Changes with the February Update: Developer Updates

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Prathun, Feb 5, 2014.

  1. worldofeverquest New Member

    It seems the people who leave comments like these aren't really seeing the bigger picture. Im also going to guess they don't play any of the classes affected by these changes.
  2. Sinestra Augur

    Lots of other players are fine with the changes and are staying and have stayed for as long as the game has been around.
    gcubed likes this.
  3. flyb4crawl New Member

    I heard about that 2 minute limit to using instant kill to multiple mobs being now put into the game soon. The beastlords have been around for a long time and they don't get instant kill abilities even though a shadow knight, ranger, and berzerker are a hybrid melee class. They should get something that can be used to AOE melee damage mobs like these classes get for damage. I wish there was a command or ability that could be used to turn off repost when you don't want to do it. It would be nice to give the beastlord an AOE pet proc ability and also a buff that could provide similar benefits like a druid/ranger/mage damage shield. Something like a poison cloud infection spell that works similar to a cleric's mark and infection based line. Except that it works more like a dot and can spread to other mobs. So for instance you have one mob infected and it does 100 damage per tick and it spreads it to another mob they both to this to each other. Thus making a total of 200 dot to each mob per tick. The more mobs you get the more this increases. Thus 3 mobs would be 300 to each other, 4 mobs = 400, 5 mobs = 500,,, 8 mobs = 800 to each other. So this would help keep aggro off the Beastlord's pet if there are enough mobs when it would do an AOE pet proc. It should be able to stack with the cleric line since it is a DOT instead of a reverse damage shield. Thus making them a viable character to group with. You never seen people wanting a Beastlord to PL them. It is only the Berzerker, Ranger, and Shadow Knight's that get that sort of business and yet they are part of the same hybrid family. If a Beast had this then when they pull tons of mobs they would get a ton of DPS and thus be wanted in a group. Unlike a buff that could just be given away to other players to just run off to do their business. This would even prevent abuse because if one pulls to many mobs they will still die without a tank to take all the aggro on matched level equivalent or above and if they did it on a whole bunch of lower level mobs they can PL other players if there is no tank.
  4. The Hampster New Member

    Instead of auto granting levels and AA to keep players interested. Why not add some quests to the game to grab their attention. Every 5 levels have a new class specific quest to complete that would yield a great deal of experience and fair rewards. Make the quest take a few hours to complete and be interactive. Make the rewards beneficial and unique. Were tired of copy based defiant gear and weapons.....what happened to fun procs??

    You do not need to auto grant levels to make the game fun, just takes a few added npc's to change the whole experience 1-85. I would love to see class based quest lines and stories to follow on the grind to 85. Learning about the roots and history of your class/race. It would keep new players interested to see what is next, just like the old days when we jump into new dungeons to explore.
    Caell and JOATMON Incorporated like this.
  5. Melanippe Augur

    Raid ready? You cannot be serious if you actually think that merely hitting a level and having a certain amount of AA's makes someone "raid ready".
  6. Cevil's Remains Master

    You have your opinion and we have ours, why should attention be payed to only people who agree with you? Just stop already, we understand that you are in favor it, but you refuse to accept that we are not.
    Caell, Bloodclaws, Morningdew and 3 others like this.
  7. Morningdew Lorekeeper

    Entitlement comes with the work put in. If you put forth effort, you are entitled to the rewards, if you do nothing, you should not be entitled to those same rewards.
  8. Ronthorn Oakenarm Augur

    I Agree completely.
  9. Foradlen New Member

    Firstly, nice to see that SoE is, at least, attempting to take feedback into consideration.

    As far as the AA grant goes, you can take it or leave it; but, if Casting Subtlety and Tradeskill Mastery are now not going to be granted, why not also deprecate things like the original innate stat AAs which have zero affect since the advent of defiant armor. At 15 levels of each, there's an instant saving of 105 useless spent AAs.

    While we're at it, the First Aid line is also bygone as you cant even get more than 3 bandages on in OOC mode any more. Think they should be removed from all the achievements as well since getting to 500 these days is pretty near impossible.
  10. Ravengloome Augur

    Uhh yeh, Paladin, Ranger, Zerk, I believe Rogue
    Bludvl likes this.
  11. Cevil's Remains Master

    I would support this idea, and also support the idea of making new server for those of us who want nothing to do with players who want the free ride. This, as I see it now, unless compromise were made, would be the closest thing to an answer, and you will have to give free one time server transfers to everyone. Yes that creates problems with guilds and mixed decisions and friends, but there are already problems being caused here, this would at the very least alleviate some of for the opposition.
    Velric likes this.
  12. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    This is pretty much what I was thinking

    Put the Vitality back to how it was originally
    Put exp back on Monster Missions
    Put the exp back on HoT missions
    Allow players to get exp when not in the zone.

