Bazaar filtering *out* collectibles...

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by TheQxx, Mar 13, 2014.

  1. TheQxx Augur

    Maybe I'm overlooking something...

    There is a filter option to show 'Collectibles' but can you do the inverse? Filter out collectibles? There is a massive amount of collectibles floating around the Baz which is making generic searches difficult. Just as an example, sometimes I scan the Baz to see if any super rare items are for sale. The quickest way is to do something like set the race to Human and do a price range like 100,000 to 9,999,999. If you do that now, you get a list like this that is littered with Collectible items. Since Collectible items are everywhere and not going away any time soon, can we have a way of filtering them out of Baz searches?


    This seems like such an obvious filter option that should be there that I feel like I'm overlooking it and waiting anxiously to have it pointed out to me in this thread and subsequently look like a moe. If not, please add this filtering option.
    Shillyona, Beimeith and Smallpox like this.
  2. Uuvin Augur

    jeez, you have some insane prices there.
    TheQxx likes this.
  3. Tobynn Augur

    I must assume all those pictured items are available simply because no one in their right mind would pay such extraordinarily inflated prices for collectibles. Most of that stuff is quite literally 100x cheaper here.
    TheQxx likes this.
  4. TheQxx Augur

    People seriously over and under value collectibles on Xegony, it's ridiculous. This morning I saw someone selling a collectible for 75k and someone else selling the same collectible for 4pp (four. platinum. pieces.) and a bunch of others selling the same item for all sorts of ranges between the two. This is not an uncommon thing to see over here.
    Shillyona likes this.
  5. Putrify Elder

    I know to filter out Hero's Forged stuff (etc.) when you're looking for gear, you can "Select by Stat: Armor Class."
    Shillyona and Pirouette like this.
  6. Pirouette Augur

    That's what I always do, though I have to say it's hellish trying to find weapon ornamentations.
  7. Xtor Zadamose Journeyman

    I agree with you on that one. It would be cool to get more filters for the bazaar search. Though it would be easier for them to perma kill Vendor and Buyer on your server. I think a lot of people on that server would be cheering for that. lol
  8. Xirtket Augur

    250k+ for some of those collectibles?! I need to setup a trader on that server
  9. Iila Augur

    Doesn't mean any of them are selling. Those are just the ones at the top of the price list.
    Shillyona likes this.