Rain of fear give access to VOA as well?

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by zeezero, Oct 24, 2012.

  1. zeezero New Member

    I'm just wondering if the Rain of Fear expansion will flag me for VOA expansion or do I have to buy both?
  2. Piemastaj Augur

    You should be able to get every expansion before RoF when buying RoF. That's how it has been done for a bit now, so I would imagine it will remain the same.
  3. Nolrog Augur

    The first expansion after EQ2 went F2P did not include all previous ones (though it was a features only, no content exapnsion.) So there's a precedence (sp?) for SOE doing it differently. I don't recall an official word either way.
  4. Crystilla Augur

    I asked Phathom about this last week at SoE Live and he did say it would continue the same (buy an expansion and get the prior ones).
  5. PetMyLlama Journeyman

    As long as that info came form SOE... I know in EQ2 the new expansion Chains of Eternity will only get you Destiny of Velious bundled with the purchase. You will need to purchase Age of Discovery separately if you want access to the the beastlord class or the use of mercs where those new features were introduced. And the kick in the pants with that is the only real benefit to pre-ordering the CE edition is a Werewolf merc so unless you plunk down the cash for two expansions you are hosed.
  6. EskimoPie New Member

    Any news on whether VoA will be free after Rain of Fear comes out (if you don't buy Rain of Fear)?
  7. Piestro Augur

    VoA will be included as part of RoF (since it is an all in one). No change is planned for the free offering (currently it is HoT) at this time.
  8. EverChanter Augur

    So, that was a one time thing with the FtP introduction than? Does this mean gear will also remained locked in its current state as well?
  9. zeezero New Member

    Appreciate the response. It's actually my ftp account I'm interested in. want to use the voa rustic armor so I was looking at buying voa. But if I can get that rolled into the rain of fear I may as well wait and get them both for the price of one.
  10. Piestro Augur

    No change is planned at this time, something definitely we'll need to consider as time moves on though.
  11. Geozen Journeyman

    Thanks Piestro! Was also wondering this.