An Idea to stop the Krono price Issue

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Rayzen, Jan 22, 2014.

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  1. Rayzen Elder

    How about SOE putting a hard cap on the max price one can set for them in the bazaar. Just like when you try setting a price over 1 Mil it reverts backwards. Make it so when someone types in a price...for instance resets . This way makes it impossible for them to sell over said price. I'm just using 300k as an example, by the way. Same for barter also. Put a cap on what ppl can buy them for.
  2. The Drood Elder

    Never Happen hahaha
  3. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    Since that already exists, I suppose you're suggesting that there be a cap on how much plat can be placed in the trade window?

    Considering the real goal is for SOE to make money selling Krono, and the part of the reason players prefer Krono is that it's secure and guaranteed, unlike buying a Game Card from a stranger for plat.

    Actually, the more a Krono is worth, the more people will buy Krono, which is exactly what SOE wants.
    Fenthen likes this.
  4. Zanarnar Augur

    What price issue? Oh you mean your having trouble keeping the sale price of a Krono artificially low? Plus who are you to decide what the market value of a Krono is? Don't like the prices people are posting them for? Buy some yourself and offer them for less.
    Sinestra likes this.
  5. Mintalie Augur

    Why do people hate capitalism?
    moogs likes this.
  6. Cicelee Augur

    I don't understand the issue, to be honest.

    Are those unhappy the buyers who only want to spend 300k instead of current 850k or whatever it is? If not buy them. If no one buys the outrageous prices, eventually they will come back down.

    Are those unhappy the sellers because no one is buying them at 850k? If so...lower your prices.

    The consumer dictates prices on goods and services, unless it is essential items- in which case the consumer caves in and makes financial decisions on what is most important to them. If there is a substantial amount of players buying Kronos at 850k, then that is what current market dictates is price.
    Heck look at Dark Elf ornamentations in bazaar. On Tunare they range from 400k to like 900k. 900,000 platinum for a robe ornamentation! If the seller wants to sell and no one is buying, then eventually s/he will need to lower the price to move the product.

    I guess I just don't know who is mad and why. I am blessed I can find $15 a month to not have to worry about kronos...
    Geroblue and Qest T. Silverclaw like this.
  7. Xirtket Augur

    Want to make the price go down? STOP BUYING THEM from the people that charge waaayy too much.. resub with a game card or credit card for a month or two, let them get backed up on kronos and the price will eventually begin to fall, I haven't personally bought a kroon when they went up over 250k, I resubbed the old fashion way.. money.
  8. The Drood Elder

    Mass Flood the market with more Krono is the only way to drive prices down. End of Story
  9. moogs Augur

    Jusy buy your own Kronos from SOE. The price has always stayed the same.
  10. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    ...which is basically what they want. =)
  11. Sinestra Augur

    I think we should implement this with all items. You think that cloak is worth over 900k plat? Well I don't so Sony should force you to sell it at the price I deem appropriate. That way I get to be happy regardless of how you feel.

    Sounds like a plan.
    Sinzz, Mintalie and Tobynn like this.
  12. moogs Augur

    I don't like greedy pigs more than the next person, but prices will continue to rise as time goes on. It sucks, but that's reality so face it and deal.
  13. Tobynn Augur

    Always amusing, the overwhelming number of people that haven't even the slightest concept of supply-demand economics.
    Sinestra and Mintalie like this.
  14. Drak New Member

    Stop buying plat. That way the plat sellers stop cornering markets like Krono and artificially inflate prices in order to get their customers to recycle faster.
  15. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    And most of them are Americans!

  16. Zantor Augur

    Only way I can see the Krono prices dropping again anytime soon is another chase item like the Ancient cloak of flames, how many people bought and sold kronos to get the plat to buy them cloaks in game. Have to create the need for people to buy them and to sell them.
  17. Sinestra Augur

    I don't think 450k is all that high. They were always around 300k-350k when they were first released. It makes sense that they went up.
  18. Piestro Augur

    We have plenty of threads on Krono already alive. So I'm going to close this one.

    But yes, Krono are supposed to fluctuate in value on the in game market for what people are willing to pay. That gives the fairest value to the Krono seller and the Krono purchaser. It might be more or less than we want, but it reflects the value that your fellow players are assigning to it.
    Geroblue and Mintalie like this.
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