problems ordering CoTF

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by An old ELF!, Jan 2, 2014.

  1. An old ELF! Lorekeeper

    I have now experienced the complaints of two players that have ordered CoTF. There bank stats it is pending and showing the removal of funds... but these players are still showing 18/20.
    The person ordered CoTF yesterday. Today still not showing anything different.
    The other person ordered it that night several times with over $140.00 in charges using different PCs thinking it was a bug of some sort with the one PC.

    Nothing to do with making sure your files are updated.. cookies..rebooting..etc.

    I personally ordered CoTF Via Marketplace and that did not go through. The answer to the petition stated to use
    These two players above did just that.

    Does EVERYONE have to /petition to order CoTF?

    What is the lag?
  2. Inukami New Member

    i purchased the xpac, and it hadn't given me access or anything, and when I purchased it. it bypassed the recipt screen and went straight back to the management screen, but yet my bank account says I purchased it. any ideas on what to do?

    PS right after ordering, the game servers crashed(don't blame me! lol)