Player submitted quests

Discussion in 'The Newbie Zone' started by Dazzler Twodirks, Oct 9, 2012.

  1. Dazzler Twodirks Lorekeeper

    Anyone know if we can send in quest ideas?
    If so who do we send them to?
  2. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Seems like a logical idea; I know they were fishing for trivia questions, too.
  3. Pizacatto - CT Augur

    Back in 2000/2001ish time frame, our guild did a Secret Santa thing where we'd give each other gifts (potions from shammies, enchants from Enchanters, armor from Blacksmiths, good drop items, etc) and I set up a whole quest for the Person I was to gift. It was to send them all over the world (they were a level 20 warrior) to talk to all my alts who would give them more information. They had to fight through zones, like to the bottom of Befallen, then run out to Lake of Ill Omen, then back to the Chess Board in Kalamdim, etc. There were 6 stops, total, plus riddles to unravel to figure out where to go. He had guild chat lit up most the afternoon trying to figure out where to go, it was a good time. He enjoyed it immensely and was floored with the reward.

    After the full quest was done, they were rewarded with an FBSS. This was a time when they still sold for around 10-12K.
  4. Caudyr Augur

    That's pretty awesome, haha. I wouldn't mind seeing something that lets us design quests, too...even if they have to go through SoE first before being implemented/finished. :D
  5. Pizacatto - CT Augur

    Mine was pretty basic, for sure, but what the devs do, with all the quest specific drops is really immense. I'd also like to say I am soooooooooooooo tired of No Trade items for quests I am not a part of being on nearly every mob in the game. People get tired of looting and deleting all the No Drop stuff to the point where ever I am hunting, there are massive amounts of corpses. It in no way effects the performance of my computer, but I do use Right Click to move and turn, so I am constantly bending down to loot a bunch of no drop junk.
  6. DeadLikeMe Journeyman

    There is a panel scheduled during SOE Live - EQ: Drawing Death - Design a Mission from 11 am to 12 pm on Saturday. Says Dev's fav might make it into EQ.
  7. Caudyr Augur

    Yeah, I use /hidecorpse all - when I'm not looting and/or when a bunch of that stuff happens. TBH it wouldn't be so bad if the items counted even after you looted them, instead of this nonsense of you having to have the stupid task first. I hate that, and never understood why they continue doing it. -_-
  8. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Couple of quests from FanFaire made it to live servers the Minotaur illusion and the Beza/Zeka port thingie.
    Yinnie the Pink likes this.
  9. Caudyr Augur

    I think the idea was meant to be something akin to Player Studio, except for quests. Maybe if Player Studio goes well they'll decide to do something like this too, so that players can help design the quests for more content and stuff! Who knows?! :D
  10. Xianzu_Monk_Tunare Augur

    While I am not sure of the Dev you would direct it to; I do think that they would be open to ideas and suggestions for Quests. I'm not sure how closely they would follow any extremely detailed suggested quests though (aside from ones such as those created in that SOE Live panel mentioned above).

    Piestro might be the one to send something to asking about it being forwarded the to proper person.
  11. Geroblue Augur

    Hmmm. I have a number of ideas percolating and bouncing around in my brain about EQ quests to add to the game. Hopefully this ability will be implemented.
  12. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    You can always make petitions. ;)
  13. WarSheol Augur

    I know at some fan faires they have Create a quest panel where we break down into groups of 10 and eacg group gets a Dev to take notes and many good ideas do come from those panels, There are several that made it into game, of course not all can :cool: