waiting for buffs in GL and zones camped

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Evertrek, Mar 19, 2014.

  1. Evertrek Augur

    same old EQ, a lot of good things about it but the 2 that put people off are the above. having to sit and beg for buffs, maybe die, then come back for more in the Guild Lobby are by far as bad as the old corpse runs. then once we get the buffs and run for 10 minutes to the zone, 95-100ish leveling areas, they are camped full! cant find groups willing to share and just in general the guild clicks seem to be the norm as far as camping areas.

    the game really needs to address the buff situation to pull me back in full time. camped zones seem to need to be addressed also, but not really sure of an easy fix. i like a challenge, not wait and get buffed. been playing EQ1 on and off for 15 years, i solo sometimes and group whenever i can get one, but not a fan of waiting for a buff.
  2. tarquinn21 Elder

    Why can't you just go play without being fully raid buffed?
    RPoo, Sinestra, Edrick and 1 other person like this.
  3. Daegun Augur

    ^ what he said

    Buffs are a luxury, not a right. If you choose to use you own time to find them so be it, but your post smacks of 'whine' and 'entitlement'.
    Evantil Drop Bear likes this.
  4. Evantil Drop Bear Spite Golem

    Right now is the perfect time to make a free account and your very own level 85 Heroic Buff shaman! Considering free accounts can get up to level 95, you could put in some effort to have a level 95 buff bot shaman.

    Only person holding you back is yourself.
    Quatr and Axxius like this.
  5. Daegun Augur

    Everyone has pocket cleric buff.

    We all have run 5

    Weak but workable haste, clarity and bst regen potions.

    Nobody NEEDS buffs these days, and even a warrior can find productive things without a group these days (mercs). Find one other person and you have a workable group.

    This thread is pointless.
    Ardin, Pirouette and Axxius like this.
  6. Evertrek Augur

    the zombie lobby has been around since POK was added and at this time it is possible to make 5 accounts with enough buff bots to do the trick, but that is not a challenge, it does not add depth to the game, it's just busy. buffs are needed even if you have a group of 2 or 3 plus mercs, the prof is in the number of people still sitting in the GL.

    tonight it looks like box town in most zones. with one guy pulling to his group of boxed freebee heroics. i am also seeing afk leveling now too at level 85! buffs that are persistent though death and instancing of zones would help. adding more quests in the hot zones would not hurt either.
  7. Feradach Augur

    And before PoK, folks gathered in the Nexus for buffs. And before the Nexus there was, well, nothing really but that's beside the point. The existence of common locations for folks to gather and fire off MGBs is hardly proof that buffs are needed. You do not need them at all. Roll with what your group can offer, and you're good. The only reason guild lobby and PoK are full of idlers now is because there's no reason not to. Buffs won't fade, maybe you'll pick up something useful, but maybe not. Either way it should not impact how you play the game.
    Pirouette likes this.
  8. iniari-TR Augur

    if you believe those "95-100ish" leveling areas are the place to go, you have much learning my young padawah..

    there are endzones with mobs easier then other lesser zones and with more xp / kill.

    look in areas away from the main crowd. I've found spots with 5-6 mobs standing in area , easy camp but in a place that people didn't tend to go.

    also. for lvl 95-100 "camp / grind " is the worst way to make xp for rof / cotf. far greater xp is earned from doing the progression tasks.
  9. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    Camped zones? EQ is huge! There's lots of content for all levels, and the idea that it's even mostly camped is ludicrous.

    As stated, you don't need buffs, but if you want them, the best way to get them is to invite people into your group!

    I think the real problem is that people fear grouping with new heroic characters. Their character might die! OMG, horror! So, it's not so much cliques, but more knowns vs. unknowns. And, honestly, do you really want to group with someone who just wants to play by themselves?
  10. Fendy Augur

    If you can't find a group start your own!
    /ooc uber group looking for more. only 5 slots left! going fast!
    Usually gets a few chuckles. And sometimes gets other folks who are looking for a group.
    Potawatomi and Chartrusejello like this.
  11. Pwnography Augur

    I honestly don't see the problem you're mentioning. I found leveling up that putting LFG in general was more than sufficient for getting groups. Sometimes it takes a little bit, but they're around. My server is relatively low population, but by the sounds of 'everything is camped,' it sounds like there are even more where you are.

    I completely don't understand the buff needs. Your cleric merc alone will tackle a major buff. Haste/clarity potions are buyable from vendors and take care of that need. Lets not to forget the 7-8 buffs you have on items to click. The only possible reason I could consider you waiting would be on a melee dps character and 'wanting' unity. That definitely isn't s necessity.

    With regards to everything being camped, I just don't buy it. Maybe your 'preferred' or 'popular' spots are, but there are mobs everywhere. Without 80+ in West Karanas, all grouping, I cant possibly imagine it. Neriak is the same situation. The truth is, most people are running heroics though and not camping static zones.

    Lets grant you for one moment, though, that ALL CoTF mobs are taken in every static zone. Why not Heart of Fear? Plane of Shadow? Chelsith? Chapterhouse? You realize almost all of us hit 100 in these zones, right? All RoF is an easy path to 100. Also, wtf is up with running TEN minutes to a zone? Take the guild hall portal to Shards or Ethernere. This is literally a 30 second endeavor. Even if you don't have a guild, just make one with any name at all, then use the guild hall. I almost feel like I'm getting trolled here. Seriously. It just feels too legit, though. The OP is either a master in the form of trolling, or greatly overexaggerating every single claim.

    I fail to see a point here.
    Quatr likes this.
  12. Putrify Elder

    Back on Tarrew Marr we'd go to the East Commons Tunnels to get buffs from people who were busy buying/selling. "Torch 2 for crack!"

    Good times. LOL.
  13. Sobeit Journeyman

    If you want to re-live those times, grab the old MM that requires you to loot the Griffon eggs. You will experience OOC spam of folks selling stuff in the tunnels. (I always thought that was a nice touch).
    Sinestra likes this.
  14. Putrify Elder

    Cool! Is it this one?


    I'll try for that this weekend. =)
  15. Westo Journeyman

    On zek, we are too rude to buff you, and if you camp a zone we kill you.
    Solved and Solved.