Trash named in Neriak

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Axxius, Oct 22, 2013.

  1. Axxius Augur

    Yeah, missing kill credit and having to kill Stix and Crazed Scarecrow again for the chars that got feared sucks. One the latter melee chars pretty much have to stay away and let casters and mercs kill it. Unresistable chain AE fear is just stupid.
  2. Nenton Augur

    Devs have expressed zero concern over the bugs related to fear/charm abilities on NPCs and continue to use them despite the very real possibilities of no kill credit, no corpse/loot when kill shot is delivered by a pet or merc of a feared/charmed player, and uncompletable task/mission step updates due to the kill shot problem.

    They think they did better by doing things like making you walk while feared or rooting you in place like in the CH anniversary mission all whilst not addressing the main, glaring problems above.
  3. obelix Lorekeeper

    i tried that named , i had ( shaman , mage , mage (all 3 lv 100 and over 8k aa's ) and 3 caster mercs.

    i pulled him, only one mage had his twincast aa gtg , so i casted the burn hotkey and all , but everytime that named went to about 40% ? an add poped and healed the named , everytime he went back to 70 or so % hp and burn was down,,,,,,so i i was wondering, and kept fighting him ( about 20 min later ) until both mage burn were gtg .

    so i casted both mage burn , twincast and all but nada , everytime i had him to 40% or so , an add poped and got him to 70%.hp. ( rince and repeat ) .

    so after 30 min kill , i ,just wiped agro on him and didn't try him since then,,( and yes mercs were casting ) i checked them since i was wondering why i couldn' t kill him,..
  4. Mytoss Elder

    this zone really needs to be adressed , i can pull a mob right in front of me and instead of attacking it runs off and collect friends , please fix the pathing in there