Iratus Lepus Xegony

Discussion in 'Guild Recruitment' started by Antiok, Apr 10, 2013.

  1. Antiok New Member

    So you think you want a new guild well Iratus Lepus might be the right place.

    We are a current end game raiding guild on Xegony. We are currently T2 and T3 raids. We are a serious guild with a friendly attitude. We enjoy long walks on the beach, good errr....wait wrong site.....anyway we're a serious guild that likes to have fun while we raid. We get the job done when we need to (work hard) and have fun when we want to(play hard) if this sounds like you then we might be right.

    Now the serious stuff...if you are a player that is not serious about your class or about the game then we're not the place for you. If you have issues following simple instructions such as Don't do that, stop, or the like then we're not the guild for you. If you have issue follow emotes (you know the big yellow/red text that pops on the screen) then we're not the guild for you. But if you are the player that likes to progress in game get phat loots and have fun doing it then we may be right for you. Gear is fixable skill and attitude are not. Come show us what you have and will take you to the end of the game.

    We are an EST time zone guild but we have members from all over the world currently raiding. Were looking for a few good players that can maintain decent play times.
    (40% Raid Attendance)<<<this is easy to get to and maintain.

    We raid 4 nights a week: Saturday 6pm to 11pm EST and
    Sun to Tues 7pm to 11pm EST

    Our Website is where you can see what out current recruitment needs are as well as more information on guild requirements.

    or you can contact any of the recruitment team on-line, send a tell to one of the following:

    Pyratis -- Officer
    Antiok -- Raid Leader
    Terroz -- Officer
    Lifegiver -- Officer
    Mluian -- Officer

    Send a cross server tell to Pyratis at ;tell xegony.pyratis HI!!!!! (or any of the others listed above)
    if you're on server or not will be glad to talk to you, or you can contact us by registering at the
  2. Antiok New Member

    Tier 3 is coming and the time is now to get in on the ground floor....been farming T1/2 for a few months now so gear is easy thing to fix......bring your skills and we can fix the rest.
  3. Antiok New Member

    We currently have a high need for 1 pally, also would like 1 druid and 1 Beastlord. If you fit the bill can maintain the minimum required 40% RA then we may have a place for you. Gear is fixable skill is not. Dont come and apply if your just looking for gear. If you're serious and want a fun place to lay down roots come check us out!
  4. Antiok New Member

    T4 is coming and were looking for a few good players would love to have 1 high dps rogue, 1 shammy and 1 to 2 necros all others are welcome to come look around, submit and app you never know if we like what we see you may just get the tell.

    We are currently raiding Two nights a week for T2/3 content so come join us and head into the last part of the longest expansion release in the history of well EVER....
  5. zachison Journeyman

    Rogue Class Leader here for Iratus Lepus. If you want to experiance end game, and have a clue how to play a raiding rogue. Send a tell to me, or any officer listed above. Bring your A-Game.