Stock Up on Legends of Norrath this Thanksgiving!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Roshen, Nov 27, 2013.

  1. Roshen Brand Manager

    Before (or after) you stuff yourself with turkey, stuff your LoN collection! We have an awesome Legends of Norrath sale available in the Marketplace this Thanksgiving.

    We understand that Thursday may be busy for many of our players, so we’re going to give everyone a head start on so they don’t have to choose between missing this sale and missing any fantastic dinners or time with family.

    Starting today and running until Thursday, November 28, 2013 until 11:59PM Pacific, take up to 40% off all Set 1–15 Legends of Norrath purchases. (Set 16, Drakkinshard, is not a part of this sale.)

    This sale only runs for 36 hours, so don’t miss your chance to stock up for the holidays!
  2. Kumane New Member

    No double xp weekend :-(
  3. Kandykiss Journeyman

  4. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Planetside 2 got double exp on 20th, still time yet.
  5. Kirkisx Tunare's Chosen Paladin

    when are the thanksgiving themed items hitting market banquet table and chairs and the cloth table thing and the candles and the clickies?
  6. Taidween New Member

    Hopefully we'll get this same deal for Christmas, since I was out of town Tuesday-Friday. I sure woulda stocked up!

    Thanks for regular deals, if not this, I'm sure it'll be something good for Christmas.
  7. Geroblue Augur

    I wondered why I had been getting Planetside 2 email adverts, and I'm not signed up for them in my accounts.