Was the poll to shorten or speed up prog tied between servers?

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Hamshire, Nov 20, 2012.

  1. Hamshire Augur

    Was the vote to shorten or speed up the progression servers tied between both servers? I ask this because both servers are under different circumstances and as one vote might help one it could severely damage another.
  2. Nolrog Augur

    I didn't even konw that vote was available. It never popped up for me. Looks like it's closed on Vulak; extending the lock out seems to have won. No clue what happend on Fippy.
  3. Machail Journeyman

    Fippy's Results:

    1. Increase the minimum unlock time
    2. Shorten the minimum unlock time
    3. Leave the minimum unlock time at 60 days
    4. No preference
  4. Toquillaw Augur

    I didn't see the poll either, but the results on Vulak are the same as Machail posted. I am fine with that result, but we didn't vote.
  5. Machail Journeyman

    The polls don't seem to pop up any more. You have to hit Shift V to see if there's an open poll. But this particular poll has been running for some time.
  6. Clumkin New Member

    My main concern is the poll was running awhile and I know quite a few people who were unable to vote at all. These results are also different then the choices we were given "Yes, No, No preference" So it makes me wonder what is going on.
  7. Machail Journeyman

    Not sure if you were looking at the right poll Clum. That poll had all the options listed above.
  8. Machen New Member

    I was unable to vote no matter how I tried (including visiting the Priest of Discord.) As was my wife. Many others I've spoken with had issues as well.

    Also, while the most popular result was to increase the minimum, there are likely more people who don't want an increase than do. People who voted for either of the two other options are opposed to an increase. So I hope Sony will consider the combined results. The minimum shouldn't be increased just because it was the single most popular option among several choices.
  9. Machail Journeyman

    I thought of that too, and it could have been argued the same way had "decrease the duration" won. So in this case "remain the same" becomes a non-vote, much like "don't care" would as it could be argued in either direction.
  10. Machen New Member

    It shouldn't be a non-vote. There should be a requirement for a significant majority to want the specific change before changing the ruleset of the server. Wanting things to stay as they are is legitimate -- after all people have played here for nearly two years and have a lot invested in the way things are.
  11. Toquillaw Augur

    Except that the people who voted "no change" really might care. That's why they didn't vote "I don't care". The "I don't care" would be for people who don't care if it is longer, shorter, or the same. And, they lost! Let's hope they didn't spend millions on advertising. :p

    But I agree with both of you for the most part. To change the server rules should take a clear majority. The people who like it as it is are not saying they want it longer or shorter duration, so it's not right to assign them to the winning or losing side. Let's face it, they might have won all on their own too. The no-change is one valid option all on its own.

    I think it's a faulty vote since it didn't pop up, and also because it doesn't come to a clear concensus. A subset of the population voted, and a subset of those want a longer time, but they may or may not out-number the people opposed.
  12. Clumkin New Member

    I'm positive I was looking at the right poll, petitioned about it and everything. Basically was told polls seem to be working as intended. I mean, really? Anyway, after consulting with multiple people who were unable to vote I found out we had the same voting options. So it is possible those people who were unable to vote had faulty poll choices?

    Edit : Also, in a poll like this I would think it is important that everyone has a fair choice in the matter, even if the results don't change I would be satisfied with being able to AT LEAST cast my choice.
  13. Calandria New Member

    Machail, I did not have those choices on my poll (on either of my accounts) I had remain the same, change, or no preferance (I beleive) I was able to vote on one account and I voted for remain the same because the change option did not say weather it was to increase or decrease the timer and I didn't want to increase it. My other account I was unable to vote at all, no matter what I did. Something was completely screwy on this poll, and I think they need to re-do it to ensure complete results.
  14. Machail Journeyman

    Hrm, that is odd. We had discussed it within guild and we all had the correct options.
  15. Clumkin New Member

    Was everyone who had the same options able to vote?
  16. Intin Elder

    I have six accounts. None of the six accounts were able to vote nor able to see the correct options. All six showed "Yes, No, Don't Care" as if the unlock timer vote had somehow become confused with the expansion unlock vote.
  17. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    As an unbiased outside observer, I would say that there should be a new poll. Something this major should be a pop up. If they were to do a poll regarding chaning the ruleset for my server I would most definitely expect it to pop up upon login for everyone and at the first report of any problems with voting it should have been addressed.

    I'd also agree with those that said that either of the two change options should need to have a clear majority (>50) in order to be declared the winner.
  18. Hawklight Yandli Elder

    remember this poll? The outcome was never implemented. Is it unreasonable to expect that items that are voted on should be implemented?
  19. Machen New Member

    Maybe nothing was done with that poll because the poll did not actually indicate a majority of players wanted longer unlocks. I know numbers are hard, but Sony would have been foolish to make a change that a minority of players supported.
  20. Bandok Augur

    As was discussed back then (I knew it was quite a ways back when I referenced it the other day, but it didn't seem like it was 17 months ago!), there likely wasn't a majority voting for the "winning" option. There was likely a pretty even split between "shorten" and "lengthen", and the "keep it at 60" couldn't be considered part of either of those groups.

    In contrast to the recent poll, where a clear majority voted for the AA autogrant, and a likely majority voted for it to be available at (or before) TSS, although the exact numbers are unavailable to us.