Augs for Caster?

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Brohan07, Feb 11, 2014.

  1. Brohan07 Journeyman

    What are level 100 casters using in regards to augs these days? Now I am talking about ones we can get from named, attunable/Bazaar, or with various currencies etc. I have most of the nicer ones from anniversary events and those generally have a mix of everything and AC, so those are golden. My question is primarily about the other many type 7 augs out there.

    Lately as a 100 necro, I just can't seem to justify heroic wis/int augs any more. I know some do have other mods like healing+ clairvoyance, spell damage, and I am keenly aware of these mods.

    I am maxed AA, pretty much all CoTF gear maybe 2 pieces still RoF tier 4. When I am not messing around on my own, I am always pulling for my group -- fast fast killing group. I don’t run out of mana, but I do get batted around. Trying to keep feeding mobs to the group with no downtime (you shall not SNARE!), mechanics, parking extra ready to be killed, dealing with summoning mobs etc., I am asking myself just what heroic Wis/Int augs do for me LOL.

    Figured I would want to get whatever little bit extra mitigation/defensive I can get, no matter how little even as a cloth class. Every bit helps I guess. Is everyone now pretty much just hitting heroic AGI/DEX and AC, (and the various HP/Mana and mods etc that come with these varied augs)? I can see melee DPS classes going for Str etc, and obviously tank classes already go for AGI/DEX and AC, but what about casters!!

  2. Dandin Augur

    Heroic AGI
    Spell damage.

    That's what I look for

    100 Enchanter
  3. Potawatomi Augur

    AC and Stamina Augs, you'll have no use for spell damage augs.
  4. Naugrin Augur

    I think most necros aug for hp and Hstam, mana, and Hint are nice byproducts.
    Faern likes this.
  5. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    With the effects of, Death Bloom, Death Blossom, Lich, Blood Magic, Lifeburn, and the Recourse from Embalmers we usually Use hp or Hsta augs. is a good place to find out the "better augs" based off what the other necros are using. Just do Class Necro and value: HP
  6. Atvar Augur

  7. tekenn Journeyman

    enchanter wise, using AC / HAgi first, AC/HSta secondly, and AC/Hint thirdly...
  8. fransisco Augur

    I've been starting to think AC augs are only there to make you feel better as a caster. Some parsing I did with and without a shield showed a 10-15% difference in mitigation.
    Not that big, and that's a shield - which is all under the soft cap ac. Some 240 raw shield ac (include shield aug) would take over 2000 raw points of ac augs to equal. (Raw pts meaning what the item states, not the change in your ac when equiped). Since we can't get remotely close to that, gearing for straight ac augs might give a 1-2% mitigation boost.

    I'm thinking hAgi should be the number one goal. 25pts gives a 1% dodge increase. Way better than ac returns. Admittedly raid bosses have 100% strike through against dodge, but since when can a caster survive a raid boss anyways?
  9. Brohan07 Journeyman

    Thank you all. Ok I am seeing the wider picture here.
    Gona try out my set of augs that focus on hAgi first and aSta keeping AC in mind but not killing myself for it. Many of the good ones have a nice mix of everything anyway so not concerned about those.

    Luckily I have BAGS full of decent augs I can try swapping out. Makes me feel like the good old days of switching aug sets based on PVP/situations/Raids etc.

    I am almost certain I won't see or 'feel' a bloody difference at all really. As you said Fransisco, this theoretical 1-2% boost I "might" get is meaningless to me just from straight up AC augs. I am better rewarded working harder and smarter by improving, practicing and perfecting the use of my "oh crap" aa's/abilities/tricks of the trade which have always returned so much more to my survivability.
  10. Khaibasis Journeyman

    It could be different for serious raiders, but as an Enchanter, it all seems worthless to me. I yield all gear and augs to others in my party now that I have all the foci and clickies I need. To decide among rotting upgrades, I grab spell damage because: numbers. At least I can spend my Marks on merc gear.

    I can't remember the last time I thought "If only I'd had more hps, AC, and/or hAgi everything would have been better." I wonder if those non-raiding enchanters who prefer a particular stat, had that stat replaced with one of the others, or even Folger's Crystals, if they'd even notice.

    I'm sure a parse will show a small difference, but the important statistic is # of deaths prevented, and I imagine that number would be approximately one per tier for non-raiding enchanters with all the group gear beating out those like me who just accumulate rots.
    Vizier likes this.
  11. fransisco Augur

    Gotta agree. Even with hagi or such, there isnt really any sort of aug strategy that makes a significant difference
    silku likes this.
  12. Calamity Lorekeeper

  13. Silv Augur

    For most raid events, nothing except HP/AC will make much of a difference for a caster. That is due to the way raid mobs are coded to ignore a ton of defensives etc. It's been brought up many times and the devs are aware of it yet a fix is likely never going to come along. If anything though, more dodge is going to be the most rewarding in terms of survivability if it isn't ignored by raid mobs.

    For settings outside of that, as an Enchanter, hAgi > AC > HP. Again, you really can't argue that 1% dodge is not worth shooting for as returns from AC on silk classes is small and augs don't provide huge amounts of HP.

    Other casters value different stats like someone said about Necros and hSta/HP. There is no "universal" aug set that encompasses every caster class (which is a good thing IMO).
  14. fransisco Augur

    alot of the augs listed there just arent that great for casters. Its no good taking a ac hdex aug since we have no parry/block/riposte skill.
    Its better to fill your slots with ac/hgi or straight hagi augs
  15. Potawatomi Augur

    From the OP standpoint I thought this was for necros only. So if the list was for a specific aug set for necros, then it wasn't intended for all casters. Those augs fill a specific need for necros. Telling them to go after augs that the necro community clearly doesn't value isn't productive. Nor will it help the OP.
  16. Calamity Lorekeeper

    I agree, HDex does nothing for casters. The 24 augs I listed are for generating the highest HP total. If you put more value to HAgi, AC, or something else, the weighted value sort would change. Necros tend to like the highest HP, so an aug with 250 hp and HDex is still relevant.
    Potawatomi likes this.
  17. Vizier Augur

    This x100.
    silku likes this.