The FTE conundrum

Discussion in 'Time Locked Progression Servers' started by Slik, Mar 6, 2024.

  1. Mashef Augur

    It's easily circumvented by spamming rune/heals on a target, which unlocks the mob. So there is no actual benefit. People can engage and kite OW mobs for up to 10 or 15 minutes which is ridiculous. Bot crews can easily gobble up every mob in a zone due to their warping and auto taunt from across the zone "features"

    With all the available exploits that were never fixed the only pro is you can pull mobs from another persons exp spot and they can't do anything about it. Which is actually worse for the sad sally's of EQ. Edit - They also need to fix /yell - the unlock should be zone or death.

    IF they put the work in it could be acceptable.
  2. maxisbored New Member

    Along with all the other stuff posted above, has it really never happened to you that an invulnerable mob attacks you?
    It has never happened that you're at a camp, and there's another person there chilling mostly afk, only to wait for your named to pop so he can FTE it?
    It also decreases competition on high level raid mobs
    it completely changes raid and pull dynamics
    What I hate about it the most: I have no way to get rid of bot armies that magically appear in front of me. In the past, I would "accidentally" pull too much. Now they are free to warp right in front of me and afk as their armies do everything automated.

    Cmon there are plenty of upsides and downsides to FTE. To be so ignorant as to pretend that isn't the case is just embarrassing.

    Not that it matters, but I play EQ because it has something that very few games out there have, and that is an overwhelming feeling of being connected to the environment. By enabling FTE you are further isolating yourself and other players and while I admit training can be frustrating, I personally do not see it as an overwhelmingly negative thing to have. Personally, some of the best feelings I got in the game was when I (monk main) take a huge pull, we nearly wipe, and before we're half recovered we get trained. THAT is when the game is fun. Bards using charm, chanters pull out tot, pallies LOH, clerics DA etc. It's these oh-#$% situations that make the day fun. Even when it results in a wipe. I mean who cares about wipes anyways? it's not like we have to get our corpses anymore...
    Tyranthraxus and AzzlannOG like this.
  3. SnapVine Augur

    not true (was changed)
  4. Mashef Augur

    So you can no longer heal or buff people who are target locked? This was not fixed in Luclin era when I left.
  5. AzzlannOG Elder

    Some of the points I've been trying to make is that I think the lack of toxicity on Oakwind is not because of FTE but the lack of toxic people on the server, or many people at all. This naturally makes it feel less chaotic. My argument is that FTE is going to be terrible in some ways on the 2024 TLPs if they are as packed as we assume they will be. And that if they just tweaked a few things or made one without, everyone would be happier. The toxic people would go straight to non FTE leaving a chill server. And people like me who would rather deal with toxic people than play FTE would be happy also.
  6. MaestroM Augur

    Do you have a source for Oakwynd being lower population than other TLPs? Mischief was for sure enormous but Oakwynd was super high pop right up until the catastrophe that led to Krono costing hundreds of thousands of plat overnight.

    But counter to your prediction: more people is more picks so you have more opportunities to avoid toxicity. Additionally with a potential kunark launch people can spread out even more.
  7. Shui Butai

  8. NuffanTuit Nuffan Tuit on Innoruuk Server

    You can heal and buff the difference is it does not unlock the encounter. You could heal and buff in Velious and not unlock the encounter many of us used that to grab faction hits in Kael.

    Very early in the server necro's were using their pet to circumvent the locked encounter and taking it, but that was fixed pretty quickly as well.

    Most the negatives you bring up are there whether it is FTE or not ....the difference is you are allowed to simply out DPS the group in place to kick them from the area.

    Usually it is the I wanted the camp people all upset over FTE....they do not like a weaker group being able to compete with them. If you want the camp try getting to the camp first....
  9. SnapVine Augur

    You can heal/buff a person the mob is locked to, and you can steal aggro from the puller by doing that, but it won't instantly unlock for you as soon as you pull aggro. Instead, you might end up with a mob on you that you can't attack for as long as the people who the mob is locked to are still eligible to attack it and they are on the aggro list. If the person who FTE'd the mob zones out or falls off the aggro, then it should unlock for you.

    So there can still be issues, but its no longer as easy as spamming some runes and forcing yourself onto the lock list so you can DPS race. That's my experience anyways, here's the patch note:

    *** Progression Servers ***

    - Encounter Locked NPCs will now properly check whether they should attack a player's charmed pet.
    - Encounter Locked NPCs will no longer unlock, when picking a target outside their lock group, if someone on their hate list can still attack them.
    - NPCs spawned with a loot lock on servers with the Encounter Lock ruleset will now also be Encounter Locked to the person that spawned them.
  10. MakeEQGoodAgain New Member

    I think FTE issues drive by raid targets and competion, can we have FTE not apply to raid targets?
  11. AzzlannOG Elder

    That would be one of the main goals of the FTE threads. Hopefully it happens.
  12. MaestroM Augur

    In case DPG is looking for me to sign off, I'd be fine taking FTE off OW raid targets (with reasonable exceptions for encounter-locked/triggered spawns). I'm not interested in OW raiding in the slightest so it doesn't impact me one bit.
  13. PinheadLarry New Member

    There's no issues with FTE. Stop this nonsense.
  14. AzzlannOG Elder

    See that's what we're talking about, middle ground.
  15. Mashef Augur

    Yeah those didn't fix squat. It was still broken when I left lol. Easy to circumvent all that. Operative word is it "might" work as intended. Usually they can attack and did attack and did steal the mob. Rarely it would work as intended.

    Another issue that was never addressed is wizards/necros could solo just about any mob in the game bind rush. dots would keep it engaged and never reset so someone else could grab it..

    The list of flaws is so big.
    The list of pros is so small.
  16. Arclyte Augur

    there's no "conundrum", FTE is good and here to stay :)
    Lejaun likes this.
  17. Kahna Augur

    I would concede that taking it off OW raid mobs would have zero impact on the game, because no one DPS races OW raid mobs these days. If the false hope of OW raid races keeps people happy, no skin off my nose.
  18. AzzlannOG Elder

    Amen. Although your wrong that no one does because I like to and so do a bunch of people I know. But that's one of the biggest things I'm asking for and it shouldn't hurt anything really.
  19. SnapVine Augur

    paragraph 1 says its easy to circumvent the lock system and steal mobs but paragraph 2 says a wizard can permanently keep a mob locked in a way you can't easily circumvent, even after they die? just making sure i got this correct
  20. Kahna Augur

    A number of people like it. They just always join the same "OW" guild so there is never any competition.