There is a potential issue with the servers!

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Tarrin, Jan 24, 2014.

  1. Keeden New Member

    One heck of a DDOS, if that is what it is. 1/4 to 1/3 of Warcraft servers - US and EU - are also down.
    moogs likes this.
  2. Dreekenail Journeyman

    Fendy likes this.
  3. moogs Augur

    At least Steam is up.
  4. Zahrym Augur

    civ5 all day
  5. Rouan Augur

    Currently playing Persona 3....

    Actually, about to check Big Lots, appears they have some games clearenced at 50% off. May as well take a gander.
  6. Leeanni Elder

    WoW servers are all down also. Sounds like a hacker to me.
  7. Numzan Augur

    Na it sounds more like a gateway issue.
    Rouan likes this.
  8. Dexar Elder

    Thanks Obama! :(
    Elricvonclief likes this.
  9. Daegun Augur

    It's possible ...

    WoW go down at the same time?
  10. McDougal Augur

  11. Silv Augur

    On a slightly (un)related note...

    Does anyone know the in-game command (/...) to see how long the world/a particular zone has been "up"? I used to know it but can't remember anymore :/
  12. Vorthax Lorekeeper

    Great timing........... Hello laundry here I come.....:)
  13. Tarrin Augur

  14. Ozni Elder

    This is what happens when Sam Deathwalker logs in all of his boxes at once.
    Dexar likes this.
  15. Vorthax Lorekeeper

  16. McDougal Augur

    Yep and their all beam-kiting in different zones.
  17. Drak New Member

    It was a ninja fix for pet casters by Sony. Ask any pet caster if they got rolled back. you will find this to be the case. There was no investigation to be had it was by design. Thanks for the fix though Sony ;)
  18. Daegun Augur

    test still down
  19. iniari-TR Augur

    I blame ormus ! :p
  20. Silv Augur

    Not sure what pet casters were "fixed" for but my toons were only rolled back about 5 - 10 minutes; nothing major. However, they certainly fixed/broke the WK2 group mission. Pre-crash versus post-crash mission are two very different events!