Bristlebane is dead

Discussion in 'Player Support' started by Mintalie, Jul 8, 2014.

  1. Mintalie Augur

    Entire guild crashed... help...
  2. Danille Augur

    Says server is up, but it is not allowing any one to get into the game, and everyone who was playing got booted. It started with very bad chat lag, which got progressively worse.!
  3. Windblade New Member

    Just get up for a few and go enjoy the outside
  4. Tobynn Augur

    Server status still shows up, but the server has gone completely unresponsive. We're trapped in purgatory. Someone needs to reboot that image, cuz failing gracefully certainly is not happening atm.
  5. Mintalie Augur

    Yes Windblade, that's very helpful advice when it's 9:00p and raining.

    Anyone know how to report this to the proper peeps to get the server worked on please? <3
  6. Elricvonclief Augur

    Quick, someone feed the hamster!
    Mintalie likes this.
  7. Mintalie Augur

    You stole my line!
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  8. Nezkrul New Member

    So ya, server crashed on us, I see, and now nobody can go back online :( Game freezes when I try to login to BB.
  9. Windblade New Member

    People are just so upset here : (
  10. Riou EQResource

    It's cause their Server Status API has no 'Locked' setting (it's "up" so it shows up). It's pretty lame :p
  11. Tobynn Augur

    I was referring to the sever select screen, not the SOE Status page. BB showed UP for about 20 minutes after everyone was booted. Now, it shows Locked. They are investigating a potential issue ... apparently, no problem has been confirmed yet :)
    Mintalie likes this.
  12. Ranor Lorekeeper

    RoV crashed it lol. :p
  13. Zentara Augur

    FYI, server is up but the problem is NOT fixed. Still taking > 30 seconds for chats, and more than a minute to receive a group invite.
  14. Tobynn Augur

    Pretty damn unplayable at the moment.

    Sent a tell to one of my boxed alts, took a full 90 seconds to come out the other side.

    Tried to zone from Argath to Lunanyn, waited. Waited. Waited a couple more minutes. Went afk to snag a soda. Came back, waited a couple more minutes. Opened Task Manager, all three instances of eqgame.exe unresponsive. Killed all the processes via TM. Tried to log in again, Timed Out at server select. Hey, at least the Chat server still works, which in itself is extraordinary since Chat services were the victims of maintenance today.

    You know, its pretty sad when things have become so incredibly fubar that they don't even break properly anymore.
  15. Shredz New Member

    Agreed, seems to happen every time SoE updates stuff lately. You think they'd learn to not break the same thing every time they do an update!
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  16. Feradach Augur

    The lag is kicking back up again just like it was last night before the server was taken down.
  17. Zentara Augur

    Yep it sure is. 45 seconds for a group invite to go across, almost a min and a half to zone (normally takes me about 11 seconds).
  18. Bigstomp Augur

    Could those living legacy events be doing it? Didn't they have a ton of adds that potentially need kited in some of them?
  19. Mintalie Augur

    Was still having significant lag last night... c'mon SOE...
  20. Bigstomp Augur

    Whee, dead instances again. Kael this time.