Pets still broken

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by ClapClap, Jan 15, 2014.

  1. ClapClap Elder

    Pets are still messed up. They vanish on logoffs, zoning, etc. Please fix this. I'm sick of losing fully buffed pets who have weapons. If it's not broken, give me back the pet aa's that I spent so that this wouldn't happen. It's happened over 10x in the last month and not just to me and not just on my server. Sick of it.
    Draego likes this.
  2. Draego Augur

    So tired of buying the final line of pet toys for my main pets, guess its time I bring my mage back out, dust him off and finish leveling him from 85 to 100, so I can just summon the weapons I want for my other pet classes.

    Time to fully devote to Beam Kiting..... any recommendations for 85 to 90, 90 to 95, and finally on to 100?
  3. Saturion Journeyman

    :mad: Agree 100%... It is bloody annoying losing my fully buffed and geared pet everytime I log off... Makes me not want to bother with my Beastlord until it's fixed.
  4. fransisco Augur

    almost every time i log on, my pet is gone now
  5. Belchere Lorekeeper

    Do you have an aura? if so, try clicking it off before you log. I found on my enchanter having aura(s) up before logging was eating the pet.

    Its just a workaround until they hopefully fix the problem
  6. Ardin Elder

    it happens to me everytime when i go LD in non-combat zone, nad when zone crashes.
  7. JacklSK Augur

    This is funny then. Wife and I were discussing if pets poofed on more that 30 minutes logged out. Low level toons here , no pet aa's or focus yet.

    I was sure thy went away after 30 minutes or so, she wasn't so sure , so she logged her new sk in and lo , there it was , still way overgeared with more hps than her , but it was there.

    Odd point of data , only 2 accounts? Or was the issue resolved by its lonesome?
  8. Khauruk Augur

    It's an intermittent problem, so you just didn't get unlucky.
  9. ClapClap Elder

    No auras on. I even went in my house so nobody elses auras would be around as I heard this could be the issue. Still happened.
  10. ClapClap Elder

    Piestro, can you at least verify that devs are aware of the problem or that you've mentionned it to them? There have been reports in bugs and they seem to go pretty ignored. I get it that they are busy with the second part of the expac coming out but when key features of PET classes, the PET doesn't work, you know you have an issue. The pet can also vanish in certain zones and you suspend/unsuspend and he comes back with no buffs and you suspend/unsuspend again and he comes back with full buffs.
  11. Vorthax Lorekeeper

    I heard that this bug has something to do with the way you leave the game. If you camp out normally, meaning the old sit and camp, they stay. If you /quit or X (close) out your window, then they will poof. Just what I heard thru the grapevine so don't hold me to this.
  12. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    I've done /camp & /camp desktop in PoK, Guild Lobby and Guild Hall (new one) and not lost a single pet, this is on 100 mage and 60 beastlord. Mage is always on a mount beast is not, camped both out after going to relevent hot zones. This is my daily routine.

    If I remember next time i'll try /q
  13. ClapClap Elder

    You're lucky then Yinla. I've tried different methods of camping and I still have the issue. But now that it's being mentioned, I think this all started around the time of the fast camping. So SoE,,,this may be a starting point for you. I wish SoE would respond and let us know that they care or at least have taken notice. Atm, they have ignore every single comment in bugs and such. This better not be another thing like Bloodmagic...It wasn't broken no it wasn't bugged. LA LA LA LA LA can't hear you not broken LA LA LA LA LA ;p
  14. moogs Augur

    Logged in and my raid-buffed pet had poofed. So uncool, SOE. So uncool.
  15. Pixelman New Member

    Not to discount what anyone is saying, but is this problem a server specific issue? I play on Povar, and I play a lot. I would say I rack up more game time than the average player, while not being extremely hardcore. The reason I ask is I play both a magician and a necromancer and have absolutely never had this problem. Not once. That makes this a very strange issue to me.
  16. moogs Augur

    It started after they implemented Fast Camp. I was guilty of logging out in the Grand Guild Hall on my mage and paid the price. After getting rebuffed this morning, I used the guild hall portal to zone to Argath. Nice safe spot to camp out in a combat zone.
  17. Feradach Augur

    Guild halls are combat zones too, so you may have just got lucky with the Argath test.
  18. Mintalie Augur

    Have you guys tried suspending your pet before logging to see if that will save it?
  19. Makavien Augur

    Mine hasn't been disappearing on my mage and I mostly camp out like normal sometimes I /q though too.
  20. Tweelis Augur


    I have tried several variations on camping out. Sometimes I loose my pet and other times I don't; there's no specific pattern that I can decode. Here are some things I can verify that have resulted in my pet going poof:

    1. /camp in PoK, GL and GH
    2. Going LD in PoK, GL and GH
    3. /camp in a few XP zones
    4. Going LD in other XP zones

    Unbuffed, self buffed and raid buffed doesn't seem to matter. Geared with bazaar gear or regular summoned gear doesn't seem to make any difference.

    Mostly to the devs but it also applies to anybody else interested in this topic.

    I started another thread similar to this but got no response. I don't really care about that thread, I just want this fixed. I'll post any other information (would logs or debug files help?).

    My pet going poof applies to my mage (level 100/10k AA) as well as my SK (level 75). I play on Bertoxx and on a rare occasion the test server.