    You have done a complete turn around on players not earning exp, just go the whole hog and put it all back as it was before you went on a exp nerfing spree, if things had been left as they were we might not be looking at these changes now.
    Stillwafer and Caell like this.
  13. Equanimity Journeyman

    I am in favor of most of these changes, I think that they are long overdue. I haven't been able to read all of the comments on this or the other thread, but I share some of the concerns that I have read about Clerics and SK's. Clerics are very reactive and often don't have the luxury to be able to rebuff during the middle of a fight. If Rampart is to be factored in to the balance of a Cleric's overall healing power, and is assumed to always be on the tank that they are healing, I would be very careful about changing it in this way. Rampart alone cannot be used to swarm kite, it is only useful for that purpose in combination with other spells. Perhaps a better solution would be to prevent it from stacking with wards and vows?
    Mozzarella likes this.
  14. Cimbaeth Elder

    Why don't they give beastlords AE abilities? Simple. Beastlords are not a class made for Aeing. Wizards are.. and were.. intended to be the masters of AE in EQ. Beaming and swarming sort of usurped the wizards role in this game. Nothing was ever so much fun as getting a chanter and a few wizards and pulling 50 mobs in sebilis, or making a few wizard AE groups in the PoP raids and AEing the rings in plane of earth, or the entire Bertox raid. Even now after all the nerfs and screwing with wizards spells, I can still kill everything in the EWK missions 1 and 2 so fast that the tank says.. umm.. why am I even here, you can solo this. The moral is, or it should be.. if you want AE- go invite a wizard to your group!
    That is why I am all on board with the long awaited nerfing of SKs and Mages.
  15. Quilix Elder

    Strangely enough that is not how it works apparently :eek:. From what I have gathered from the forums over time the rate that you start gaining from AA number 1 is the natural rate designed into game now. Once they saw just how fast people were gaining them then a penalty was brought in that scales up in bands according to how many AA you have up to 4000. So no free AA's - just ones that you have to work harder and harder to get.
  16. Sinestra Augur

    I accept that you are not. I accept that you will continue to complain about it regardless of what happens too. I have never refused to accept it. You're very hypocritical though. This change will not ruin the game. This change will not make this game so easy everyone will quit. It won't make it WoW (which is an idiotic argument as most people have this foolish hipster idea that WoW is the easiest game in the industry). It won't affect you in any way unless you partake in it. Not at all. No matter how many times you say differently, it won't happen.

    How can I be so sure? I've been playing long enough to see huge changes continually go through. The bonus experience, the tradeskill interface, the Knowledge portals, guild hall portals, fellowships, fellowship experience, removal of hell levels, removal of corpse retrieval, removal of race/class experience penalties, defiant armor, and so on and so forth. None of these ruined the game and neither will this, especially since this is an optional item. I did it the hard way. There is no reason to reward people who did as their reward was having the use of those AAs at the time they weren't auto granted as has been the rule since day one.

    This Chicken Little stuff is getting old from people who were quitting and not going to post anymore.
    Cyri, Mintalie, dreama121 and 2 others like this.
  17. Ronthorn Oakenarm Augur

    I just see you blasting people that do not agree with you.
    Mintalie, Qalliel and Sinestra like this.
  18. Cevil's Remains Master

    Um, I have posted several ideas and am communicating with a few people here. I am standing up for people that agree with me, am I calling names and such because people dont agree with me? I think you are confused as to who is blasting people, not here to bicker, but if people keep quoting us and saying that our ideas shouldnt be heard, well???
  19. Clyve Lorekeeper

    The world would not end if they would make a gold subscription vanilla, Kunark, Velious server (with close to classic style EXP curves, obviously).
    Cevil's Remains likes this.
  20. Cevil's Remains Master

    Do you have anything to back this up or just using assumption?

    It would take a more recent, more accurate poll to prove what you are trying to say, but that would bring different results and people do not want that.
    Caell, Quilix and Morningdew like this.