UI Request - Task Window Change

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Nedrom, May 3, 2013.

  1. Nedrom Augur

    Currently, the Task Window, shows the 'name' and 'duration' of the tasks, but nothing else.

    Please add a column for 'zone' that way you can see the originating zone of the tasks.

    When you have a full task list of 20+ items, it's quite tedious to have to manually click on each one to see what zone they belong to. One cannot simply memorize all the 'names' of the tasks and what zone they came from, especially if you don't play every day.

    Please kindly consider adding this change.
    Reprisal and JMorgana like this.
  2. JMorgana New Member

  3. Potionless Elder

    While you're in there could you also stop the listbox that holds the task steps from scrolling back to the top every time you complete a step?
  4. Brogett Augur

    Yes please. Lots of us have repeatedly asked for this since it went live way back when. PLEASE! With a gnome on top?
  5. Axxius Augur

    OR put the zone name in front of any quest from that zone. That way they will be automatically sorted by zone without any need for additional columns:

    Plane of Shadow: Aten's Wrath
    Plane of Shadow: Dial L for Luclin
    Nedrom likes this.