Essences of Power Quest

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Laozi, Aug 1, 2014.

  1. Laozi New Member

    I was wondering if the devs would consider removing the PoP-flag requirement from the Essences of Power quest. The quest also requires access to Xegony the Queen of Air for which the Wind Etched Key quest also requires the PoP-flags. I want a Mace of the Ancients!

    I know flagging itself is not difficult for anyone above level 80. It's just hard to keep organized and almost seems bugged. Some of my flags were reset after hailing Maelin.

    P.S. I think the Forums would be better served by other sections like "Quests, Items" whereas "The Arena (PVP)" seems underutilized.
  2. Edrick Augur

    I want stuff too, but I put in the work to get them like everybody else does.
  3. Teferi_Zebuxoruk Master

    Got one hanging in my tree house if you want to see it. Although the PoP flagging system is pretty ridiculous - there is an NPC in PoK that lets you know the status of your flags.
  4. Laozi New Member

    If you want to call me lazy, I spent more than 48 playing hours on Captain Krasnok/Vander's Bane (one of the other pet proc). My Vander's Bane finally dropped on the seventh Krasnok. For Essences of Power, I did 50% of the raids during PoP. Took a break. Came back and did the other 50%. My flags are messed up because of the order (Agnarr before PoS Key/RZTW before MB). I have spent dozens of hours on backflagging (then and now). I have petitioned to check my flags. Otherwise, this post is intended as a technical fix to benefit others. Essences of Power should not be on the magnitude of an Epic 2.0 with the possible bug of flagging out of order. Furthermore, the Fabled pet proc weapons are much more powerful and rot all the time - not a "game-changing" deal here.
  5. Ringkeeper Journeyman

    hmmm. i too have encountered trouble receiving my official "Elemental Planes" flag because of a few alternate flags and 85'ing many times.
  6. feiddan Augur

    Hail the seer. Cross-reference your text with what Zam says it all means.

    A lot of "out of order" flags can be fixed by completing missing hails. Hailing the Grand Librarian will also fix them.

    The Seer in-game will give you your complete flagging status, though she is a bit cryptic (there are several writeups other than Zam that offer interpretations and even step-by-step guides).

    This item is pure novelty - swarm skeleton pets with the Seru sword! I think most (every?) melee/hybrid class has better options for swarm pet DPS weapons. It's totally a neat item, and the pets it summons are the best looking swarm proc out there. Requiring all PoP flagging makes it even more rare, unique, and special (also, love the nostalgic walk down memory lane!).
  7. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    The Seer both tells you what the problem is and fixes them. You just have to be sitting down and follow the different prompts.
    feiddan likes this.
  8. Tobynn Augur

    In order to do the Essences of Power quest, you must be fully 100% character flagged for all of the elemental planes. Old school style. Alternate access flags won't help. No shortcuts allowed. Plus, you need to do the Aide Eno escort quest in Nightmare. Keep the Fist if you intend to repeat Essences of Power for multiple items.

    Neither Maelin nor any other NPC resets your flags -- once flagged, forever flagged. They don't get erased or wiped away. I'm not aware of any flags "messed up" that the Seer cannot straighten out. Sometimes you'll need to run laps. repeatedly, between her and assorted other flagging NPCs to get it all sorted out.

    Helluva good ancient site regarding Seer messages and PoP flagging.

    I ran through the entirety of PoP flagging for an alt recently. The process still works as expected, I had zero issues with accessing the Essences quest when I was done. I didn't even remotely do things in the 'appropriate' sequence. I had to use Seer a ton to unscrew flags along the way.
    feiddan and Iila like this.