Completed Hero's Journey

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Zombiee, Apr 21, 2014.

  1. Zombiee Journeyman

    It took a year and a half but I finally completed the Hero's Journey. I believe I am the first on the Vox server. I was wondering if a GM could verify this for me and also let us know how many game wide across all servers have completed this task. Thanks.

    Zombie the Hero, Pain & Glory 100 Rogue Vox Server
  2. Tarrin Augur

    A month or two ago it was said ~32 people server wide, iirc.
  3. Falos Augur

    roughly 40 or so people (including boxes) have finished it as far as I know, I don't know anyone from vox so i can't speak on that server, but of the like 40 people with it done i'd wager 15-20 of those are on the xegony server.
  4. Zombiee Journeyman

    i searched for this post and only found a mention saying it was said but never found where it was originally said. would like confirmation from an SOE personnel.
  5. Chartrusejello Journeyman

    Congratulations Zombie, that's quite an achievement!
    Zombiee likes this.
  6. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    Congratulations. Hopefully there was some kind of reward for that.
    Zombiee likes this.
  7. Trajet D'Or Augur

    Tarrin likes this.
  8. Chartrusejello Journeyman

  9. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon


    I just need 3 drops from Frostcrypt to finish mine, so I know it is a great achievement on a new server. :)
    Zombiee likes this.
  10. Zombiee Journeyman

    The post you (and everyone else) keep referring to is a statement made by some guy named "Orbital101"

    He is not a GM, so unless he's a mindreader or has been given some kind of direct answer from a GM privately or something, how would he have any idea how many people have completed the achievement?

    Like I said before. I'm looking for confirmed facts.
  11. Zombiee Journeyman

    Ok my bad, I located the post you were talking about, the one by Dzarn. I guess I overlooked that in with all his replies. Thanks for helping me find the information.
  12. Axxius Augur

    Every time somebody mentions this quest line, it reminds me that I probably should do it too. But then I ask myself "why?" and suddenly something else takes priority, such as scratching my nose. For a lv 100 player this quest line is extremely poor time vs reward. That's the main reason why only 30 something people bothered to complete it, isn't it? It's not because it's hard or anything like that. It's just extremely time consuming with rewards that are useless at high levels.

    P.S. And it's also bugged: I've done absolutely everything there is to do in all expansions from SoD on, but it only shows about half of those achievements done. For example, I have the SoD iksar skelly illusion right here, and it shows that I've only done half of the quests for it.
  13. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Except when there's almost nothing else to do in game for primary toons, the TvR isn't really that awful. Done your alaran tear as well? Same thing, just something to do with CotF's lack of stuff to do. The lowbie stuff was a little annoying in places like Gorukar, but doesn't take that long.

    As for the clicky it's one of my favorite in game. The debuff stacks, it's instant cast and has no target max being a cone type, and is handy for a variety of random things. Probably not as appealing for a class that has pb aes and beams, but for sk and rog I've enjoyed the clicky a lot. If you can convince a few others to do it you can run the debuff permanently on raids as well, if you're the type that wants to macimize everything.
  14. Axxius Augur

    I know it may sound shocking, but when there is nothing else to do in EQ except these quests requiring ungodly amounts of your time for miniscule rewards (alaran tear LOL; at least thanks to Dzarn's post about AC we now know exactly how useful that +10 defense is)... there are other games out there where you can spend your time in a much more enjoyable way. Just saying. ;)
  15. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    This is true. And I won't say that running back and forth between CR and Gorukar 135635 times with 2 toons at once was enjoyable, but I did find many other aspects of HJ that were, and the clicky is pretty nice for a non caster.

    And let's also be real...EQ is a game of ungodly amounts of time for minuscule gains. Look at how tiny the gear upgrades are now from exp to exp.
  16. Random_Enchanter Augur

    just like to point out, we acualy dont know exaxtly how useful it is. we have a realtive idea as to how it effects your migitation AC (rAC?). But we still have no exact idea what effect migitation AC does atm. We do know that more is better and it has some effect on the DI value but how big of an effect , unless some one can point me to a parse were the ~ 16 point migitation AC gain from the tear was the only contributing factor.

    and grats OP on the mindnumbing task that this is!
  17. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    Some of us did them when they were current! (The level 65+ stuff anyway, that's the only part that takes more than a few minutes anyway).
    Yinla likes this.
  18. Zombiee Journeyman

    it's not bugged. and yes raiding frostcrypt and ashengate with less than a full group is tricky even at 100. and the reward is very useful it's a 10k sot spread out over 18sec in an ae with no target limit and a 25 debuff to all resists that stacks with my poisons and my dragonshade mask. it's very useful. if you don't find it useful it's because you either don't know how to play your class or you have something better to take its place.
  19. Centuriana Sokokar New Member

    Congrats on the achievement - I'm working on it myself and as far as I'm concerned it's a huge accomplishment!!
  20. Tarrin Augur

    [IMG]Hero's Sigil of the Council Misc ID: 127047
    Slot: None
    Click Effect: Breath of the Council Casting Time: 0 Recast Delay: 300
    1: Decrease Current HP by 3684
    2: Decrease Current HP by 1848 per tick
    3: Cast: Haze of the Council

    [37978] Breath of the Council
    Target: Directional AE (330 to 30 Degrees)
    Range: 75', AE Range: 75'
    Resist: Lowest -100
    Reflectable: No
    Casting: 0s
    Duration: 18s (3 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
    Hate: 1
    1: Decrease Current HP by 3684
    2: Decrease Current HP by 1848 per tick
    3: Cast: Haze of the Council
    Text: You are caught in the breath of the council!
    Calls upon the will of the council to unleash a breath attack upon your foes, damaging them and reducing their resistance to all magic types.
    [38715] Haze of the Council
    Target: Single
    Range: 100'
    Resist: Lowest -100
    Reflectable: No
    Casting: 0s
    Duration: 60s (10 ticks), Dispelable: Yes
    Hate: 1
    3: Decrease All Resists by 25

    ~10k damage over 18 seconds. 300 second recast.

    Damage is not worth even bringing up. Resists aspect is nice if you actually have enough people to chain click it to keep it up. No stacking issue I see. 5 min recast is killer.