Epic Ornamentation Guides

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Riou, Mar 13, 2013.

  1. Riou EQResource

    Hey guys, Epic Ornamentation's are coming soon (this Friday), check out our guides and update locations on it at EQResource (Or just look where they start ;) )

    We don't have Cleric or Druid guides however, Cleric was broken on Test and Druid seemed to require Jaggedpine Forest Faction ( :(, we do have the update locations at least!)

    Also, once you beat the Epic Ornamentation Quest be sure to check out the Arcane Fair!
    tofu stir fry and Falos like this.
  2. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Are the arcane fair quests staying after the anniversary events end?
  3. Falos Augur

    Nice work, luckily my merc never completed its epic!
    Riou likes this.
  4. Riou EQResource

    Yea, it should be, it actually is where the Wizard Epic Ornament Quest takes place, though it is also a bonus after you complete the Epic Ornament Quest (you don't need it to zone in, however if someone else requests the Expedition you can zone in)
  5. Gragas Augur

    Thanks so much for these, awesome.
    Riou likes this.
  6. Obiziana Augur

    Cool! Thanks Dawg!
    Riou likes this.
  7. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Great I don't have to do them now and can wait and see if housing items limits get increased...mine is a little on the full side with a few cool items in my bank. :(
  8. Talif Augur

    Get a second house, use one for storage and one for decorating.
  9. Qwestwic Augur

    Druid Epic portion requires near ally faction, but I confirmed with Dzarn that it isn't meant to be that way. It should be readjusted to require around indifferent when the content goes live.
    Riou likes this.
  10. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Double-U Tee Eff ?!?
  11. Riou EQResource

    It seems some people could complete it, but some part of it does get bugged and broken, we ran into that twice :p (But Dzarn said it should be fixed for Live version :) )

    Thanks :), the Faction was just >.<
  12. gcubed Augur

    It is interesting that there are probably more rogues and bards that have maxxed their faction there than druids or rangers. These people have quite the little poacher problem and the rogues and bards line up to help them with it, yet the self styled "protectors of nature" are conspicously absent. :p
  13. tofu stir fry Augur

    great work!!!! i was stumped on a couple of the events in the necro finale... thanks to you I am excited to finish work and get home to try it out!!!!!

    thanks again!
    Riou and Gyurika Godofwar like this.
  14. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    The Cleric epic ornament works, I finished it Friday morning. ;)
  15. Glynna New Member

    Being a druid and maxxed ally in jaggedpine why do I not get the update? I got the yellow text but I hear there is something else I need to do? Where can I be directed to get this infomation.
  16. Yorag Journeyman

    If not for EQ Resources, I would have never figured out the correct patterns of kick, taunt, disarm and bash to use in order to beat the Warrior event. It reminded me of the strange patterns you used to have to use for Nintendo in order to perform special moves.
    Riou likes this.
  17. FcsevenXIII Augur

    Eqresource really came through this time. Great job.
    Riou likes this.
  18. Mykaylla Augur

    Warriors are the Keepers of the Konami Code.
  19. Riou EQResource

    I think the first step sends you to talk to Sara Treewind
  20. The Hero of Halas New Member

    Wish there weren't guides for these quests, honestly.
    Fenthen likes this.