Teek and AoC Lockouts --

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Religious, Apr 18, 2024.

  1. Religious Elder

    Removing the account wide character lockouts for AoC would be a significant step in the right direction, not just for Teek and Oakwynd, but all servers to follow. This vastly increased the longevity of the group game and while I'm certain the legacy exp bonuses had something to do with it on Oakwynd, I have no doubt it would help in some regard on the new server rulesets as well. Thoughts?
    Barton-Vox likes this.
  2. CdeezNotes Augur

    While I believe account wide lockouts are dumb and I have no idea why they were created, I fail to see how removing it would benefit the group game on any way. Exp in AOC instances is nerfed into oblivion if memory doesn't fail. I guess maybe slightly increases farming potential of named mobs which may spawn upon spin up?
  3. Religious Elder

    Correct. AoC instance exp has been nerfed into the ground, however, *most* individuals I've played with do not rotate through accounts during an AoC lockout, rather they wait for the current lockout to expire before running the content again, OR in such cases as Oakwynd or Time and LDoN + content, they simply move to an alternative character and run it again. A "mirror" character if you will. These "mirror" characters then have to be leveled and in future expansions, AA to remain viable. These characters help extend the period of group activity early during expansion releases. There are other reasons the change is worthwhile for the playerbase, such as increased loot intake, FFA raids (guild or otherwise) or in some cases, simply attempting to spawn an epic mob that is otherwise difficult to find up.
  4. Indigo_Quarmite Augur

    Now that they are trying to sell personas you will never see a server that is "alt centric" as Oakwynd was. It would directly negatively impact sale of personas. They want you to use personas instead of alts. This is business 101.
  5. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    Imagine of they removed account lockouts (per persona as well as alts), and saw an immediate jump in persona usage and slot purchases, because people were logging on every day on a different persona to complete said content. I could see this having both a positive and negative impact on Teek's economy, for the same reasons - more loot being farmed. But TLP economies of late have been getting borked sometime in the Luclin era anyways, so maybe it wouldn't be a big deal.
  6. Xhieron Elder

    That seems like a good argument for reducing all lockouts to ~18 hours. I think even aside from the benefit of introducing alts/personas that need to be leveled into the group pool, the additional drops are good for players and worse for bots. Greater supply makes it harder for any individual to monopolize any commodity and increases the likelihood that the sought value of any transaction should approach the true fair market value. If lots of people are selling a piece of gear in the tunnel at any given time, none of them are going to be able to use the moment's artificial scarcity to rip someone off. Combine that with robust records (unfortunately dependent on third party tools), and you have a healthier economy across the server.

    As a practical matter, it also means everyone is more likely to have gear they're happy with, and it increases the life of the expansion by keeping people playing longer in order to accumulate wealth which is immediately exchangeable for upgrades the day after the next expansion drops. Even gear that gets vendored is worth having in this kind of environment.

    Access to content and greater supply is a rising tide. The people who suffer are the krono magnates who in the absence of being able to outright monopolize camps would otherwise turn to arbitrage at the expense of uninformed players. Anything that's bad for them is good for the rest of us.
    Quantumalgo likes this.
  7. Indigo_Quarmite Augur

    There truly is a thing as too much loot. Mischief was already borderline with that. Additional raiding is not necessary. I easily had 3 fully geared toons in PoP after just 2 weeks with all Time or EP loot.

    Account lockouts are fine. Loot bonuses and exp bonuses should be built in to every server as a default setting for TLPs to alleviate all concerns you highlight.

    Additional raiding is not necessary with loot bonuses. There is also a thing as too much raiding - it tanked the Selo server and it would tank future TLPs.
    Appren, Ishbu and fransisco like this.
  8. Tilka New Member

    There really isn't a need for the account wide locks in any capacity and removing the persona's lockouts is even better. It allows for more flexibility as well as improved opportunities for cross guild raiding, assists with challenges in real time versus trying to talk folks through encounters without effecting event planning for one's own group, guild, or raid.
  9. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    Loot aside, some people just have the time and desire to continually hit targets. I'm not one, but I do understand those that do.
  10. Indigo_Quarmite Augur

    There really isn't any truth to that. That's why selos server burned out. Even the hardcore couldn't hang with the non-stop raiding. It's why there weren't any serious guilds on Oakwynd.

    OW targets are a different thing. There is a sense of prestige and a rush if you are racing another guild. DZ raiding doesn't duplicate that. So yes, people do desire continually hitting OW targets and enjoy scheduled raiding 2 days a week.

