Ashcloud and Windblast Boon?

Discussion in 'Hybrid' started by Ratbo Peep, Feb 3, 2014.

  1. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Ranger 98,
    Any real use for those - or do they just tie up 2 spell slots?
  2. Gladare Augur

    They share a timer so they can only eat 1 spell slot. They're sustained nukes that are not as good as our spam nuke.
  3. Ratbo Peep Augur

    That's kinda what I thought - Taking them off the front 4 pages... LOL
  4. Hatsee Augur

    If you have mana problems use them, if you don't then don't bother. Pick the fire one because it's higher damage.
  5. GaryDgeorge New Member

    I would actually go for the ice one personally as that's the one I use. why you might ask when the fire one is more damage for the secondary effect of course. it adds damage to your next 2 nukes of that type in this case ice and if you look at the damage for our fire and ice nukes the ice nukes are more damage so hence you are gona get more damage from 2 higher spells so the minor off set of it being a little lower dd initially is mute I think. I also happen to be one of the rangers that constantly tops parses in raids usually top 5 but almost always to 10 unless the fight is really really short and I'm talking less then a minute.
  6. Klaian-Xegony Lorekeeper

    The only things worth casting are forecasted, focused, and summers. Only time elementals are worth it is on events where we can't cast both fire and cold. Summers is both our best damage per mana and dps spell.
  7. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Summers also is a big aggro generator. The elementals are nice if your working with a poor tank. But if you have a good tank, or are self-tanking - it's summers all the way.
  8. Ratbo Peep Augur

    Not only this - but our ice line has one of the best spell effect graphics in the game!