Plat issue..

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Canik, Jul 5, 2013.

  1. Canik Augur

    Hey helpful forum people.

    Kinda new player here. I keep running out of plat while trying to get new spells on my magician. For every 5 levels, I can maybe afford half the spells available.

    I am vendoring all the loot I find but it still isn't enough for what appears to be required. Am I doing something wrong? Or is there a good place to grind out some plat for a while?

    Thanks for any and all suggestions :)
  2. Toquillaw Augur

    This is fairly normal. You are not guaranteed to get all of your spells. I usually don't even bother. For low levels (50 and under) I stick with the fire pet usually, or water pet if I am using a merc tank. I skip the others. I buy direct damage nukes, and debuffs such as the Malo line.

    In the original EQ, plat and item drops were much, much lower but have increased over time plus now include the Defiant gear. At the same time, levelling is also much faster. For the most part it comes out the same, you don't necessarily get enough plat for everything you want.
  3. Canik Augur

    Ok, thanks for the info! I just hit level 50, is it still best to use a tank merc and dps pet from this point on?
  4. Malkavius Augur

    I highly recommend going to griegs end at that level. Great exp as well as good plat and sometimes mobs dop gems which can sell for a couple hundred pp each. Also stick with the tank merc till at least 60. Then ma out all AAs you can for your pet, and any that benefit your nukes. Once you have done that you can either stick with tank merc till 65 or get a cleric merc at 60. Then at 65 just max out all pet/nuke AAs again.
  5. Canik Augur

    Sweet, thanks for all the tips!
  6. moogs Augur

    I'm surprised no one has mentioned yet that humanoids drop the most plat.
  7. Borek-VS Augur

    Apart from giants, right? ;-)
  8. Borek-VS Augur

    Reasonable suggestions.

    My preference would be to stick with tank merc until you have the 61 pet (or epic 1.0, but that's less likely), and then stay with light blues. You should be able to ditch the merc entirely for better exp. If you want to move up to dark blues, that will work too, but will probably give you slower exp until you have decent pet and offensive AAs.
  9. oogolx Elder

    one suggestion if you get harmonogate or taafites to drop. do not sell them to a vendor. if you have 300 in jewelcrafting you can cut those two gems and turn the 5pp gem into a 500pp gem
    CrazyLarth likes this.
  10. CrazyLarth Augur

    look for tradeskill items droping and due the command /barter and see if any body wants to buy them.
    usualy they pay more then the NPCS you sell to.
    Get bigger bags.
    have you done the /claim to see if you have any free large bags.

    i also take your loyality coin and buy PP
    Alerynril the Loyal [ Loyalists of Everquest ]
    Bag of Platinum: 436 Crowns about 13k.. of PP they keep lowering it.
  11. Fluid Augur

    Just crush<at your level it will be crushing> various giants for an hour or two. There are Sand Giant in Ro, just zone out of Freeport. Hill Giants in Rathe Mountains, PoK takes you to frog zone there. Frost Giants are at the Permafrost<or is it Everfrost?> entrance. Guessing you will drop about 30 giants an hour and they drop ~25 pt, so you should accumulate 1500 pt while getting a bit of experience.
  12. Geroblue Augur

    Armor class at Greig's can be a problem to. I've taken characters in there with AC1200 to 1500 and got stomped when 4-5 mobs got the character at the same time. AC1800 is much better.
  13. Oculus Elder

    What server do you play on?

    If its the Rathe by chance send me a tell and I'll fix it for you.
  14. Malachi Augur

    Might wanna include a disclaimer explaining how much plat it actually takes to get to 300 jewelry craft ;)
  15. Malkavius Augur

    Well with a tank merc and a pet out, he shouldn't be getting agro very often if at all. Getting 4-5 mobs at once shouldn't happen past the entrance really.
  16. Malkavius Augur

    Hmm it's been a long time since I played my mage, but I used tank merc till 65. The merc brings significant dps and less downtime while forcing mage to not use as much mana. I would just use the tank merc till he died, then have the pet by himself till I could bring up the tank merc again. The merc more than made up for the lower exp gain by providing much faster killing with less downtime.
  17. Wuttever Augur

    I find the tank mercenary DPS to be inferior to the pet DPS, and the mercenary takes away a very significant amount of experience. There really is no way the mercenary can bring enough to the group to increase the kill rate enough to make up for cutting the experience in half. Which it does do, cut the experience in half.
  18. Malkavius Augur

    Well it's been a while since I played my mage. But between 60-65 the tank merc still did a lot more dps than the pet. My exp rate was better whenever my tank merc was up, than when he was dead and I was just using pet. It wasn't until 65+ that the pet starts to get better.
    Also with tank merc you can burn through 4-6 lbs and bs at a time easy with little downtime.
  19. moogs Augur

    At your level, try killing the pirates in Dulak Harbor. They drop a lot of cash, gems and weapons that sell well. When you want to get more experience, graduate to Nadox and kill the trolls there (south side of the zone).
  20. Malachi Augur

    I like the naturally high zem (zone experience multiplier) of howling stones. All the mobs there drop a nice stream of plat and you will be leveling very very fast! The great thing also is the naturally low hp of mobs there make it the most efficient money maker/exp combo. Upper levels of city of mist is what I like to call howling stone lite. Extremely low hp levels for this era's powerful gear/mercs and still nice exp (or aa exp) for your level. It's a couple zones away from the nearest Pok book if you don't have a wiz/Druid pocket porter. But it's well worth if if you bring along a full inventory of bags for all the cash loot you'll have.

    The best part of these zones is you can be slaughtering things with only a few level 30 spells . Especially if you have a merc out. Just upgrade your pet spells till you feel you have enough plat.