A Matter of Life and Death glaring lights in shroud

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Eggborn, Aug 16, 2013.

  1. Eggborn Lorekeeper

    Does anyone know if there is a way to change one's dynamic lighting (perhaps?) to prevent it looking like every mob and character is shining their high beams into my eyes at the same time?

    This happens in shroud form, and I can't see anything! Just the blobs of light blinding merging together against a jet black background to instantly give me a headache.

    There just isn't enough tylenol or alcohol for this raid, and it's a flashing quick stabbing pain anyway.

    I am hoping to reduce the glare, and if it could be hotkeyed or instant upon shrouding and taken off when unshrouding all the better!

    I have 56 shrooms of sight, but that slowly fades in and out. Wouldn't be a good solution.
  2. Qest T. Silverclaw Augur

    Cast Ultravision on yourself and use a light source.

    Cue the "Back in my day" posts:
    Ylyrra-TP likes this.
  3. Eggborn Lorekeeper


    O I think I have some spell like that. I think I remember using it in Dalnir for some reason. Oh yeah I remember now... to see invis. Deadeye I think would give the same look. I am hoping to reduce the glare. I'll give that a try.. Thanks! I don't think I have ultravision, but I can take a look at my spell book. Man if I don't I feel sorry for human and eudite sk's.
  4. Ylyrra-TP Journeyman

  5. Ratbo Peep Augur

    So... I'm not the only one with a Greater Lightstone still equipped?
  6. grrrrrrrf Elder

    untick "enable post effect" in advanced option