

    do you know if the transfer ever go on sale for less than 2500SC or $25?
  4. Krag Lorekeeper

    Good choice FV>>>>all servers. I couldn't imagine having no drop gear again. I played on the regular servers for years and years. Just figured why would I want to play on a server with more restrictions and transferred all my toons over to FV?? I love being able to transfer gear between my alts and buy some raid gear. EQ originally was never about no drop items. The best items were all droppable. The economy on FV is awesome and it adds a lot to the game for me at least.

    Don't worry about it being a permanent move, you will never be able to go back to a regular server after being on FV.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  5. Ozni Elder

    Don't transfer over anything you wouldn't be comfortable throwing into the void, including characters. Don't expect much in the way of generosity. General chat is about 90% trade spam.

    FV is an interesting place, but it ain't all rainbows and unicorn farts. There are real benefits and drawbacks, and these will matter a lot or a little depending on what you want out of the game.
    Iila likes this.
  6. Raptorjesus5 Augur

    There are definitely pros and cons. The biggest pro is you can buy raid or high end group gear. The biggest con is basically that there is no server pugs or activity to experience that content. It's a catch 22. People buy the gear and then have no need to run the content.
  7. Donroy Elder

    What about the trivial loot code? Is that still a thing? It's the one feature that turned me off to ever going to FV.
  8. Syrup Augur

    It's still a thing, but the TLC (trivial loot code) isn't on content you would expect it to be...

    For example, none of the raid content has TLC!
    I can go clear NToV or VT on my level 100 and all the loot drops just as it would normally.
    But if you want a Stalagterror Spine Spear or a Braclet of Beauty... those are some of the totally obscure items that may have TLC enabled (for whatever reason)

    Trivial loot code isn't overbearing, you will have a hard time finding items that are included in it.
    But... it does still exist. (mostly on very old, group content, drops)
  9. Schadenfreude Augur

    The transfer token was on sale not that long so you might have to wait a while for it to happen again. If you have a couple of minutes downtime try hitting /market to see if anything has gone on sale that you weren't aware of.

    Paying subscribers get a 10% discount.