Costs of hidden item (Raidconquests)

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Vmas, Sep 27, 2013.

  1. Vmas Elder

    prices are really high, 840 t2 coins, can you lower a bit, example like ntov loot for 500 coins pls?)
  2. Xirtket Augur

    I agree, items like that, and even the vulak items are WAY overpriced, they aren't even that great of items to charge that much.
  3. Barbwarrior Augur

    so dont buy it then or pay what it is set at? more ezmode lol? didnt you already get stone tear made easy now you want this haha
  4. Vmas Elder

    The stone of fear isnt really easy, its still a lot of work, only me and a war finished it in my guild.
  5. Vivamort Augur

    How is doing all the raid conquest achievements ez-mode to unlock the items I wonder?
  6. Beimeith Lord of the Game

    The whole point of the raid currency was to make up for the RNG being sucky and let people buy those items that just never seemed to drop for that guild.

    So they then add in super-rare items that barely even drop...lock them behind conquest achievements that -most- guilds don't want/are able to do...and then give them astronomical prices...

  7. Rouan Augur

    You did a bunch of insanely hard achievements (50% of which fail immediately upon one person's brief screw-up. I guess that was their callback to level 70-80 raids?), here's your reward! Your reward is to do 80+ raids. Good luck with that, jerk.
  8. Tobynn Augur

    Players ask for chase items, devs provide chase items, players they have to chase those items. Makes perfect sense to me.
  9. Vmas Elder

    to get 840 points is impossible today, no Raidleader calls a raid where most items go to twinks.
  10. Barbwarrior Augur

    were they not talkin about merging old currency anyway they might do it when new expansion is out
  11. Barbwarrior Augur

    are any of the rare items worth getting only one I wanted was grelleth's royal seal and they put that on item drops in mistmoore so
  12. Vmas Elder

    i want its a small upgrade to familiar.
  13. Xirtket Augur

    Nothing easy mode about the raid achievements required to unlock these, and then locking them behind a ton of currency, is like a double whammy.