Druid heal technique when raiding question

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Nylrem, Jan 5, 2014.

  1. BoomWalker Augur

    LOL....you cast 208 total spells/AA/clickies for an ENTIRE raid target and are scolding the parse for a 471sec fight where they are casting 102? Really? LOL

    Did your raid beat Plane of Shadow in 471sec? Or close to that? You simply list your spells/etc. but not the total time...

    Casting Group Black Wolf x1 and single White Wolf x 2 would seem to make the fight at least 20 minutes (1200 seconds) if not 30 minutes (1800 seconds)?

    Still...seems like a low number of spells for that amount of time (1200+ seconds)...strange that those other parses didn't cast Seedlings as much as the list in this post shows...
  2. Siwin Nonesuch Elder

    828's for entire fight.
    I casted group black wolf for my casters then over ride my group version Group Black Wolf on myself and cast the self only White wolf AA just landing on me. Had an ENC in group and they used IoG for burn on Shadow of Luclin.
    The other Druid in the raid took care of Seedlings And Ro Debuff.
  3. Siwin Nonesuch Elder

    If you read the way I worded it you can see i'm not "Scolding" anybody. I am asking a question. If you want to interpret it as scolding then that is on your shoulders for the way your reading into to it.

    I'm kind of curious if their guild really did beat the hole event in 471,s. I would think that would be immpoissible just by the scriping of the event. If a yes answer would have been given I would have asked how they are able to go thru it so fast.
  4. BoomWalker Augur

    Hmm...perhaps the 3 druids listed weren't all the druids? Maybe one of the other druids cast Seedlings? Instead, there is a scolding about no Seedlings and to drive that point home a list of spells cast shows zero Seedlings? Classic.

    Still, beating Plane of Shadows in 14 minutes is impressive....gratz on the quick win.
  5. BoomWalker Augur

    Didn't the post say a single fight?

    If a "single fight" is an entire raid...it is just a different way of wording it...but it could possibly mean an entire raid target. Would seem more common to state a "single target" or "single event" with "single fight" meaning a specific mob (plus possible adds)...

    But agree...lets have them clarify if "single fight" is the entire raid event...or not...since beating Plane of Shadow in 8 minutes is even more impressive...
  6. Nylrem Augur

    That was just the 1 mob, and not one we burn on. That's where she's in the form that emotes at people and then lunges to them, and is also a belly caster that AE ramps. We take significantly longer than 271s for the entire event, and that time, we only had 37 people. However, strictly speaking for heal spells, this is a fairly typical % of what I see (in 2 different raid guilds) of druids healing. That most do not use the faster heals very significantly, and I was wondering why.

    As a dps caster main, I generally have the mindset that healers should be reverse dps casters, and as a friend coined it, 'attack the tank' with heals, using their best heals, as much as possible, all the time and never intentionally be reactive healers, except when group healing after AE, etc.

    I was looking for other opinions, and why many druids did not think this way (many priests do not, it's not just druids, I could make the same comparison, in the guilds I'm in, for clerics and shaman spells casted as well, most just spam their long casting, 'efficient' heal over and over, only casting their 'best' heals in a reactive manner).

    What I've personally (just my opinion here) determined is that, when strictly a main healer, because as a druid I'm almost always in a caster group and should be healing 1 or maybe 2 assigned tanks and casting group heals when necessary due to AE/dots, etc, that there is absolutely no reason that I shouldn't cast the fast cast heals as soon as they are available, every time they're available, on my assigned tank(s). Of course situations can change, reasons require that I heal someone in my group that is outside of group heal range, etc, and then that would require adjusting play, but generally speaking, I have not read/experienced a good enough reason to save the best heal spells for reactive healing yet.
  7. Tarrin Augur

    It comes down to personal play style, and such. To me, healing is fluid. While I have "guidelines" for myself, I never go into any raid event thinking " I am only going to heal this certain way, regardless of what happens". But here are some general ways I use Vivification:

    -If I am in a caster group, I am mostly tank healing. I will sometimes keep it on standby so that I can quickly top off a group member and go back to healing the main tank faster.

    -Events that I know there will be constant adds or tank switches, I will sometimes keep it on standby for the new tank. I have found that often the first 3 seconds of a tank switch/add tank/etc are vital as healers make the switch and get their engines going on the new person taking damage.

