What if raid loot are made usable on raids only?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Sais, Mar 12, 2014.

  1. Axxius Augur

    Yes, yes, like I said, you only propose that because you care about the raiders. Thank you, kind soul! :)
  2. Tharrg Augur

    I always thought it would be crazy to create a deleveling system in the game. You reach max level and you choose an option to go back to level 1. You keep everything you had (gear/aa/etc) but you are now level 1 again. You have to then re-level back to max level.... Maybe create some sorta perk for each time you do it. Like create an achievement system that requires them to level certain ways and in certain zones. and if they follow it and finish it, they get some better gear/augment/special ability etc. You can even do it in a way that requires them to not get power leveled by using zones that have level restrictions etc.. or need flag that actually must be gotten. The requirements may also require no merc or to try an encounter with cloth/bronze armor only. Really challengeing requirements that would make them work hard.
  3. Sheex Goodnight, Springton. There will be no encores.

    Sounds like the Chrono Trigger New Game Plus feature!

    In EQ it's called making alts and twinking them.
  4. Sais New Member

    Apart from more grouping ( we agree to disagree on whether gear plays a factor), the new way of designing raid loot would slow down on gear inflation as well as better bridging expansions, and making group contents more relevant for raiders.

    It can be triggered stat, a bane +dmg, or like how corruption was needed on Xolok, all of which will make tuning easier because it doesnt have to build entirely on the massive hp/dps that we currently at. It can build up more gradually than keeping beefing up mobs dps output which directly lead to the need for more hp on gear thats already close to 4k.
  5. Forcallen Augur

    I could get behind this idea but only if you took it a step further. All gear and augs only work in the zone you got them in, both group and raid, and you had to progress through group zones via flagging and progression like raids and not just jump into any zone you want. Basically requiring you to put the time and effort into each zone before moving on to the next by farming a set of gear for that zone. ....................................................................Didn't think so.
  6. Tarrin Augur

    Sorta like when the corruption resist was created in TSS, then almost instantly forgotten about outside of a handful of encounters.
  7. Zantor Augur

    They would also take out the incentive for people to raid and make their toons better, so no that will never happen.
  8. Obiziana Augur

    This is silly.

    I don't raid, I would love to, but don't have the time. Why would anyone do a raid more than once if it weren't for the gear. See it once, OK, next...
  9. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    You could also make lvl 100 group gear only usable in lvl 95 plus zones... While we are at it why not make it so only =level range spells work to the zone you are standing in.
  10. sojuu Augur

    It was only his base intelligence and with being over the cap his character didn't loose any stats ;p
  11. Sais New Member

    Good to know his stats are safe.
  12. Valk Journeyman

    Because I raid, where you choose not to raid, I have to lose the future benefits of the better armor and weapons I play to achieve?
    Why do I have to have the same stats as you? I choose to raid, I choose to take the steps to have better gear. Why should I have the same gear as you?
    Unless EQ is becoming a communist game now?

    I am not trying to come off as a total ***, but I really do not like this idea.
  13. 1andOnly Journeyman

    It is wishful thinking because of the lack of incentive and deflated egos that would result.
    But isn't there code already that can modify gear stats? (mainly seen in any gear with a recommended level)

    If so, I doubt that tool would still be used in any way to make Type 8 gear...
    • Only have the full stats inside a raid instance zone (or any zone with mobs that con "take an army to defeat")
    • Have alternate stats outside raid flagged zones (somewhere between top tier group and lowest tier raid) to still give the raiders the edge they want, however not as much as it is now.
  14. Tharrg Augur

    Or instead of ticking off the Raiders... we create a PreRaid gear set of armor.. One that is better than top group gear but not as good as Raid gear.. that becomes a stepping stone. Make it availiable through like the last expansions Raids or which ever expansion raids thats loot is now below that of the Top group gear. This will keep the gear still technically raid gear.. but doable by groups... and not tick off the Raiders a ton... since their ego will stay entact. Also keeps past expansions alive... for a little... so for instance when next expansion opens that greates better group gear then the raid gear that drops now.... the raids loot will be modified to be better than the top group gear of the new expansions but still less than the raid gear in new expansion...
  15. Tolkeen Lorekeeper

    Dungeons and Dragons Online has a de-leveling system called "True Reincarnation". Once you reach level cap you can de-level your char and rebuild it, and gain access to abilities related to your "last life", so if you change class from a cleric to a monk, then as a monk you would have one cleric-esque ability.

    It's an amazing system, and one great aspect to the game that keeps me playing.
  16. gcubed Augur

    First off, attributing what you want to say to me by inserting YOUR words into the quote of what I said is really bad form.

    You are missing the point of what I said though. A person in Tier 4 VoA raid gear has gear that is marginally better than CoF group gear. If you give that raid gear the stats of VoA Tier 4 group gear, then the raider who started out with superior gear suddenly finds themselves in gear that is inferior to current group gear. The same holds true for a raider in RoF gear.
  17. Kelefane Augur

  18. Noirfu Augur

    This idea has been suggested many times in the past, and always by non-raiders trying to "solve" a raider's non-problem.

    For many of us, the key reason to play EQ is to progress our characters making older or lower-difficulty content easier to get through efficiently. Raiding is not about beating an event once, it's about doing the whole tier dozens and dozens of times to get your entire guild geared up.

    I see grouping as the practice you have to do to get your character ready to play the real game. All raiders are groupers, but all groupers are not raiders. Making "practice" harder with no increase in its effectiveness simply decreases the motivation to raid at all and thus guts the one entirely unique thing about EQ (Large-scale complex raids unlike those in other MMOs).

    All the fluff they've added in the last couple of years like meaningless achievements causes some people to play more or have more of a reason to do the "practice" part of the game but they're no substitute for real content. Luckily I don't have OCD and can simply ignore most of those.
  19. Arwyn-RoV Augur

    And interesting but it is a very impractical idea to implement. It does beg the larger question, "why should it be". I worked hard for my raid gear too.

    SoE has made a game for many people to play as they seem fit. If you envy the power raid items give, you know what to do to solve that. Wishing the world was different so you wouldn't have to make the effort to achieve the gain goes against the very grain of an MMORPG.
    Kelefane likes this.
  20. blood & gufts Augur

    Does this want come from you not raiding ? And want people to have equip like you ?

    I doubt it would encourage more grouping between raiders/non raiders, because people Group with those they know.