Call of the Forsaken Beta Opens For New Spells and AAs!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roshen, Jun 5, 2014.

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  1. Roshen Brand Manager

    Hello all,

    The Call of the Forsaken Beta server has opened up again to help us test new Spells and AAs! The Beta servers will be available to players until Monday, June 16, 2014 at 11:59PM PDT.


    Everyone flagged previously for the Call of the Forsaken Beta will be able to participate in this beta test.

    If you’d like to discuss upcoming Spells and AAs after you've had some experience testing them, we welcome you to chat with our devs directly in the following forums:

    Beta Alternate Advancement (AA) Discussion

    Beta Spell Discussion

    For those of you who need to download the Beta Client, it is available here.
  2. Burly New Member

    I just downloaded beta client from your here link, but the client says "


    Your account is not authorized to access the game at this time."
  3. Syllogy New Member

    Are you flagged for Beta Access?
  4. Esero Elder

    Out of curiosity are you still copying live toons over to beta periodically or is that not planned since Elidroth mentioned they won't be flagging new accounts for it.

    Doesn't matter either way just changes how I proceed since I did a /beta yesterday.
  5. Roshen Brand Manager

    We are not flagging new accounts for beta at this time. This beta is for accounts that were approved for Call of the Forsaken beta tests previously.

    Beta copy only runs about once per day. If you opt to beta copy a live character over to beta, it can take up to 24 hours to copy over.
    Yinla and Esero like this.
  6. DandinMindfire Elder

    I don't see any of the Enchanter suggested abilities in the AA list at all...

    I've already submitted my thoughts on these abilities as they currently stand on beta. And I for one am exceptionally annoyed.

    Since the release of Rain of Fear the enchanter class has suffered changes in it's core abilities
    Defensibility and Debuffing and control.

    We have progressively gotten weaker with each patch.
    - but we all held our breath. We worked hard on the list we submitted to the developers. Surely something on that list could be approved.
    We all hoped that there would be something that brought us back up to where we need to be.

    Flash forward to today.

    Our spells. Literally are

    1. A pet buff. For our light blue animation pet that procs a direct damage spell. And a slight AC boost
    --not like you really see enchanters running around with the pet summoned at all.
    -- his DPS output is still too low to be relevant in the lvl 100game

    2. A copy paste of our Already existing flash mezz, but! This one has a SPA to reduce agro! Woohoo.
    -- Wait. I can already Memblur and fade agro at will
    --wait. I already have this spell it's called Confounding Flash.. At I still don't use it. The reuse time is too long to waste a spellgem on...

    I've been max AAed for 6 months. This doesn't make me all excited to get AAs again.

    Woohoo..innate strength AAs...
    Yinla likes this.
  7. Gaberyella New Member

    */agrees. The Enchanter class either remains the same or gets slightly nerfed as compared to increases in abilities or AAs of other pure caster classes.
    C'mon chanter beta testers, stronger suggestions and more opinions may get this class the deserved attention it does need.
    At best, we can mez although not completely control 5 mobs out of 8 that are adds. woohhoo?
  8. DandinMindfire Elder

    I would if I could. I don't have beta access anymore apparently
  9. EverChanter Augur

    Unfortunately it has nothing to do with the input from Enchanters...We've given them plenty. It's the fact that they've pretty much drawn a line with Enchanters in that they are going to do with the class what they want, which is make it the least desired class to play until it's literally all boxed toons.

    I'm done with it~
    Lily likes this.
  10. Lorddantex New Member

    I don't know why you're shocked only the "favorite" classes ever get anything good while rest of us get nerfed.
  11. Arimos New Member

    There are no favorite classes lately unless its maybe monk... the nerf hammer has been getting dropped left and right.
  12. Kinyenya Lorekeeper

    I really hate to agree but they are correct regarding the Nerf hammer, druids are still waiting for an upgrade to our Heal over time spells which with current expansions and content our heal over time spells wouldnt heal a daisy.
  13. Ming New Member

    Perhaps you should be looking at all your other heals and group heals if your waiting on
    Hot's for druids I think the sun will melt before you see that.

