Returning player needs some advice

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Gungnire, Nov 3, 2012.

  1. Gungnire New Member

    Hi all, I'm a 75 Ranger on Cazic-Thule coming back after 6 years of being inactive and have a few questions.

    1. Where can I go to get a decent amount of AAs? I only have 387 and they're mostly melee/tanking AAs; I only have 1 point in Headshot. PoFire is pretty much permacamped every time I pass through so that's not really an option for me.

    2. What's all this about potions I've been reading about? I read most soloers should have certain types of potions with them at all times, mainly the damage shield & spider bite potions... can someone please shed some light on these for me? The only potions I used in the past were shrink potions.

    Thank you!
  2. Yther Augur

    DS is called Distillate of Skinspikes whatever and if you use the self all-in-one buff you'll get the most out of it, but at 75, you may want to go with individual buffs for the 91+ level attack buff from someone else. Skinspikes are in the same line as the Call of Earth Ranger line, and at your level, the 91+ Rng may be better (not quite I guess, burs = 54ds, Skinspikes XII = 60 or 65 forget), but the burs give lots of AC too.

    The spider's bite is a poison usable by all/all. See's bite

    Both of these are player made. Most of the other common potions are both player and vendor sold. See Ralkor Stoneclaw [Potion Merchant] in Plane of Knowledge for higher level vendor potions.

    There are lots of specific player made potions that are good; spell focus as an example. Check your bazaar or friendly alchemists for options. Personally, I generally only carry, poisons, DS, haste (distillate of alacrity X) on nonlizard girdle equipped toons), heal over time, and Regens on those that can't self-regen.

    As far as AAs, Farm camp in Dragonscale Hills is pretty often camped, but it is often shared with others wanting to join (not always though), See Sigglik for the quests there. With a mercenary (see ), you may be able to handle one of many good quests in Loping Plains. Some of the better of these, are the Worgs and Wereworcs, and the various Goblin ones for a 75 level. You may want to refer to some of the recent threads here as well.
    Where to level at 60?

    Yther Ore.
  3. Yther Augur

    Oops that was the wrong thread, but title seemed same as After Level 70 at

    Yther Ore.
  4. Borek-VS Augur

    See Yther's advice on potions - although I'll point out that the Spider's Bite potions may be rare or ultra expensive; I generally go with only Skinspikes, Alacrity, and Celestial Healing (HoT) on melees.

    The farm is always good, if you can get in the camp group. Paw is probably the best solo option, although it's a good idea to watch pathing closely before picking a spot if you aren't well acquainted with the zone. The Hero's Journey quests in The Buried Sea are pretty good, too.
  5. Gungnire New Member

    Thanks for the help! Now I have a silly question if either of you are acquainted with melee...

    How do I determine which weapon to put in my mainhand/offhand? I vaguely remember the old, "best damage in the mainhand, fastest in the offhand" but I don't think that's true anymore since I see a lot of people using the fastest weapon mainhand, even though their offhand has 5-10 more damage but is 1-2 delay slower.
  6. Yther Augur

    Best ratio of Damage / Delay is the general rule (Same rule as estimating DPS ranking). There are reasons to go either way, when the ratios are the same, but I generally go with lower Delay when ratio is same for higher snap aggro, and more Damage Bonus, since Delay doesn't affect Damage Bonus on dual-wield weapons.

    The rule you mentioned was for back when off-hand was dependent on primary. It is now independent.

    Yther Ore.
  7. Borek-VS Augur

    Yes, best ratio in main hand, unless both are nearly the same - in which case fastest in main. The reason being weapon effects and aggro.
  8. Gungnire New Member

    I love these forums. I appreciate all the information - there's just so much to take in after being away for so long. I'm definitely glad I quit WOW to come back to this community.
    BlankStare_001 likes this.
  9. doktartp Augur

    One route to level as a ranger is to use headshot and a fast delay bow, think the defiant ones are 25 delay so its a good start, for headshot damage is a non issue due to the dps from procs.

    Get vinelash cascade, hail of arrows and go to town if you get the AAs, if you dont have, i would get them soon. Makes soloing as a ranger fast.
  10. doktartp Augur at level 75 headshot can get you through halls of honor or something lower on list.
    Fire might be camped but there are lots of options between all the expansions later on. Just remember the list is by rank of headshot (rank 1 starts at top) and moves down. I would still max this.