Cancel magic clickies/abilities

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by alidan, Mar 28, 2014.

  1. alidan Lorekeeper

    What are the best clickies/abilities are there for cancel magic, doesn't matter the class.
  2. Yther Augur

    More specifics would help narrow it down. If you're really after Cancel Magic types only, and not remove detrimental or remove beneficial dispells.

    Cancel Magic Items:
    Most Cancel Magic type Spells: use links to find items.
    Shaman Dispell Detrimental Spell: Pure Spirit

    There are AAs such as

    Detrimental effects with counters can be removed by using appropriate cures. See and/or

    As you can see from the spell links there are a ton of spells to go through to cover every type.

    Yther Ore.
  3. alidan Lorekeeper

    Mostly we need to strip mobs of buffs, and I want to know which classes get the best clickies/abilities/spells so we can optimize.

    none of the normal places I go to figure this out have a search term for this.
  4. Yther Augur

    The best are the remove detrimental lines like the Ranger Nature's Entropy line of spells.
    Should be most of those type of spells as follows:
    Silver Breath
    Abolish Enchantment
    Nature's Balance
    Hushed Disturbance
    Silent Disturbance
    Breath of Silver
    Illixis' Essence of Music
    Fabled Silver Breath
    Whispering Wind
    Abolishing Mist
    Whispering Wind
    Nature's Entropy
    Nature's Entropy Rk. II
    Nature's Entropy Rk. III
    Nature's Decay
    Nature's Decay Rk. II
    Nature's Decay Rk. III
    Nature's Decay
    Nature's Decay Rk. II
    Nature's Decay Rk. III
    Self Denial
    Abrupt Awakening
    Kolos' Ravaging Teeth
    Clean Soul
    Kolos' Ravaging Teeth
    Siphon Healing I
    Siphon Healing II
    Siphon Healing III
    Siphon Healing IV
    Siphon Healing V

    You'll have to check the links to see where they come from and if they're on any clicky items. If you have a Ranger, they would probably be the best bet, since they get this spell line as well as the cancel magic line (annul magic being the best one that Rangers get). Monks get a chest clicky from Overlord Mata Muram that is the same Nature's Balance as the first Rng of that line. Many classes get the cancel magic line, but it will dispell beneficial and detrimental effects. The Nature's Balance line only removes beneficial, so you can slow them, then dispell them without worrying about removing the slow, unlike the cancel magic line.

    EDIT: Another link to same line of spells, just in case I missed some: beneficial

    Hope this helps,

    Yther Ore.
  5. Ismel Augur

  6. alidan Lorekeeper

    Ok, now here is a question

    Dispel Beneficial (9)

    Now the particular spell i'm looking at does this 3 times, im guessing, so that would hit 3 spells. but what does the (9) mean, because the way im seeing it there is little difference between many of the clickies i can use, and many of the spells others can. But for some reason, my clickie will never remove a spell, but others abilities will.
  7. alidan Lorekeeper

    I am able to use that, however, i am useing right now

    and the rod looks to do 3 buffs, but its the same effect otherwise.
  8. Yther Augur

    I'm not absolute sure what the 9 means, but assume it's better chance to remove an effect, 'cause the 3 rk spells are (8), (9), and (10), respectively. You are correct, if it is in 3 slots, then it dispels 3 buffs at a time / cast. I never played with the different spells enough to determine what the 8, 9, and 10 differences for sure. Just my assumption. Probably along the same lines as the numbers for Cancel Magic (9) mean, if you find that answer some where, since most cancel magic lines are rated at (9), 'cept for a few, like Cancel Magic spell is a (1). Similarly, on the Cancel Magic lines, it's the number of slots with the effect that determines the amount of buffs.

    Yther Ore.
  9. feiddan Augur

    Old monk BP clickies also have a dispel.
  10. Yther Augur

  11. Gorkeyah New Member

    Abashi's will be hard to get. Monk omm bp works. I find that the other monk bps rarely work.
  12. Fanra

    Here are some monk only ones
    I've found the Osh'vir's Whisperwind Tunic appears to not remove mob buffs as well as the Fiercehand Shroud of the Focused and Mist-Blessed Leather Tunic. The Osh'vir's Whisperwind Tunic also appears to be on the same timer as other monk abilities, while the others don't seem to be, so sometimes Osh'vir's just doesn't work for a while.

    I've been afraid to mention anything to the Devs about the problems with the Osh'vir's Whisperwind Tunic because I'm afraid they will look at all the tunics and announce that they all should be as bad as the Osh'vir's Whisperwind Tunic and it was not intended that the others be as good as they are and the nerf bat will arrive.

    I haven't tested the Hardened Energeiac Leather Tunic because I don't have it. So I don't know how well it works.

    Also, these tunics are great for pulling mobs. Better and faster than throwing something at them.
    Yther likes this.
  13. Kiillz Augur

    Radvar's Rod pf Disruption also had Abolish Enchantment aside from Abashi's
  14. Teferi_Zebuxoruk Master

  15. Fanra

    Thanks for pointing out that they share the Recast Type 16 timer. That must be the issue (or at least one of them). SOE needs to remove the recast timer on Osh'vir's Whisperwind Tunic and Hardened Energeiac Leather Tunic, it doesn't make sense to be locked out of them for 10 minutes just because you use a modern tunic.
  16. Yther Augur

    Bah, me and typing are not friends. :( I meant Remove Beneficial line of spells, which the Rng Nature's Balance line are and the monk BP clickies, etc.

    Yther Ore.
  17. Ssixa Augur

    It does make sense, and changing the recast type isn't likely to happen for those monk bps. Every class' TSS Raid BP and all class BPs onward have a recast type 16. They aren't going to change it for monks only. If you want to remove buffs like that, the Fiercehand tunic is pretty easy to get these days, if you don't mind grinding out some faction in Anguish.