    No one, and I mean no one, wants scheduled 5/6 days of raiding.
  11. Celatusp99 Augur

    I don't do more than one character per account anyway seems like a waste.
  12. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casual™

    Only a Sith deals in absolutes. There's always someone that will prove your assertion incorrect.
  13. Xhieron Elder

    "Gosh, I wish I didn't have all this loot!" said no one. I agree there is such a thing as too much raiding, but that's a function of player behavior, and it's definitely not the same thing as too much loot. Some guilds are like hamsters, and they will stomp on the pedal that dispenses pellets until their stomachs explode, even if the pellets have no nutritional value. Plenty of others, however, are humans who can manage their behavior and demonstrate self-restraint. Flexibility is good for those people, and fortunately Teek will be loaded with people who have different schedules and tastes. Whether your appetite for raiding is high or low, I bet you can find a guild that matches it.

    Your complaint that your gear was too good on Mischief rings hollow. I would venture that was not the typical experience.

    Even if that were true--and I'm quite confident it's not--there are plenty of people who want a scheduled day or two of raiding and the rest of the week for spontaneous and pick-up raids whenever enough people are around. I can't think of too many instances when I've said, "Aw shucks, I wish we were raiding tonight", but I've had many instances when I've said, "I wish we weren't locked out right now so we could take another crack at this target."

    If you were bleeding edge on Mischief and got bored, or if you raided 6 nights a week on Oakwynd, you don't really have anyone to blame for that but you. I won't put words in your mouth, but I strongly suspect that for many players--especially "hardcore" players--the desire to maintain the status quo and prevent things from being more accessible isn't so much about relieving the pressure that they voluntarily undertake, but rather about ensuring that the barriers that enable them to maintain their sense of exceptionalism remain firmly in place.

    More loot means that other people are also wearing Time gear in-era, and that's a bad thing only for those for whom getting Time gear two 2 weeks after POP launch is a mark of prestige. That's an attitude that should be left in 2002.
  14. Indigo_Quarmite Augur

    That's quite the word salad Xavier.

    I mean if you weren't farming PoNightmare and SolRo Tower to be decked out I guess that's on you but it was absurdly easy even for small time guilds. No need for more raiding nights.

    I said what I said.

    Also, there is no mobs to work on until like some expansion way down the road. Everything else is basically a one shot. Maybe TZ in time is the first hard mob of the game. Small honorable mention to the General R. in pofire.
  15. Wulli New Member

    Getting rid of account wide AoC lockout should be the standard for every TLP going forward
    Doze likes this.
  16. Ishbu Augur

    I say this in regards to the double loot bonuses and extra loot rulesets like Mischief.

    People who prefer the old school style of gaming such as myself play games like everquest because we enjoy having a carrot to chase. When it comes to TLPs, that carrot is getting your best gear in era. I rarely had a problem doing this without any loot bonuses because of how much time I choose to invest into the game. The times it was an issue were usually bad rng on raid drops, but that made those raids a lot more fun to do weekly. Soon as everything I am chasing is obtained, there is no more fun in continuing to do the same thing again and again and again.

    You see it on TLPs all the time. Nobody is trying to get anything, you raid the same raid for the 10th week in a row purely for every random person in the guilds alts they dont really play much because otherwise it all rots.

    I realize my view on this isnt a super popular one with the culture we have these days, but these people do exist.

    The extra loot is actually a breaking point of playing on Teak for me. I dont mind free trade, I could deal with random loot, but bonus loot just means I know I will get bored and quit playing because there is nothing for me to be playing for.
    KobalWR and Indigo_Quarmite like this.
  17. Appren Gnomercy

    AoC lockouts are good for your health and sanity, and preserves the economy!
    fransisco and Indigo_Quarmite like this.
  18. Kahna Augur

    Pretty sure everyone here understands this feeling. Casuals want the same thing. With Mischief loot we can experience the same loot chase as you and actually have a chance to get to the goal line without putting in full time job type hours (which outside responsibilities prevent us from doing). It gives us the same experience/feels you get from a normal server, which was typically disappointing for us, constantly falling just short of the goal every expansion.

    You should try the casual life. It's relaxing.
  19. Ddezul Augur

    Some folks are REALLY wanting to sell massive amounts of loot it seems.
    Xhartor likes this.
  20. fransisco Augur

    Its already a server with bonus loot practically falling out of the skies. No lockouts? Why even have mobs, lets just have vendors selling all the loot for 1cp per item.