Funniest Thing you ever saw in EQ

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Kinyenya, Apr 28, 2014.

  1. Kinyenya Lorekeeper

    So for all of us oldies and newbie's, what is the funniest thing you ever saw exploring Norrath.

    For me it was like this:
    Was sitting in Plane of Tranquility in the days when money actually weighed you down, Meunforgiven and I had just turned around an an enchanter was dismounting off her horse and died instantly because she was overloaded with copper. We could travel for about an hour we were laughing so hard.
  2. JacklSK Augur

    My fellowship fire winning one of the PoK guardian duels , the ones that are npc v npc , training or whatever they call it.
    Gyurika Godofwar likes this.
  3. Axem the Great Journeyman

    Back when luclin was current and the nexus/bazaar had replaced EC/Gfay as the hangout spot of choice, a mage friend and I went into the bazaar arena and started dropping random junk on the ground. Of course, everything just showed up as a bag. We had a ton of bags all over the place, and we shouted out that we were retiring from the game and leaving all of our "stuff" in the arena.

    The massive tidal wave of low level traders that ran into the arena to start picking up bags was hillarious. People were killing other people for picking up bags, then dead people had to run back in to get their corpses because that was back when you still had to loot your corpse or you lost all of your stuff. That was a double whammy if your trader died because it was all of your sellable stuff and probably a lot of your cash too. Then, traders were being logged off and main characters were being logged in to come back and get revenge. Total chaos.

    I also remember a story about a trader getting levitate cast on them and being pushed from the merchant stalls down to the arena so they could be killed while they were afk. That guy must have really ticked someone off!

    Oh, and Fansy. Never, ever forget Fansy fighting for the powers of good and standing up against the forces of evil. GOGO GOOD TEAM!
  4. Random_Enchanter Augur

    Shortly after POP came out and I hit that 10001 hp and 10k mp mark i started having fun taking 20k's from falling down the POK library shaft and living (thanks to Mind over matter) since i had gather mana, i would do this twice in a row as a friendly healer who was watching would heal me just to prove it was a fluke. Now various other people would come to watch and they would get pissed off that an enchanter could take a 20k hit (in this era 20k hp was nigh impossible to reach). In the end various other classes would take the elevator to the top, wait for it to reach the bottom, and jump. . . TO THERE DEATHS, because hey, if an enchanter can do it, why cant they? to top it all off, the elevator was buggy as heck and quite a few would clip though it and fall to there doom anyways.
    Kinyenya, RPoo, Elricvonclief and 2 others like this.
  5. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    The Convorteum raid virus spread in the guild lobby and beyond was pretty amazing.

    Oh and when the bazaar went live and you could Levi + push traders into the arena and kill/loot them...
  6. Fendy Augur

    Seeing The Seaking in Butherblock Mountains on dry land halfway to Kaladim and seeing Bloated Belly floating over the chasm to Howling Stones.
  7. Nubben New Member

    I love threads like this, I'm definitely looking forward to seeing more responses. I'm sure I'll have a few other stories that come to mind, but here's a good one to start off with.

    I remember being in an Oasis group, camped along the shoreline. An enchanter in our group had just received his Charm spell, so of course he was playing around with that. He had a charmed Madman as a pet, but needed to take an AFK. He asked the group to just make sure that if the Charm broke while he was AFK, to quickly kill the mob for him.

    Sure enough, the Charm broke after a short amount of time. Unfortunately, the first thing the Madman did after charm breaking was to cast a spell with a knockback effect, flinging the AFK enchanter into the ocean! We quickly killed the Madman, but the poor enchanter sank like a rock to the bottom of the ocean, and subsequently drowned before returning from his AFK.
  8. Syrup Augur

    I have seen is 2 fulls raids of 54 players standing around waiting for a raid mob to spawn in excess of 8 hours. When the mob spawned, it was dead in a fraction of a second, before it hit the animation could even touch the ground.

    Now that's funny....
    It was less funny when it happened on every single encounter for months on end....
    Sumonerr_Tunare likes this.
  9. Dumpler New Member

    Right after the LoY expansion came out the mini torpor spell stoicism would land on players outside of group causing them to become snared for the spells duration. We got many laughs out of that.
  10. Barudin_Phinigel Augur

    Probably when my guild accidentally spread the viral convortieum disease to the guild lobby.

