Changes with the February Update: Developer Updates

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Prathun, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. Dances Journeyman

    I really agree with what Woodlore just mentioned
  2. Dances Journeyman

    And that in game polls were never trusted by the losing side of an argument anyway (which ever side that was)

    I think the polls would have been trusted a lot more if we could have seen a running tally at any time and for example .

    we vote and you see a bar graph .. 80 percent for A 15 percent for B and 5 percent don't care ,..... most newsapers have this for their online polls I don't see a reason Sony couldn't add this in
  3. Quatr Augur

    Even the best, most reliable user polls only go so far. They are an indication of your likely ROI on different features, but by no means a perfect one -- what people think they want and how they react to implemented changes are two different things. And it's even worse when discussing major changes with far-reaching ramifications which your users are not always in a position to judge :(
    Melanippe and Quilix like this.
  4. Dances Journeyman

    I hope you don't me specifically? I hope your generalizing ..... because a I have no way to recourse your statement and b I'm not lying.
  5. Dances Journeyman

    How would it cause a bias if you showed the results after you voted?
  6. Leeanni Elder

    So a player can have over 4k AAs from the grants and it will still show as 0 AAs?
  7. Quatr Augur

    Because the information that "This feature is losing badly" will quickly spread game-wide.
  8. Dances Journeyman

    I don't ever remember even talking to one person about how I voted on any of the other polls ...... I think I forgot about them right after
  9. Harabakc Augur

    Based on a raid geared player? What?

    Precisely how useless are you trying to make these?
  10. Dances Journeyman

    You never responded if you were just generalizing? Or insinuating I did that?
  11. Kromeollie New Member

    <---- Raises Hand...

    This has sounded like a done deal since about page 50 of this post. True?

    If so I still have questions...

    1. Are you going to increase the damage done by Headshot now that it will only fire 2/min? Yes or No will be fine.

    2. Is Headshot going to be time limited or will it still check stats for proc rate? A little more than Yes or No may be needed.

    3. Are you going to reimburse vets for AAs earned in games with AAs in whole or in part? Yes or No will be fine.


    "There is no 2 minute timer between headshots. The proc rate has been tuned to be roughly 2 per minute on a basic raid-gear player. There will be some who get lucky streaks and see more per minute, and some unlucky who will see less.
    I need to learn to type quicker... 1 question answered...
  12. Tharrg Augur

    Nice I like this.
  13. Tharrg Augur

    hehe just for fun i started counting people for and against things... got through 3 pages and there were double the amount of people for the changes... So I think the majority is happy...
  14. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Surely that should be the other way round, they should not be getting achievements for the auto grant, if it says this way then the achievements should be based on total spent.
    Smokezz likes this.
  15. idej Augur

    I am happy for the opt in and out option. Are you guys thinking of titles for those who either have or decide to go the old AA route? Something like the Over-AAchiever or AA Anonymous.
    Pickleweasle likes this.
  16. Naugrin Augur

    Now we just need achievements for total spent so us glyph folk can feel good (or bad, depending on how you view all of those AAs lol).
  17. Leeanni Elder

    He has it right, Yinla. The total spent is the achievement number. The assigned are the achievement and the glyphs/gifts.
  18. Brutus Journeyman

    Here goes: In the spirit of everQUEST;
    The Catch-Up Quest.
    Every new player starts at 1 (or whatever level you leave the tutorial). Each Zone (some will not give any exp) the player visits , the player will get 1/4 level (including the AAs for the level) up to level 85.
    In this format, the players ACTUALLY does something, and gets that gratification that we embrace.
    (For those who already have the level, just the AAs are granted).
    This is QUESTING (and the new players get to see old content , which by the way, rocks)
    I like this.
    (if the devs like to thro a bone to the max toons, the zones could provide AA for glyphs).
    Dances likes this.
  19. Naugrin Augur

    No, as of right now achievements based on assigned. This does not include aa spent on glyphs.
  20. Vitr New Member

    So does the AA bonus come from number AAs spent or assigned?