Returning Player LF a Friendly and Active Guild

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Chenrezig, Apr 14, 2014.

  1. Chenrezig New Member


    I'm interested in playing Everquest again and becoming a part of a friendly and active guild which is accepting of both hardcore raiders, semi-hard and casuals. I'm aware that there are busier servers where it would be much easier to find what I am looking for, but it is more practical to remain on Bertoxx/Saryrn. Plus am originally from both Saryrn and Bertox.

    Looking primarily for a guild that is mature, helpful and willing to accept as said above both hardcore and casual players. Also, an old school "family" environment would be nice if that exists. Highest level character I have achieved is a 95 Druid with over 8k AA. Also, have played a Necromancer which I boosted from 80 to 85. Completed 2.0 with both. Have a number of other lower level characters boosted to heroic level for the fun of it.

    Happy to hear suggestions of guilds similar to what I'm looking for. Mainly just want to be able to play the game with others without having to endlessly solo grind or beg for help when it's needed. Willing to give what I get as well. Thanks for taking a look at this post.

  2. Dandin Augur

    Circle of Legends is a guild on Bristlebane that would fit your description.
    Check us out at

    We raid Friday and Saterdays. A nice casual schedule ;)

    Questions? :tell bristle.dandin

  3. Dreekenail Journeyman

    Order of the Ancient Dragons very old school, we've got a lot of friendly people and do open raids every Friday and Saturday

    Shameless plug

    Send a tell to anyone and hopefully we should get you connected with an officer for an invite ;)
  4. Luvamie Journeyman

    Ring of Valor on Bristlebane is both a casual and full time top end raiding guild. We farm current CotF content on Sunday/Monday and then do casual/open raids for RoF content on Thursday/Friday. We have something for everyone. Give us a look --
  5. Chenrezig New Member

    Thank you for the Bristlebane posts. However, transferring the cadre of characters I would want around would be almost prohibitively expensive. I did see the Order of the Ancient Dragon listed. Remember it from a very long while ago. I'll be happy to give an in game /tell and discuss some things. Thanks.
  6. Fiyer New Member

    Divinity of Death is a newer guild on Saryrn/Bertoxx if anyone is looking for a fun, friendly, and helpful guild, look us up :)