How LONG is it going to take to fix instances?

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Ballo, Mar 23, 2013.

  1. Ballo New Member

    Ok, it's obvious that this is not a front-burner issue for SOE, but it is for me. Weekends are when I am able to play unhindered, not raiding and do some missions and such.

    The fact that SOE hasn't even bothered to take action, or at the very least give status updates is completely unsatisfactory. Some people are able to get instances if they mash thier keyboards long enough requesting/unrequesting etc... the missions. However, the vast majority of people are not able.

    At the very least, couldn't someone have the common courtesy to just say "We will not be able to address this issue until XXXX"... rather than say you're looking into it, when obviously that is not the case...

    Seriously, I don't know how many times I've been referred to as a "Valued Customer", what value exactly are we talking about? I don't feel very "Valued" right now...
  2. Warpiggs Augur

    Sometime between now and never? How many threads we need about this topic anyhow? Yeah it needs fixed, but sheesh.
  3. sojuu Augur

    moogs likes this.
  4. Langya Augur

    As long as it takes and not one second longer.
  5. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

  6. malibu66 Elder

    LOL - how about friggen Monday? Holy Halfling - a software glitch shows up Friday night and by Saturday you'd think the world was ending. Go get some sun.
    moogs likes this.
  7. FrankeB New Member

    That would be just the most horrible excuse I've ever heard if that's the case they (sony) wants to make. When I go grocery shopping Saturday or Sunday morning or hit up the mall on the weekend I don't go there expecting them to be running their stores/shops on skeleton crews. It's a pretty basic fundamentals to running any kind of business that you at least have some sort of idea when your peak business hours are and have some kind of plan for maintaining your business through peak hours. They've deal with this particular problem in the past so should know what's going on and what they need to do to fix it and they've never hesitated in all the multitudes of times they've needed to bring servers down on weekends before so why this weekend did they not even acknowledge the problem until almost 20 hours after it first surfaced and why now into day two have they not even said a single word about progress?
  8. Ronak Augur

    Apparently they do not have the resources to have a weekend crew anymore.
  9. Smokezz The Bane Crew

    Things still broken on other servers?
  10. Derd Augur

    Is many possibilities, one being those that are scheduled to work haven't been able to figure out whats wrong. Have you never had a problem and not been able to figure it out immedietly? With the hours they've probably been working the "normal" operations i'm going to say to them.. stay home get some rest enjoy your family for a weekend. We will survive, nobody in our guild had to call 911 last night when we called raid. And we had some fun banter with a group of friends from another guild as they tried to get into the mission in chapterhouse, running time spent etc.. :)

    I love when people decide that when something goes wrong in Everquest they instantly go to "they dont care!!!" Yes i'm sure all those that depend on this job for a paycheck walk out the door and say, i hope the game breaks and nobody can play anymore. O wait maybe thats what you say when you leave your job each day, well just dont pretend to know how the current staff feels about everquest. As i've watched the different webcasts, seen the frequent posts and updates lately with the anniv quest problems all i see is a very involved and dedicated bunch. Could there be someone there that doesn't care ya maybe .. probably plays wow too ! :) the entire staff.. thats a pretty big stretch.
    Tarvas likes this.
  11. Ormus Elder

    They working now, was able to zone in with no issues
  12. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    Sounds like a bunch of whining over nothing much. Walk outside. Do some homework. Play with the kids. Cook some real food. Clean your room.

    There, several things you can do than sitting the computer whining that you cannot get into an instance.
    moogs likes this.
  13. Leerah Augur

    They're up. I found plenty to keep me busy without them but now, I'm off to my D&D game. Before there were mice, there were dice.
    moogs and Tarvas like this.
  14. Ronak Augur

    it's storming outside, why would I walk outside? I don't have homework. I don't have kids. It's too early to eat again. My room is clean. Maybe you should try some of those things, instead of whining over nothing much.
  15. Tarvas Redwall of Coirnav, now Drinal

    No, this is too much fun. And storms are the best time to take a walk outside or sit in a chair staring out at it. Try it sometime.