    Another time is when a Ranger friend of mine used her hail of arrows in the Sod version of kurns tower and pulled everything from the top floor down on top of us, murdering everyone in between. It was certainly weird.
  11. Nickster86 Elder

    Letter from the devs:
    Basically, we’ve decided to release regular improvements every week, then every month we’ll push something cool to you. Beyond that, we’re focusing the rest of our efforts into making great expansions!
    Harabakc, Edrick, FcsevenXIII and 2 others like this.
  12. Dre. Altoholic

    Avatar of War wielding a Sword of Skyfire.
  13. Aonghas Elder

    OK, I have to ask, how did that situation come about?
  14. Denial_Sinfae Augur

    Back in the PoP days, berserkers were still relatively new.

    I had a buddy who was one of these new guys, and he was a dwarf. He didn't role play per se, but he would throw in comments about dwarves and how they would act from time to time, and his play style suited what you would think a dwarf would do as far as charge in and slaughter!!!

    Well, we had both joined a raid guild, and we had found VZ up and the whole raid force assembled. Business as usual, we start dropping VZ, his triggers his wave. We end up on the final wave, everyone is medding and taking their afk's. Leader announces 5 minutes and we go... 1 minute and we go...

    All of the sudden a dwarf with a giant axe takes off sprinting into the center of these red con raid mobs gathered in the middle of the floor. He actually made it past them, they aggro'd, followed him into a wall on the other side, kill him, and walk back.

    About a minute later (there was no hover back then, guess he had to zone) he said... "Sorry all. I was getting a drink and my ferret ran across the fookin keyboard."

    -----This dwarf also had a habbit of falling asleep trying to grind too long. We were grinding in PoValor one time, and he fell asleep on his keyboard and hit auto-run into the wall at the castle.
    Nerishau and Geroblue like this.
  15. Khoza Augur

    I did this to a friend of mine once, while we were in the guild hall. He FREAKED, not knowing what was happening, and since it was the GH, the buff didn't wear off until he zoned.

    Also good, spending time camping the Journeyman's Walking Stick, I found 2 Swords of Skyfire. Being LORE, I couldn't loot both, so heck, I'll give one to my pet! Two days later, my wizard friend and I are exping in Grounds, and the non-kos sentinels keep adding, WTF? Well, we can see AERain particles happening, so blame the wizard merc! Suspend, still happens. Blame the Wizard! No, he assures me, he doesn't have any AEs mem'd. It was hours before it hit me what I'd done.
    Kinyenya and Geroblue like this.
  16. Elricvonclief Augur

    Back when TSS was current I remember doing the spider mini raid in Valdeholm. We'd all set up, and did a final AFK check.

    We ran a bit closer to the spider, stopped, and then this shaman keeps running straight across to the spider, all by himself, and goes splat instantly. He'd gone link dead during the move to the AFK check, and kept running to his death. We laughed about that one for months.
  17. wingz-83 Augur

    Used to be able to give weapons to npcs, sometimes monks would give weapons to dain to block others iirc.
  18. WDWolf Journeyman

    We had just finished the Primals in Yxxta. Loot was done. Rezzes done. Rebuffs done. Time for the AE TL. This is before origin and just about every class having access to ports/gates. Me, as the only wizard steps up to do his duty and AE TL. Well...I hit Gate by mistake....oh and there were no druids either. Stranded all the non-gaters in Yxxta.
  19. Feradach Augur

    Used to have a necro in my guild that got a kick out of casting Sacrifice on either a new member or a new recruit right before the raid leader called for an AE TL. Assuming the window that popped up was for the TL, most folks would just blindly click the Accept button. That was just hilarious. Evil, but hilarious.
    Qest T. Silverclaw likes this.
  20. iniari-TR Augur

    was back during delvo open raids on tunare.

    we had 2 full raids / 120 people. we were doing the Rallos Zek raid in plane of tactics. we were trying to recover and rez everyone, and was quickly running out of time to engage RZ in the pit.
    120 nakkid toons charged and dropped into the pit. utter chaos and a loss. but it was the best time on the server.

    another time , our guild wiped and was in the process of rezzing in the lobby.
    our top wizard , a level 85 had just gotten rezzed and clicked his mod rod.....keeled over dead.
    the whole guild was in tears for 15 min.