What past zone would you like to see a Revamp on?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ruven_BB, May 9, 2014.

  1. Yther Augur

    Freeport re-revamped. Make it look and feel more like original, but maybe somewhat on the road to becoming the EQ2 Freeport. Qeynos wouldn't be a bad revamp either.

    Yther Ore.
    Yinla and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  2. Axem the Great Journeyman

    I'm curious if people would be interested in something like a VT revamp for raiding that would actually take a while to clear. I don't think many people would be interested in the old school trash clears to the extreme anymore, but something like cToV where there are enough nameds to justify spending a couple of raid days on clearing them all out before you were done, with each of the named having its own lockout timer.

    There are plenty of old raid zones that they could use for something similar - PoFear, PoHate, PoSky (this one please), VP, Sleeper's Tomb, PoM, Ssra, VT, PoTime, Tacvi, Anguish etc. Something with a little more depth than just porting in, saying hi to start an event, popping a chest, and porting out.

    We have so many older zones that people don't use anymore but everyone still talks about.

    For HH stuff I'd personally love to see Unrest, Karnor's, Seb, CoM, Howling Stones, or Velk's Lab again.
  3. CrazyLarth Augur

    I would prefer zones that had a lot of camps.
  4. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    No! You leave my city alone!!
  5. Edrick Augur


    Qeynos and Felwithe are the only good cities left.
  6. Iila Augur

    Kelethin says watch your step.
    Fenthen and Yther like this.
  7. Guttin Fuzzyears Journeyman

    I don't want to see a revamp ala Freeport but I would like to see a couple hardcore heritage zones or RoF type of expansion that puts higher level content in some really great dungeons from the Kunark era, CoM, Sebilis and Howling stones would be the three I would most like to see.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  8. Anglesy Elder

    Siren's Grotto(maybe work on the pathing). One of my favorite old school dungeons. Maybe a revamp of Splitpaw taking it back to its Gnollish days but at current levels?
  9. Axem the Great Journeyman

    I wouldn't really like to see any of the cities go the way of the updated freeport, however I would love to see them get more use. The problem is that they need some kind of a draw to them that gets people away from PoK/GL. If the CotF hub for the different zones was based in Qeynos Hills instead of WK, and the merchants/task givers were based inside the city walls, I think you'd see more people hanging out there. No idea if something like that would be possible or not, however, there are hundreds of NPC's in each city that go unused unless they're for a specific old school quest or something. Instead of making new ones each expansion, have some of those be the HA merchants or raid vendors.

    Of course then faction would probably mean something again.......
    Fenthen likes this.
  10. smash Augur

    Only zone that would be nice to be rewamped would be Freeport,

    To bring back old time. Present look is bad.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Yinla like this.
  11. CrazyLarth Augur

  12. meee New Member

    year after year I will vote for Sebilis. Maybe one day it gets the well earned revamp
  13. Caixaa Elder

    Obiziana likes this.
  14. silku Augur

    As an enchanter I'd love to see Karnor's, Sebelis or Unrest revamped (with the original pull style intact.) Some of the best trains I can remember in those. Made for fun times.
    Gyurika Godofwar and Obiziana like this.
  15. Corak Elder

    Sebilis, Karnor's, LOIO, Veksar would all be great as a revamp zone. So many fond memories of those zones!
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  16. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    I like the present look, the navigation however is disastrous.
  17. Lisard Silly

    I am a big fan of the HH events. And they have all been fun thus far.
    My list of Zones i would like to see are as follows:

    Lake of Ill Omen- alright Trying to find a group, oh whats that a windmill, cool think ill hang out here and LFG. while shuffling through your binder of maps. This was a fun zone leveling. much like a lower level of Dreadlands in a sense. good ol' sarnak castle. also being terrified to go near the water in fear of losing your corpse for good to the MONSTER WHO LIVES IN THE LAKE!

    Dreadlands/Karnor's Castle- These were pretty big/important Lvling/grouping zones in the 40-50's back in its day.
    -Dreadlands because it was almost as a HUB zone for higher levels as it was a leveling/grouping zone, fields upon fields of mobs to choose from for your group. There were Buffers/porters along the North wall of karnors castle casting Breeze and haste north wall!, Now porting to X Y Z north wall! they didnt need to ask for donations, it was common courtesy to spare a few coppers for these amazing buffs! people lined up in waiting lines to get into a group. Countless friendships made and some fun rivalry between the pullers/groups of who could pull the most mobs or tag a mob first before the other group nabbed it. Oh BTW i found the Burning Woods!
    -Karnor's Castle this is where the players who graduated from the Dreadlands groups go. you get your fresh haste and clarity from the Buffer outside, and venture into the castle, XXX LFG. This zone could be disaster for a traveler unprepared, or a group who got to confident. TRAIN TO ZONE LOOK OUT. and boy were they some impressive trains. the zone itself was pretty tight quarters at every camp. which ment a few things. 1. you needed a decent puller 2. an enchanter or 3. the most awesome group you have ever been in!

    Sebilis- Needing a key to enter, a key which your guild usually would spam farm for its members to be able to enter. which means not just anyone can enter this zone all willynilly unless they did the flagging for it. was an achievement in a sense. Oh the fun of crawling thru a dungeon. hey where did that frog go?

    Sticking to the Flavor of HH i will just stick with these as my list. we have had many good HH in the original EQ continent, time to move to kunark now IMO =D
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  18. synofnature New Member

    Palaudial Caverns and Griegs End
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.