This game is DEAD

Discussion in 'Casters' started by Ezelno, Jun 25, 2013.

  1. Ezelno New Member

    With the way the Dev's have been playing their game and what they say and what they do; aka were they said we would get an ability to specialize the ALL / ALL armor to be class specific during beta and then completely back tracking on any of that. I have NEVER seen such a LACK of an upgrade from ANY expansion bar none. The Heroic stats are LOWER now then they were 2 expansions ago; This would not be the issue if they followed through with what they said they were going to do to give us the ability to specialize the all / all armor to be class specific; heck even the class specific stuff is MARGINAL of an upgrade now considering the T3 Geer is only 100mana upgrade and absolutely nothing else that could be considered to much of an upgrade. You take that in consideration of the relocating the developers to new games and leaving this game to hang out and dry does not make me want to consider continuing playing this game even though I've been playing it for 14 years. The leadership of this game has OBVIOUSLY resided that doing much with this game is not worth their time or energy and therefore putting more and more effort into other games. The half heated effort has given me pause and make me thing that I might stop playing this game after another 6 months just in case they change their course.
  2. silku Augur

    One out 10.
    Pirlo likes this.
  3. Riviera New Member

    Ezelno, you are clearly a maxed out char, and fretting over having the most possible stats and gear. I believe this game is part social, part enjoying progressing with others.

    I have been playing 14 years also and have a 92 ench, 86 ranger, 80 sk, and 71 necro. I realized years ago while everyone was powerleveing their chars, and sometimes sold powerleveing, they ended up not playing in a few months after attaining max level and high aas. So I paterned my play to be slow and enjoy each level range, enjoy progressing slowly with a number of characters.

    It should be no surprise if you have a maxed out char, it should be retired and start a new one. In an expansion or two your retired char will have new things to do, but meantime enjoy some low level play, its a blast and just as fun as ever. Everquest is good because maxing a char is so hard, and congratulations on achieving such high skill and now you are focused on nuances of gear and blaming devs over stuff that does not matter.

    Relax, next time you log on be brave, click Create Character, and start a new adventure, resist offers to power level, resist telling people about your high level char in retirement, resist being a smarty pants that knows everything, be humble, listen to players enjoy their company and go kill a Kobold or ice giant and find out again what everquest is about.

    Good luck buddy, I hope you change your mind.

    92 bertoxxulous
    moogs and Miss_Jackie like this.
  4. Tobynn Augur

    [Citation Needed]

    I recall lots of talk about being able to "customize your armor" -- meaning you can wear whatever the hell you want, instead of being forced to wear what the devs give you as the usual archtype options -- but I recall absolutely nothing about gaining an ability to physically change an individual item to be class specific. You are confused.
  5. Mykaylla Augur

    Yep, it was exactly what we have- with a couple of exceptions, anyone can wear any kind of nonvisible armour, and in theory, you can keep different aug sets too, now, for switching on the fly without needing aug pools (It's just that there's very little point to that).
  6. Camou the Persistent Augur

    I think the posting is pathetic.

    If you just go for the itemization and even if your char is somewhere near maxed you can still find stuff left to do.

    Everquest is a community game. Ive so many friends in my guild and on server i dont want to miss at all. And for sure not because " ... there is only a 100 mana upgrade from tier 2 to tier 3 ..." which is - congratulations on that award - the most ridiculous reason to leave a community ever. In the case you dont have a community, what i doubt, because you wont be able to solo a tier 3 raid, then something is wrong either with you or your community.

    Epic fail.:rolleyes:

    You know the name Seek?
  7. Arderd and Crowd Augur

    here here Riviera. Very nice post.
    Everquest is full of challenges, new classes, and such. Even twinking a new character by camping the gear yourself is fun, if you don't want to go all oldschool.
  8. Miss_Jackie Custom Title

    Dude, if you're going to go on a tangent, can you at least make it grammatically correct? On top of that, the game is not dead. We've had a few new players in the game the other day. The game is far from dead.

    Don't let the door hit ya on the way out, mmkay?
    Camou the Persistent likes this.
  9. Axxius Augur

    5 years ago we had essays on why the game is dead, written in academic English with perfect grammar and punctuation. Nowadays, all we get is this...

    EQ is really dying, isn't it?! :eek:
    Miss_Jackie likes this.
  10. Miss_Jackie Custom Title

    LOL. I don't mind people making "sky is falling" posts. But, c'mon. I want to be able to read it without my brain losing a few cells. :p
    Mintalie likes this.
  11. Casai New Member

    If EQ is dead I wana know who killed him/she/it?!
    Lets fry the bustage
  12. Smallpox Augur

    Can I have your stuff? (Sorry, couldn't resist)
  13. Narye Augur

    Bad Smallpox, bad /spank LOL

    The EQ I know is far from dead, so many Rangers, Paladins, and misbehaving guildies to kill and so little time...
  14. --Voodoo-- Augur

    Best rant ever.
  15. Loratex The Ridiculous Necro

    It's not dead... It's on life support
    Voodoman likes this.
  16. Miss_Jackie Custom Title

    Nah ah! Liar :p
  17. Cakvala Augur

    As I am turning 31 this year, this game has been with me for 13 of those years. My gaming style has changed drastically from 13 years ago. I may play about 4 to 6 hours or less a week now vs. 40+ hours a week back when i was raiding. Hell I spend more time in the Player Studio program than anything.
    One thing I have noticed is that the game has evolved also to this round for the more casual player, with the batch of raiding for each expansion.

    God i feel old now, wheres my Vodka.
  18. Narye Augur

    Here's your walking stick :p
    Cakvala likes this.
  19. Crystilla Augur

    Uh oh, if Cakvala gets a walking stick what's a 43 year old get for playing this game for 12 years, a wheelchair? :)
  20. Narye Augur

    I think I have you beat.. so I am probably closer to a coffin, lol