How about lowering the LDoN cap? Again.

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Halfwise, Feb 27, 2014.

  1. ABBulldog Journeyman

    They should just open LdoNs up like the rest of the world. This was a great feature from a great expansion. So much fun with them. Today forget about getting a real group to do them. Have to box and then I usually kill everything molo anyway.

    Just make them regular dungeons so people can actually use the content without having to box or beg for a partner/group for hrs.
  2. complexication Kassina

    Pretty sure you can do a LDoN with two people providing there's a mercenary up. That's how I do it all the time with a friend's druid.
  3. GuardSoroko Journeyman

    So LDON is a soloable series of zones, so long as you have one other person in the group?
  4. Quatr Augur

    Back when LDON was released, it required a group. Around 2007 my friends and I could do most of them with just 3 people. With mercs, Defiant gear and other goodies, you can probably molo them now, but I haven't tried it.
  5. Borek-VS Augur

    I've not had a problem moloing LDoN adventures since Defiant and mercs were available. You need a second character in the right level range, but they can sit in the Guild Lobby if you wish.
  6. Halfwise New Member

    Aye, that's about the sum of it. But the question is not whether I can box or what-not to get into LDoN...It's should we have to.

    We are already jumping through hoops to molo LDoN... SOE should just accept that's what people do an lower the entry barrier. Legacy Code permitting, of course. Though they lowered it from 4 to 3 hard would it be to lower it again, I wonder. Or hell, add an NPC...which will give you "The Spirit of the Wayfarer"...A useless NPC floaty thing that sits in your group to fill the last slot.

    (Mostly a shameless self-bump. The heroic char threads are taking over!)
  7. Quatr Augur

    Is it still true that you are limited to "hard 65" adventures once the average level of your group is 68+? If so, then I would imagine that moloing could be problematic in the 68-75 range. As I recall, "hard 65" mobs hit for close to 1K (?) and that's a lot at that level, especially if you can't single pull.
  8. moogs Augur

    A level 85 can clear an LDoN solo in about 10 minutes. You need 3 in group (counting mercenaries and players). Only one person has to actually zone in, from what I remember.

    I would say that everyone should do Everfrost LDoNs to get but sadly it's PRESTIGE.
  9. Borek-VS Augur

    The limit to hard 65 still applies. I've certainly done them with a merc at 70, and with modern gear, buffs and good AAs it was fine. Not sure about 68/69, but I'd have though that wouldn't be much more trouble if you were careful.
  10. Quatr Augur

    Interesting. I should give it a try on a couple of my high 60s characters and see how it goes...
  11. Halfwise New Member

    In order to bump this thread, keep a record, and potentially induce some action, I am going to start recording the amount of time it takes to get into LDoN.

    Note: Even though boxing is now allowable in EQ, it should never be a requirement to access content.

    March 16, 2014
    ~3:00pm - 3:45pm waiting for group
    1 hours in dungeon
    Had to log afterward... Logged in Later.
    7:10pm to 9:45pm
    No LDoN Group, had to Log for tonight.

    March 17, 2014
    Logged in 7:30 pm... Currently 8:15, no group.

    Note 2: By "group", I mean these supposed plethora of people who will just sit around while you do the dungeon, either around your level or shrouded down to your level.
  12. Halfwise New Member

    [No edits after 30 minutes.]
    March 17, 2014
    7:30pm - 9:35pm, no "sit-in" volunteers. Had to log for the night. (Well, 1 volunteer, but they were too high for me to request an adventure, despite still being in the XP gaining range. Logged when shrouding was suggested. But hey, at least I was able to guide them to their wayfarer's stone.)

    Current Tally:
    1 Hour of LDoN to 5 hours of Waiting.
  13. feiddan Augur

    No one needs an LDoN stone for those. A merc can suffice, taking up one of the group slots, so you only need one person.

    I suspect the problem is your level - at 100, I am always able to find willing volunteers quickly! Who doesn't want free LDoN points?!
  14. Halfwise New Member

    Aye, probably is my level. But unlike many, I do not wish to rush to endgame then do LDoN.. I'd like to get items, and armor, while it is still viable in other old content. Boxing should not be a requirement to be able to enter LDoN, so I'd also say that level 100 should not be a requirement to do LDoN either. (artificial requirement is what I mean, for clarification)

    The merc... one again, and as stated MANY times in this thread. I am well aware a merc counts, and I only need one person. I cannot even get the one person. Free LDoN points were mentioned.

    As for the stone, the one volunteer wanted to actually join me and see how LDoN worked, thus the stone is necessary if they want credit towards it (credit beyond just Adventure Points).