Hate Rising preview

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Sanh, Jan 8, 2014.

  1. Sanh Elder


    What do you guys think? Biggest disappointment to me is no new zones. We are supposed to get new zones eventually right?

    I think what excites me most about this is extension to 85. Will be able to get more guildies and friends into the HA.

    Anyone know what leadership AA changes they're talking about?
  2. Falos Augur

    I am sincerely hoping that of the 4 content releases related to CoTF that tier 1b is the smallest. I do not blame the devs really for the amount of content, I feel their entire team should be given more resources and they are limited in what they can do with what they currently have.

    I'm hoping (and thinking) that even though tier 2a and 2b likely wont be massive amounts of content, that it will still be quite a bit bigger than tier 1b was since tier 1b kinda is getting rushed due to the large vacation gap that was taken by most of the team for the majority of december (as is the case every year) So hopefully the tier 2 segments will end up with more content since there is less downtime for the devs when that content is being actively worked on.

    I'd estimate it will only take 2-3 casual days to complete everything in tier 1b as it stands right now (all conquests/hunter/heroic adventures/collections/etc)
  3. Riou EQResource

    The Leadership AA changes are them being granted to everyone / being apart of the base game, they are currently on beta, but don't go live with Hate's Rising.
  4. Vmas Elder

    i think the only finished T1 and add the rest of the loot, and as Bonus 4 new raids and quests/mission.
  5. Sinestra Augur

    I think it really sucks that the Leadership AAs being given to everyone won't go live yet. What a bunch of crap.
    Fenthen, silku and Tarrin like this.
  6. Tual Augur

    Crap, AA's were on top of my wish list. Here's to another umpteen thousand glyphs burned, or hundreds of thousands of capped exp messages... /slits wrists.
  7. Sinestra Augur

    If they aren't going to give new AAs and levels for people that are maxed to keep working on, I would like it if they would allow those people to donate experience to others. Cause I'm a giver, and I want to make sure those maxed people have something to look forward to while bettering myself.
    Rorce and Yinla like this.
  8. Goth Augur

    bah i just want to see an updated list of what is on the group vendor! got some marks to spend.
  9. Ammeren Augur

    You know what's super annoying? You know SoE would NEVER DARE release this expansion if it was to hit stores, they would be reamed by all the critics for a horrible expansion to an amazing game.

    SoE, are you losing your creative edge? Do you feel like releasing half a tier per expansion release is ok? It's really not..

    I know there was a topic about expansion boxes, I think the thing I miss most about those boxes, is you knew you had a great expansion/game in your hand..Now when I see a digi download I'll be looking for a flawed half of a tier.

    I'm glad you guys are ramping up for EQN, but I'm going to let you in on a secret, it's going to fail too. Doesn't matter what graphic engine you use. You know why? Because, everquest is everquest, EQN is just an impersonator.

    What you should do is move EQ to EQN game engine, use your EQN funds and redo EQ for 2014. That would make SoE come back as the #1 online gaming company ( Blizzard beat you guys didn't they? )

    I don't think you get how everyone loves everquest, for being original, for being hard, for being what it is. You guys are robbing us of EQ while trying to promote some BS game like EQN.

    If it was such a superior game, you wouldn't need to use an older game title to make it known.

    /rant off
    Fenthen and Masse The Butcher like this.
  10. dpsdpsdps Elder

    no new aas=garbage release.
  11. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    AAs are at the end of their usefulness. Besides for wishlist stuff there really isn't a point to them anymore. I believe one of the devs said a bit back that they never thought the system would last this long.
    Perplexed likes this.
  12. Goth Augur

    should have added 10 more CA/CS AA which give increases of 0.00001% per rank. and cost 21AA each..

    or 5 more ranks of 100HP and 100Mana

    so many garbage AA these days just adding more is somewhat pointless.

    IMO they just need to add better Glyph AA so we can have something cool and relevant to use all the time.
  13. dpsdpsdps Elder

    i was thinking more along the lines of more ranks of heel of brithrax, stone foot, pressure points, kick mastery, and thunderfoot. new healing ones for clerics..extended nttb for warriors..etc.. and i'd LOVE more ranks of armor of wisdom ca/cs etc.
  14. dpsdpsdps Elder

    or in other words something to do with my time besides going offline until next raid since there is nothing left to do outside of raids..new evolving item like tear of alaris would even be an improvement over 4 hours worth of missions and some raids we'll finish in less than a week.
    Rorce and Songsa like this.
  15. Songsa Augur

    I don't think AA are at the end of usefulness, many classes proposed a lot of interesting ideas and if devs think the contrary then they need to find something else to keep players in the game. I dont think majority of players will stand another CoF #2 kind of expansion. Unless of course they want to push us to EQN.
  16. Sinestra Augur

    There are plenty of ideas left for AAs. Ideas just for convenience or ease alone is a huge list.
  17. Naladdar New Member

    This looks like another expansion, where i have absolute no reason to buy it. I think EQ is the only mmorpg i know, where i dont buy a new expansion the day it goes live.
    Sinestra and Potawatomi like this.
  18. porky Augur

    Totally agree, I wouldn't even of looked at EQN if they didn't keep shoving it at me. The question to ask is which game will die first? SoE has done most of the damage to its own playerbase. EQN will just be more damage.

    I guess I don't understand their marketing strategy. What kind of company kicks their current customers in the face while trying to sell those same customers a "different" product. If your gardener starts killing your shrubs cause hes spending so much time trying to get you to pay him to prune your trees, would you do it?
    Masse The Butcher likes this.
  19. Sinestra Augur

    EQ hasn't been original in years really. Everything is a rehash of something else. EQN is just a rehash of other games. Nothing really new or industry changing other than parts of other games are being put into one.

    There are two big factions with Everquest though, one that loves EQ and will, even reluctantly, try anything with the name Everquest, and the other who will deny anything Everquest because of how terrible Everquest's reputation has been. When the game was new, it was amazing. Now, with WoW and a billion other titles, it is just a relic to these people of a time when gaming was epic. Epic in the sense that you needed to avoid everything in life other than the game.
  20. Sanh Elder

    I wonder what the developers reasoning is for breaking up expansions like this. Have they made any statement regarding this? It seems a lot of people I know are just milling about with nothing to do. I miss the days when they released full expansions in one shot chock full of zones. Bring back HoT style expansions I say!
    Yinla likes this.