Rogue Min hit low

Discussion in 'Melee' started by Kimosavi, Jul 11, 2014.

  1. Kimosavi Journeyman

    Howdy folks,

    Ive got an Alt 100 rogue which Ive been working on who is pretty much max AA (minus the fluff AA's - HWIS/INT/CHA etc. Decently geared with CoF group visibles and Gelid Legs. Dual wielding Mordeo and Heartshard but his minimum hit seems to be really low compared to my monk. Rogue seems to hit ALOT in the 700-800 range whereas the minimum hit on my Monk is around 1300-1600. Monk is also max AA. Was wondering if thats about right for rogue minimum hit??

    Ive not done a lengthy parse but am planning to run one on the dummies in GH when I get time.

    Any feedback helpful :)
  2. Charris Journeyman

    That's normal for rogue minimum hits, you'll still out parse monks even though your min is lower
  3. Fleeting Augur

    rogues constantly have discs running between knifeplay executioners and razors edge u have like 40 seconds of downtime on discs and u can use rogue's fury twisted , frenzied etc to fill in the gaps so ur normal crit peirce should be around 9k and low end around like 3k