Suggestion on things that can be removed and or changed

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Koneko, May 20, 2014.

  1. Koneko Augur

    ok first off I know this thread is likely to derail and get into areas that I don't mean it to go but hey what can I say that's things this thread is basicly some ideas ofthings that just don't have a home in the game and should/could hopeful at least be removed from the UI or maybe made to work again who knows anyways here they are

    1) EQplayers char update box - at the moment we don't have a eq players so it holds no reason other then making people look at it and pout if it could just get removed from the ui and put back when it is useable again/ever would be nice

    2) Fowarding EQ mail to email the email attachted to account- it hasn't worked in YEARS granted yes it has made it so I didn't get some plat spam sent to my email but it is nice to be able to just log into my email and see I was sent an in game one so I know already and can read it and such would be nice to have it fixed or removed...

    3ish) EQ voice chat - this isn't something I want removed more it would be nice if the default for it was off rather then on I myself have never gotten it working but I know others have and do use it

    ok so that's the list of things I can think of now it Is left to other players and SoE to read and blah blah if I didn't post this in the right area opps but I can't make a thread at the dev round table
  2. Makavien Augur

    I think personally a real partnership with magelo would make it the new eqplayers and a partnership with ventrilo to replace eq voice (where it works from within the game). Not sure how hard that would be to make work but it would be pretty awesome.

    I really think we need to have an option to open links and such from within eq into our default external browser , not sure how hard that would be either so we could set an option just to open the ingame/external emails all in one window.
  3. SaderakhBertox Augur

    I like vent being separate so we know someone went LD / client crash, taking a long time to zone, etc.
    Xianzu_Monk_Tunare and Smallpox like this.
  4. Questoften32 Augur

    1. Reduce xp by 20%-40% level 51 to 85 when auto grant is checked and make dex have a bigger impact on skill ups. I love even adore the skill up mechcanic, one of the best things in the game, but needs some minor work, that or allow people to store 100s of aa points without leveling.

    2. Exstend Drakkin breath to at least 90, let the characters father or mother, offer a few more monster kill quests after, 75 not hard.

    3. Re enable choice of starting city, though you can stil suggest sepents spine and heros jurony as a pop up. Let people exspence there haritage.

    This well let new players in on a exsperence they may have never thought to have. It may even help replay value on other characters.

    The serpents spine thing is just one path of many, and imo not even one of the best ones.

    Eq players are not stupid and wont be confused that easily.

    If they were really that simple minded, needed a one size fits all generic, cloned exsperence, for they sake of simplicity, they probobly would not have choosen eq 1 as there mmorpg of choice.

    4. Reintroduce the augment well as a req for the higher augments, and be sure to stick a solvent merchant by each one. I have my reasons.
  5. Aanuvane Augur

    How many times have you taken an aug out of a piece of gear and then put the same aug back in by mistake (or the aug in the same piece of gear)? I've done this more times than I really should admit. I would not at all mind seeing the bird baths brought back :p

    I don't understand this one, I can choose Felwithe for a high elf, kelethin for a wood elf, etc. Is it a FTP limitation?
    Yinla likes this.
  6. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Yes, under FTP you only receive Drakkinland as a destination, which is a holy terror to Origin from. If there were a PoK book next to the Origin spot there would be much popularity.
    Aanuvane likes this.
  7. Winnowyl Suffering is optional.

    If you make a frawg monk or wood elf beasty, you're gonna be hoofing it from drakkinland, too
  8. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    That makes no sense. =(
    The options for the original homeland should always be available.
  9. Winnowyl Suffering is optional.

    Should be, totally aren't, and it's by design. They didn't put in the newbie armor for the new classes in the homelands of the races, so they funneled everyone to CR and those tasks there. If there was a way to set the home city afterwards, I'd be thrilled.
  10. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    It'd be sorta neat to engage in a quest (level 10+) which allowed a race to attune its home to a city where they *could* belong.

    My Human Ranger, from Surefall Glade, has one horrific run when using Origin. I had to trigger it several times when doing An Epic Request as the Guild Lobby and both anchors are on 72min reuse timers.
  11. Edrick Augur

    Change the caster dps merc code so that if something is pulled, they don't stop in their tracks. If they are too far behind you, and you agro something, they won't move. If they are out of range, they obviously won't cast anything. You have to put your merc on passive so they run up to you, then change them to balanced/burn to get them to start casting.

    It's easy to work around it but it's always been a pet peeve of mine.
  12. Questoften32 Augur

    Wait...I can make a character that starts in there heritage city! Oh wow, glorious day! I made a Katta, I mean vah shir that starts in Shar vhal in celebration! I am the happiest I have been in six months. I have dreamed of this. Thank you eq. I feel silly now that I have been making posts asking for this when its already here. Thank the poster in this thread for letting me know you could do this. I really was not trolling, I thought the option was removed. I was wrong. I'm trtying to come up with a name for my new character now.
    Yinla and Aanuvane like this.
  13. sarthek New Member

    Make ONE augmentation distiller that removes all the augments (except perfect I guess), so we can just have a stack of them and remove whatever we want. Dumb having 20 different variations of an item on merchants that serves the same function.
    Yinla likes this.
  14. Koutarou Elder

    I'm in favor of eliminating hotzones entirely to avoid the whinefest threads that pop up every few months about them not being changed more frequently.
  15. Mithrandyr Augur

    Bring back the birdbaths for that. Sell the Universal Augment Distiller for like 50pp, usable only in the birdbath, or you can buy the higher priced ones and carry them with you.

    Get rid of the G..D...F...... browser pop-up on silver accounts. I will never upgrade a character to gold while EQ hijacks my browser every time I log off a silver account.

    I would love to see an option to disable the welcome screen. Put it on the EQ button so I can view it at my leisure.

    Heaven is a world without advertising.
    Aanuvane likes this.
  16. Serriah_Test Augur

    Use the priest of discord.

    /say wish to go
    poof - in dranik's
    /say go home
    poof - in PoK
  17. Winnowyl Suffering is optional.

    Still more zones than if they were able to reset to another city. I've used that method for newbies that pop out of the tutorial, or did before they moved the book to a more reasonable location in Blightfire. Besides, that's just another path of hoofing it from Drakkinland. That's also a longer run and more zone time than just running to the book in Blightfire.
  18. Drakang Augur

    Fix the raid tool so people are not automatically group leaders when they join. Just stupid when adding people at the end of building a raid to constantly be having to invite a few lock the raid remove leader unlock and repeat.

    Stop locking raid content behind group missions. The Tower of Rot group progression is slow since they used the same NPC for multiple things. Why should you need to do all that to request the raid?
  19. sojuu Augur

    I don't mind it. Look on bright side u dont have to have an entire raid doimg the group missions to get to the zone to do the raid. Which in all honesty I wouldn't mind returning either.
    Yinla and Xianzu_Monk_Tunare like this.