Mercenary Relocation

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Wuttever, May 7, 2013.

  1. Wuttever Augur

    Maybe some quest arc in a new expansion. That's my favorite idea. Maybe an AA, 30 AA if needed, whatever. Mercenary Relocation ability. I sure would like it.
    Tensor and Axxius like this.
  2. Sebbina Augur

    First get them about 5 more buff slots.
  3. Potionless Elder

    If out of combat, merc should be behind me. Same for pets.
  4. Gearz Journeyman

    YES! Brilliant, make it just like Companion's relocation and have it be in the Merc Window and avail via a hotkey. Im so tired of cleric mercs in bad spots or unwilling to move when pinned to a wall by geometry and get killed because they do not move away.
    Tensor likes this.
  5. Tensor New Member

    I'd like to see this while in combat also.
    It's incredibly annoying to pull a mob into a niche with limited room to move (nearby mobs) and then as soon as you engage the cleric merc runs into melee range of the mob and starts healing the tank while getting hit, then spams heals on itself, then runs around the mob trying to find a better position, but stays in melee range the whole time and either burns 3x as much mana as necessary or dies.
  6. Fanra

    New song for mercs:

    (Whatever you do)
    I'll be two steps behind you
  7. Crystilla Augur

    My husband is always moaning as well about merc placement. Though to be honest, because I'm very conscious that a large part of where mercs stands has to do with us and our/their relationship to the environment, I'm usually very careful and the few times I do have the issues (while they are annoying), I can fix them quickly on the fly.