One brutal zone or two

Discussion in 'The Veterans' Lounge' started by Agrippa, Feb 26, 2013.

  1. Cicelee Augur

    This must be what happens when someone applies to an elite raid guild and gets denied...
  2. Battleaxe Augur

    Ah yes. Great examples of non-raid content's challenges and the incompetence of raiders. o_O

    Back to the point of this thread if it ever had one. I really don't see any good purpose for even just one hard-as-nails group mission where raiders can fully strut their stuff. We strut our stuff in raid content. Anyone who did a when it was current content PoFear break knows what I mean.

    I may have enjoyed PoEarth, etc. as much as the next guy but truth be told it was because it was mostly uncontested, quiet (no one /oocing for rots or TA's), and you could sell elemental bows. There were some equally challenging and fun zones that weren't raider keyed and they were mostly empty for a long time.
  3. Oranges Augur

    OMM are great examples of the competence of a player, it gives you a select few classes, it gives you a very limited skillset and very limited gear. Many groupers are able to solo these missions, something I haven't seen many raiders do. Raiders tend to want a safety net, they tend to zerg, they enjoy mass pulls and overgearing and overbuffing.

    Like now, when people say "use group gear if you want a challenge" none of you raiders accepts the challenge, you prefer the huge safety net that increased stats, buffs and heroics from the raid-instance-gear-slot-machine which makes everything in Norrath easymode.
  4. Langya Augur

    Yup. Nothing like reading a bunch of blind hatred while sipping coffee on a Monday morning. It just really gets one in the right mood to do battle with rush hour traffic.
    Mellifleur, Elricvonclief and Pirlo like this.
  5. Sinestra Augur

    Monotony and frustration are not the same as challenge.
  6. FatbukSlapmeat Augur

    What do I like in my coffee? Caffeine and hatred... and, sometimes whiskey.
    Mellifleur, Reht and Sinestra like this.
  7. Ronak Augur

    This is quite a work of fiction. Holy hatred, batman.
    Elricvonclief, Pirlo and Reht like this.
  8. Imrahil Augur

    Putting OMM missions as challenging made my day. You really rock and I stand ashamed by your obvious superiority.
    No comparison to events like Triunity (pre-nerf), no, OMM missions really are the hardest EVAH!
    This thread is full of awesome :D
  9. Enizen Elder

    Now had you said Grelleth hero 2,, EW hero 2, CH hero 2, Evantil hero 2, are challenging missions that test raiders and groupers alike, you might have made some headway. (Disclaimer I skipped all of VoA, I was on EQ vacation for 2 years).

    I have done all the hero missions, with raiders (my Fellowship raids, my guild raids) and we absolutely did not have unlimited mana, no tank just charged in, and we died ALOT. Most of these group missions were challenging, and thus far more difficult than the raids (we haven't won CH raid we have the others)..

    Having a limited OMM skill set doesn't make something difficult, or prove your skill as a player, having your full skill set, and resources, then going out and doing a mission that is essentially a 6 person raid (wait did I say raid?!) proves a level of skill.

    Oranges want to prove how really good you are at EQ, go do the Grelleth 2 hero mission, no wipes, no deaths, with a pickup group, please make a video, I want to see that.
  10. Langya Augur

    It washes down the big ole heaping bowl of Ignorance which is thoughtfully complimented by the side of sizzling Vitriol. Its the daily breakfast special at the Oranges Diner.
  11. Ronak Augur

    Hah yeah, OMM missions held up as an example of difficulty. Lol. Anyone with a pulse farmed the heck out of those with as few as 1 person. Before the nerf to brews of course.
  12. Oranges Augur

    I bet you're one of those people who would:

    -take 2 minutes to get up a ladder
    -lose invisibility
    -spend 10 minutes setting up spells because they never played the class in their life
    -lose invis in the middle of the zone and die
    -forget to ask for IVU and die
    -doesn't know where to go

    I know your kind "it's easy uhu uhu, I do da raidz uhu uhu"....*wipes group*..-> incoming excuse...."this group sucks I need to head to my raid"

    That's my experience with many many raiders and every grouper knows what I'm talking about. They're the same people who zerg 20 mobs on your group thinking they're invincible and a gift to God, "look at me and my stats", and then quit the group after they wiped it and blame the groupers, I know your kind.

    I would be rich if I got a penny for every raid tank who pulled 10 mobs onto a group, basically training it, thinking they can handle it only to die 2 seconds later and quitting the group right after. Each time a raid tank played with us I hoped to God it wasn't an idiot, but half of the time it is. They blame the puller for not pulling 10 mobs at once, they decide to pull themselves, they bring in 10 mobs and next thing you know they killed your group.

    But it's never their fault, obviously not, since they're the raiderz tankz with the leetz gear right, it's the cleric that went OOM or the groupers that "suck" etc.

    It becomes strikingly obvious in zones like OMM where the gear advantage is stripped.

    No thanks, I don't want people like you in my group.
  13. Enizen Elder

    Hmm Considering who Imrahil is, thats quite the statement, I am pretty sure he know how to play a Paladin,, and I am going to go out on a limb and say he can play a few other classes as well.

    What seems more likely to me is that you have gotten a bad group or 3, happens to everyone, you looked at someone guild tag, decided all raiders are idiots and came to the boards to inform the world of you greaat discovery or assumption .

    Do I get a cookie?
  14. Sinestra Augur

    This thread has taken such a weird turn.
  15. Ronak Augur

    Have you ever done any real content, or just OMM? This explains quite a lot.
  16. Oranges Augur

    what's "real content"
  17. Gladare Augur

    omg these posts are hilarious. Keep em coming!
  18. Ronak Augur

    Non monster mission.
  19. Enizen Elder

    Well if you are 95+ try Grelleth 2, EW2, Evantil2, CH2, CH1, Kael2, for starters.

    90-95, I would guess (havent done these myself) the later VoA missons

    85-90 UF Flagging for Convo/Husk

    Under 85, flagging for upper HoT

    Just putting out some suggestions
  20. Noobieguy Augur

    LOL No kidding. I remember soloing one with some friends AFK thinking yayyyyy free brews for everyone! Only to be denied the chest cause 3 people needed to be around it to open :(
    Sinestra likes this.