The worst classes to duo.

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Osco, Mar 2, 2014.

  1. Osco Journeyman

    Everyone always wants to know what the "best" two classes are to box, but nobody has posted much information on the worst.

    What do you think are the two worst classes to play together and why?

    I am more interested in boxing two different classes, rather than the same class. But I guess I could always box a ROG and a ROG, both with ROG mercs maybe.
  2. Pather Journeyman

    Paladin + Cleric without mercs, omg, you resist alive infinite fights!

    The worst part is that I've done a lot of that duo in the past...
  3. SaderakhBertox Augur

    In the Velious / Luclin era, I played a cleric and a buddy on his warrior... while there wasn't really much we couldn't accomplish, it sure was a big endurance check... and without snare, I swear we chased runners across entire zones sometimes.
  4. Ravengloome Augur

    With the onset of mercs there is no bad duo realistically. You have to play to the strengths of your group/duo and find content that their particular niche will allow them too do.

    The only duo I can think of that would make me really scratch my head, would be something like 2 Warriors, or 2 clerics. Pretty much any duo other then that would serve some legitimate purpose to a degree.
  5. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    2 tanks, 2 clerics, 2 rogues, 2 zerks, rog/zerk

    They can all function minimally, but I'd put those at the bottom of the barrel.
  6. Ravengloome Augur

    I would say a 2 knight team would be a cut above the other ones you listed...

    SK's Synergy pretty well with Paladins and themselves. It would allow the use of 2 DPS mercs either way
    SK/SK (3:34 of epic out of 5 minutes). SK/PAL (HOTT heals from the paladin more then sufficient to keep the SK alive, or Epic more then sufficent to heal the Paladin), PAL/PAL (HOTT heals + alternating Spire, Group inquis, epics, etc means neither paladin is ever without a large % of heal mod)

    Would get you alot further then 2 Warriors or 2 clerics, 2 rogues or 2 zerks.
  7. Edrick Augur

    For more realistic scenarios, two melee characters, sort of like how you mentioned above with two rogues. Its a pain in the halfling to follow the mob to stay within melee range. A caster is much simpler with a macro and they do not need to hug the baddie you're fighting when they cast their spells.
  8. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    there have been a few who took the rog boxing or zerker boxing to a whole new level of awesome.
  9. silku Augur

    I'd imagine two zerkers would be probalby the least viable in the most content. No real pulling techniques, lots of dps, but no ADPS to make them shine. Not the best tanks, so would have to use tank merc and cleric merc, and then figure out how to single.
  10. Langya Augur

    I box a rogue along with a berserker. The only saving grace is there is also a bard thrown in that mix and I can sub out my rogue for a mage if I need to actually tank something past the abilities of a tank merc. Which is most anything red con. The set up is loads of damage but its all offense and just about zero defense. That is a trio I guess, which probably defeats the intent of this thread but the bard is what transforms it from being utterly terrible to something worthwhile. The rogue and zerk with no bard is doable with the rogue pulling but why bother. Two zerkers...yah. might as well cancel one account and LFG.
  11. Axxius Augur

    Rogue + rogue. Or if you want 2 different classes then rogue + berserker. All that melee without being able to apply it to anything.
  12. fransisco Augur

    Cleric Shaman?
    Nothing dies, EVER! Including your mobs
    Draego and guado like this.
  13. Flutegirl Journeyman

    Bard/ Bard

    Woeful burst and sustained DPS and one is made pretty much redundant
  14. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    The Cleric/Shaman can use 2 caster mercs on burn. When you find a named, swap one for a tank.

    The problem rog/zerk has is that the tank/healer mercs are operating without support, so they're going to have great difficulty with named.
  15. Marshall Maathers Augur

    Adding a melee box to your mage, without using tank merc.
  16. Pirouette Augur

    I was boxing my SK/ENC through HA's and screaming LFM at the top of my lungs. I have never seen something die more slowly. My ENC was even maxxed out on offensive AAs...

    But far from the worst. SK/ENC has a ton of flexibility.

    Surprised no one mentioned bard/bard. Their buffs don't stack so one of them would have to spam crappy DoT songs but since both their personal DPS blows so hard they'd probably both be spamming crappy dot songs/Insult just to make things die. They could duo up with charm kiting but personally I'd feel like the other guy was just getting in my way.

    ENC charm kiting is more dangerous, so ENC/ENC would be more viable than ^, can have one person set on root/pull duty while the other guy holds aggro. But it's already pretty boring, take the danger out and it's excruciating =P
  17. code-zero Augur

    bard/bard could each be charm kiting entirely different groups of mobs in the right area, one could handle getting a nice wad of mobs gathered while the other charmed their victim etc.

    It wouldn't be a boxable solution but it could be interesting
  18. saarc New Member

    Pretty sure any combo is "boxable" with enough training and planning.
  19. Langya Augur

    Sure, but would you really want to?
    Pretty much any "bad duo" is one where you have a merc for a tank, can't effectively pull, slow or CC. That or there are massive amounts of running around and being 100% attentive. In this case, bard/bard charm kiting duo wins this whole contest, hands down. Its possible, but it counts as sadomasochism.
  20. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    Also, jumping off very high places without lev or keeping all your gear in your bags.