Nurturing Growth Wear Off Message Needed

Discussion in 'Priests' started by Fanra, Jun 30, 2014.

  1. Fanra

    The new druid spell, Nurturing Growth, is a nice bonus to get us some mana when we need it. After you cast it, you get a buff in your window for ~10 minutes to prevent you from recasting it during that time.

    I've looked but I don't see any message / emote when that wears off. Can we please get one so I can make an audio trigger to let me know it is ready again?

    Iila likes this.
  2. Iila Augur

    Last night I was thinking that giving the buff a yellow border like tash would be nice to help it stand out.

    A fade message to trigger an AT would also be useful.
  3. Tarrin Augur

    What I did for the time being:
    -I added how long the buff lasts + cast time
    -Made a GINA AT for "you begin to cast blahblah"
    -Set a timer to go off counting down the total time added
    -Used an invisible countdown bar in GINA
    -On countdown ending, GINA tells me I am free to use bear again.
    Ugly work around, but it works for now.
    Soraia likes this.
  4. tinywolf1 Journeyman

    Very nice. Thank you :)
  5. EATSD New Member

    If I re-cast this spell before the timer expires and I'm mounted or on a raid heals, totally screwed because I have to dismount and sit because my casting bar is locked frozen in a incomplete cast. Is this what everyone else is experiencing?
    guado likes this.
  6. guado Augur

    You used to not be able to, but you can now Shift-S on a mount to stop casting. Not sure if /stopcast works too, but yeah... ever since you could forage on a mount now that I remember.

    Hope this was intended / hope I don't nerf it :oops:
  7. Fanra

    They changed mounts to allow you to stop casting on them. That was intended.

    You can set a hotkey to stop casting (includes items, etc.), rather than use Duck as most do. I set it to the "S" key on my keyboard.

    As for "re-cast this spell before the timer expires and I'm mounted or on a raid heals, totally screwed because I have to dismount and sit because my casting bar is locked frozen in a incomplete cast." that sounds like a bug to me. I would report it here: Update Bugs 07/16/14

    I've also reported in the Update Bugs thread:
    guado likes this.