    Peace out,
  14. Reeva New Member

    Hello How do you know if you have access to beta I have been playing since 99. So it should let me play.
  15. Fendy Augur

    Have you ever applied for beta and received a welcome letter? Can you see the beta forums? If not then you do not have access to beta. It's not based simply on how long you've played.
  16. Jonahelmliveagain New Member

    To SoE,

    I am actually one of your long term players, started in 98. However my original accounts were stolen very long ago and never reclaimed.

    I would like to say i read this column about changes upcoming and added aa's etc., however what stood out is the players displeasure with, as we have always said before, your nerfing of the game to make it not even enjoyable anymore.

    From a business standpoint this seems silly to me, seeing as you do have 30+ mil subscribers all of which play one of your games, and lets cut a small chunk out for paying customers. Now this figure is going to be very small and unrealistic, but im gonna say 29% of the 30million pay for their service the rest are free players, we know that isn't the case but lets rock the figure.

    29% of 30mil customers is roughly 8,700,000 paying players that spend $15.00 per month. Oh wait, then theres some that actually have multiple accounts, like myself, and pay you 4-5 times that. Let's avg that out and say every customer has 2 acct's... i love math!!! Stay with me, it gets good.

    8,700,000 x $15.00 = $130,500,000.... but wait we said 2 acct's... $261,000,000. Folks that's per month...
    I don't really care about said expenses, travel, coding projects, or $45,000.00 rugs. Basic numbers are basic numbers and im pitching it small here.

    Guess what im saying is this, the folks that pay you an obscene amount of money every month to play a game are asking that you all stop trying to make them quit. They are throwing money at you and you are throwing it out the door. Myself if i had a game that everyone loved soo much and wanted nothing more then to spend money on, myself.... I'd be listening to the folks paying me billions so i can keep the money rolling in.

    That's all, just sad as hell when you have to see players commenting saying they are done and quitting, and sick of nerf hammers and insane unfair balances. You have a really good cash cow here, and we enjoy paying for it. Let's not trash can this one just yet eh? Sure EQNext is gonna be the newest latest wow, however their is a tremendous following that will only play yuor old eq game, because thats our memories, thats our joy.... Don;t kill it just yet ok.

    Sorry so long, i never post obviously, just felt inclined to do so once i read the sorrow on this topic.

    Forever EQ1 based, no matter how many times i leave... Jonahelm Dragonfriend of Drinal very long time ago, and now residing on Firiona Vie as Cthullhu. Keep our fun alive....
  17. Tarrin Augur

    Hmm. That 30+ million number intrigues me. Citation needed.
  18. Brogett Augur

    That 30 million figure is going to include all the multiple accounts already as I doubt they have a reliable way of identifying people, especially given most of the accounts won't have a credit card attached to them as they're not regular purchasers.

    30 million seems a lot too, so most likely it includes a LOT of games including things like Dungeon Overlord on facebook that can attract a lot of members who played briefly, heaps of PS2 stuff that practically mandates an account in order to log achievements online etc. Then you have all the non-subscription models, you don't want to throw someone away simply because they haven't paid you anything for 6 months. So you tend to acquite a lot of dormant accounts.

    Anyway you'd need to think about EQ only. The general interweb view is that it peaked somewhere around 500,000 active members, likely down to between 50-100k now, with some being active but silver status. That puts you closer to $1 mill per month max, maybe half that. It's a lot, but spread it between software/hardware running costs, networking, staff (devs, artists, coders, GMs, etc) and you eat into it substantially. Are they making a decent profit still? I hope so! Are they rolling in it and laughing all the way to the bank? I highly doubt it.
  19. Wumaden New Member

    How do I get Flagged for the Beta server?
  20. Fendy Augur

    The Call of the Forsaken Beta server has opened up again to help us test new Spells and AAs! The Beta servers will be available to players until Monday, June 16, 2014 at 11:59PM PDT.
    Since beta closed yesterday you can't.
    This round of beta was only open to folks who were previously flagged. Keep your eye out for future beta posts. If it's an open beta instructions will be included regarding how to apply.
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