    -While I am typically pro-active in my tank healing, Vivification is a heal that due to its cast time can still be used reactively. I have been healing a tank before just to have him take a bad spike and needed Vivification *right then*. Where if I was just spamming it the moment it is up, it wouldn't be available or have prevented the initial spike. I have had it where I am healing TANK A and TANK B suddenly takes a bad spike. I can often switch to B, Vivification, then back to A without missing a beat.

    But all raids, to me, are different. Sometimes a tank is taking a large amount of damage to the point where I will throw Vivification in my heal cycle and use it the moment its up. I will never, though, use it the moment it is up, purely for the sake of using it. To me, it feels like a waste of its cast timer benefit to use it in a situation where Vida will do/you are not needing the speed.

    But hey, it comes down to personal playstyle, how it interacts with the other healers, and if your tanks are staying alive.
  8. malibu66 Elder

    For me, Druids don't really have a widely varied spell choice for healing. Simple is the best. Spam Stervida and Adrenaline/Stemfang on the heal target, MT or OT. That's it.
    If you seem to be hitting a full health tank all the time, vary the timing a bit. If that doesn't help - switch to DPS, your raid has too many healers.
    Save Vivication for the caster or Bard in your group who takes that one hit every so often and needs a really fast heal so you can get back to the tank. Also, use group heals frequently to heal even a single person in your group - a little extra mana wasted is better than un-targeting the tank.
    Lastly, hitting Survival should be reflexive when even one person in you group suddenly drops to 30% or so.
    Fanra likes this.
  9. Nylrem Augur

    "... and if your tanks are staying alive." Exactly. Ours don't, unfortunately.

    I can't remember the last time we did a tier 4 or CotF event (other than DH1) that at least a tank or 2 didn't die, and it's usually more like all wars die at least a couple times per event.

    We are always fairly short on healers.

    Also to answer a few questions some seemed to wonder, in the example I posted, those were the only 3 druids in the raid, and we only had 2, possibly 3 (deleted my logs already, as I do almost weekly) and 1 shaman as other priests. That entire event is probably 3-4 times that length for us.

    Demonstrating how we could possibly add 100 more heals between just those 3 druids, for that single mob alone, is what I was trying to point out and especially trying to determine why they weren't. And trying to determine if the reason(s) why justified me playing my druid differently than casting the fast heals when they were available and not saving them for reactive heals.

    I do perfectly understand the concept of reactive healing, but it's just been my experience that healing those that shouldn't be taking damage isn't that time sensitive in most cases. Either they take a hit or 2 when they're not supposed to then back off, fade or FD and save themselves, or they die. Me waiting (likely) a second or so for the heal I'm casting to land, changing targets during the 1.9s global cooldown (you can argue that it's 1.5s all you want, I can prove it's more like actual 1.9s, in reality) then casting even a .5s heal... they have stopped taking damage one way or another by then. Either faded, backed out of rampage, or died, so it wouldn't matter in a vast majority of cases whether they get hit with a fast or slow heal.
  10. FawnTemplar Augur

    One thing I do is I am almost constantly in white wolf form, between group white wolf and the single cast I am out of it for only about 45 secs or so. It doesn't seem like much but on the longer raids the lower mana cost of heals and the higher crit rate can help a lot. Another thing, if you are healing the main tank dont be afraid to pull out the tricks, There are so many times when I will stack Rampant Growth, x Hide, Bear Spirit, and my Third spire on a MT when we are in a pinch. As silly as it sounds sometimes I will even lay down our healing ward at a tanks feet when crap starts to hit the fan haha. Personally I never use stemfang rush or what ever it is called, it is just too mana inefficient (fun to play with in groups, not raids) and I don't generally use the x blessing line in raids either. I heal and I debuff but that could just be because that is how our guild runs things.

    The thing about this type of question is that, like every one has been saying, it is down to play style and situations. The same raid can have a completely different feel for a druid based on the group they are in. I honestly think it is a bad thing for healers to get rigid in the way they play. We have to be flexible and realize different raids and different groups within those raids will require you to heal in different ways. I suggest you try some different things, see what works for you and what doesn't work. I DO know that you need to get used to switching targets pretty quickly, druids don't have the luxury of being lazy in raids.
  11. HouseSilverflame New Member

    Eww i hate multibinds