New minimalist interface

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Voktar, Feb 28, 2014.

  1. Voktar Journeyman

    Hello, i returned to the game after Vanguard's shuting down announcement, but i found the Default Interface a little clumsy for my taste.

    I found that before even start playing i had to reposition windows and change transparencies.

    Filigrees are cool but annoying, default windows are not squared, so i made some changes :)

    Here are the features:

    . Simple Titlebars and Buttons.
    . Squared Windows.
    . 1px Borders.
    . Fully resizable labeled short & long duration buffs windows.
    . Horizontal Combat Abilities Layout.
    . Better Breath & Casting Bars.
    . Tweaked the MainEQ 'double' button for hide StationCash, it's still accesible under the mainEQ button.
    . Unnecessary Titlebars Removed.
    . Repositioned the Auto-Grant Enable Button, it was overlapping with the Monster Abilities label.
    . Moved up the bottom border of the Spell Book, was falling in empty space by 27px

    Here a screenshot comparison, before and after:


    The interface is located at eqinterface, i hope it could be usseful for a few people.
    Augur likes this.
  2. Gortar Augur

  3. Fle2ch Elder

    Looks nice. I'm still trying to get to grips with mine after returning. Some good ideas there indeed.
    I played EQ for so many years with a vertical cast bar though might be weird horizontal.
  4. silku Augur

    I like it, I need to do something like that too
  5. Gortar Augur

    I have felt for a long while now that the default interface is in a terrible state when a new character is created. The ui itself could use some work to update (or downdate) it a bit as well. I think you did a good job on this one!
  6. Voktar Journeyman

    The Cast Spell Window is like the HotButtons bars, you can put it in horizontal or vertical, i did not changed it.

    The layout that i changed was the Combat Abilities as show in the image below, i think it looks better and more compact in horizontal, but this is only a personal preference of course :)

  7. Ravengloome Augur

    That is very nice
  8. Marshall Maathers Augur

    Pretty nice. I have Taken all except the buff windows. In windowed mode with my 1366x768 display, I don't have the luxury of including the buff names and duration next to the buff icons.
  9. Iila Augur

    Have you taken a look at WatUI and its descendant, Zilz-ui? They seem like UIs you would like, might find some good ideas in there, too.

    The default EQ UI is exceptionally bad and unfriendly for lots of reasons that get listed in huge threads every 6-12 months. It's up there with not having maps for bad decisions trying to lose new/returning players as quickly as possible.
  10. drkoli Augur

    Maybe I'm just lazy but I don't mind the default ui. I never could find a ui I truly liked. And when I was looking for a new one it seemed like every patch screwed your ui up
  11. IceSy Augur

    Sparxx has a really good UI that is very minimalistic. I use his with a little mix of pieces I made.
  12. Braveheart Augur

    Here is a copy of what I use. It can also be found in eqinterface; search Braveheart.
  13. Ishtass Augur

    Mine on an alt in this pic:


    Custom player window, small eq button, xtt window, potion belt. Tiny buffs. Big combined bank window in front. Custom compass with +/- for directions. Most of this taken from others that I've modified and kept updated over the years.

    My main has 3 windows across the bottom, and 2 rows of hotkeys across the bottom (using all 10 hotkey bars).

    The best part is they are all set to be clear when I'm not moused over, so it looks very open (without the bank window up at least).
  14. Voktar Journeyman

    Sorry my intention was to update my first post but i can't. Where is the edit button? So sorry for the spam.

    I just want to say that i have updated the interface. I think it don't need more revisions, so finally i can start playing :)

    Fore anyone interested, this customUI is very easy to maintain and fix if future patches break it, i have included a changelog for each file i have modified, so will be pretty straightforward... just copy/paste.

    Now i will stop spamming and here are the changes:

    > Features:

    . 15px high titlebars with custom minimize/maximize, help and close buttons.
    . 1px borders.
    . No filigrees! All window borders are square.
    . Unnecessary titlebars removed.
    . Smaller long and short duration buff windows with spell names. Buff icon sizes are 18*18px.
    . Horizontal combat abilities window.
    . Slightly bigger casting bar that shows the spell name inside.
    . Slightly bigger and informative breath bar ;)
    . MainEQ button without the visible StationStore part, that's still accesible under the menu.
    . Compact pet window, with HP bars that shows the pet name inside.
    . Resizable target of target window.

    > Cosmetic fixes:

    . Repositioned some elements for better accommodate their respective windows.

    . Removed a few pixels from margins and paddings from various windows.

    . Repositioned the 'Auto-Grant Enable' button in the Alternate Advancement window, it was overlapping with the Monster Abilities label.

    . Moved up the bottom border of the Spellbook, previously you were able of move it way below the
    actual visible graphics.

    And the final screenshots:

  15. Augur Developer

    These UIs look great. I've always preferred minimalistic styles, and have been looking for something new to try. I'll definitely try some of these this week and make my own tweaks.

    Thanks for sharing, and keep up the awesome work!
  16. Explicit Augur

    I left a couple of things default like the song and buff window as well as HOTT but otherwise I really like it, nice UI Voktar