The Judicator - cross agro warping (bug)

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Falos, Apr 2, 2014.

  1. Falos Augur

    This is a major major major problem with the design of the plane of war imo because 1. it prevents the group that spawned the judicator from killing it sometimes if another is spawned around the same time.

    As some people may know loot rights are granted and locked to the group that spawns their respective judicator (they get a message zone wide telling them to loot the corpse if they spawned it and someone else kills it)

    However, sometimes when two groups are engaging judicators at around the same time, one judicator will sometimes warp to the location of the other one and gang up on that group (which may make the group think they've been trained or whatever. After both judicators die the original group will get loot credit for their own judicator and the other group that had their named mob warp away without warning will get credit for theirs.

    This can lead to some very awkward situations as well as remove the ability for multiple groups to face this named at the same time.As it stands the only / best solution to this problem until the bug is fixed is for groups to be aware of this problem and work together / tell each other if their judicator has suddenly warped away. There are a lot of bugs and a lot of problems with this zone, as well as some design choices I do not agree with, but this particular problem makes it a lot harder for groups to work with one a nother in this zone and I'd very much like to see it fixed.

    For what it is worth, we've only spawned this mob two times so far, we killed it one time and then the 2nd time there were multiple judicators on track and ours warped *FAR* away to attack the other group, this is a horrible glitch and really needs to be fixed.
  2. Dzarn Developer

    A hotfix for The Judicator summoning other Judciators to assist him in his fight should be going live sometime tomorrow.
    Tarrin, Edrick, Tarvas and 2 others like this.
  3. Ravengloome Augur

    When is TEST getting that fix? As of 2 days ago Judicator still called for help
  4. Kreacher Augur should leave it in and force the teams to fight them near each other :)
    Qest T. Silverclaw likes this.
  5. sarthek New Member

    Funny...we reported this as a bug 2 days ago (or was it 3?) on Test, and they STILL pushed it live as bugged. If you have 2 or 3 Judicators up at the same time they will summon one another every 30% approximately. Along with the power up bug (assuming it's a bug since they never seem to power back down), this summon bug makes the T2 field virtually unbeatable for progression.
    Fenthen likes this.
  6. Qulas Augur

    [Wed Apr 02 18:09:48 2014] --Ayvan has looted a The Warlord's Blessing.--
    [Wed Apr 02 18:17:12 2014] --Savager has looted a The Warlord's Blessing.--
    [Wed Apr 02 18:51:35 2014] --You have looted a The Warlord's Blessing.--
    [Wed Apr 02 19:21:06 2014] --Foob has looted a The Warlord's Blessing.--
    [Wed Apr 02 19:53:04 2014] --Clarisaa has looted a The Warlord's Blessing.--
    [Wed Apr 02 20:23:58 2014] --Bandail has looted a The Warlord's Blessing.--
    [Wed Apr 02 20:48:03 2014] --Bahdah has looted a The Warlord's Blessing.--

    Let's not get too dramatic huh?
    Savager likes this.
  7. sarthek New Member

    Virtually unbeatable on the low pop. test server or virtually unbeatable for people that aren't decked out in all the best CoTF raid gear... better?
    Fenthen likes this.
  8. Qulas Augur

    How are you getting 2 Judicators to spawn if the population in there is so low?
  9. sarthek New Member

    The spawning mechanic is not difficult, just takes time if you do it molo or with a box or 2. There were 3 or 4 different "groups" of people (some test regulars with boxes, some live copies to scope it out for their guilds ahead of time, etc) killing T2 trash and they got judicators to spawn. If you spawn one and don't have a live tank or cleric the Judicator tends to power up and wipe that person. Then the Judicator stays powered up and summons onto the other groups when they get their own Judcator to spawn. It turns into a big mess, quickly.
    Fenthen likes this.
  10. Axxius Augur

    This is pretty dramatic from the grammar point of view. :(
    Fenthen and PrathunSOE like this.
  11. Denial_Sinfae Augur

    I have been clearing with my bots for most of the day, the only person on the other side of the wall and haven't seen the Judicator.

    Making me feel like "spawns anywhere" is a dramatization as well! I do have a couple hundred faction medals though.
  12. Denial_Sinfae Augur

    Well, spawned him. He got me! Long fight for 3 chars and 3 mercs!
  13. Denial_Sinfae Augur

    Hp much? Got him. Appears I just needed more than merc hp buffs.

    /G The Judicator in 543s, 37682k @69396dps
  14. Ravengloome Augur

    Nice work! Not a fun fight at all.
  15. Kongfoo Elder

    Darksoul Staff, the 2HB weapon dropped from The Judicator has a slot 7 on it instead of a slot 4 or 8 which makes it so no damage aug can be put into it.
    Fenthen likes this.
  16. SaderakhBertox Augur

    I noticed the loot rights actually follow the group leader at the time. They can drop the group mid-fight for another and take the loot rights with them.

    It is a fun fight. It's a fun zone. I'm loving it.
  17. Sanh Elder

    If there are multiple groups pulling, how would a group know who spawned a particular adjudicator......before pulling it?
  18. Filatal Augur

    It spawns randomly when another mobs dies and it spawn right where that mob dies. Whomever kills the that mob that spawns it is the "owner".
  19. Mythaniel Elder

    WTB your luck Qulas heh. Plowed field 2 for 5 hours last night and got 2 Judicators...
  20. sinderkad Augur

    It spawns from the corpse of any mob killed in the Field, so ALWAYS be prepared for it to pop right on top of you after any kill.