Today is the day!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Angeliana, Feb 28, 2024.

  1. Doranur_Aleguzzler Filthy Casualâ„¢

    I'll be spending half that for a trip for two to GenCon. I was considering the $100 dollar digital package, but those mounts are ugly as sin. Never been a fan of the EQII art style.
    Barton-Vox and Yinla like this.
  2. Zansobar Augur

    It is my understanding that this venue cannot accommodate a multitude of people as it is being held in a normal eatery/drinking establishment. That is probably why the price is so high. I would expect we are talking less than 20, but I don't know.
  3. Valcron Elder

    Guys , if you said it was 600 bucks to attend that's reasonable. But not 1400 come on guys
    Barton-Vox likes this.
  4. eqgamer Augur

    the Blade Orns do NOT cycle but they do fit into ANY wep.
  5. Lejaun Augur

    Limited availability is fine. No one is complaining about that. The issue is how much it is for what you get.

    A lottery or first come first serve with a much lower price would be better.
  6. Bilbo Backpackens Lorekeeper

    $50 minimum for some cosmetics and to sit in on a Zoom call? Ouch.
    Barton-Vox, Hobs and Herf like this.
  7. Tyranthraxus Grognard

    LOL, nope.

    See this is the reason we need that dislike button. So you can get clear and direct by the numbers feedback when your going off the ranch, that's clearly been missing for far too long.
    Nightmares, Mesil, Barton-Vox and 2 others like this.
  8. Metanis Bad Company

    They should have used an auction process for the in-person access. I suspect they would have made a lot more money.

    I won't even pay the lowest access. I don't like the game that much even though I'm addicted to it.
    Barton-Vox likes this.
  9. Sandslash New Member

    Def expensive, I'll still support as best I can but man that is a lot lol!
  10. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    For the questions related to how long the digital packs will be available:
    We'll likely have the digital tickets available through the rest of the year (12/31/2024). The only change would be you obviously won't be able to ask questions to be read out loud at the livestream.

    I'm working on getting answers to the other questions.
    Silvena likes this.
  11. Genjo Lorekeeper

    Wow... just wow
    If you want to know when I started to realize that the company is losing sight of its customer base this is it. Instead of a celebration that was inclusive and way to bring people together, we get a online cash grab. Least you know your target market, you realize that all us tenagers who grew up over 25 years have more disposable income, so now you go for a cash grab. I have spent a ridicolous amount of money on this game to support and help keep it going but I am shocked at this.

    • You cant afford to do a live event like back in the day, I get it.
    • You continue to pair down the expansions, less missions, less zones due to shrinking margins and a smaller, less experience development team (love you long timers!!!) due to normal staff changeover (less experience developers gain experience and get to change jobs, make more money get bigger responsibilities - no hate just recognize this happens over time) and the difficultly working and learning on code that is 25 years old - I get it.

    But to claim to celebrate the game - and do a cash grab and claim this is a way to celebrate the game and do something nice for players is at best a joke.

    I am trying to keep my anger in check, but you need to re-evlaute the purpose of this event. Is this to post a bigger quarter in revenue or to actually build player loyalty, reward them for 25 years of commitment.

    Quick check on the 250 package:
    • 1 mount model (recolored 3 ways) = (typical shop price) $15 (x3) $45
    • 1 sword ornament (recolored 4 ways) = $5 (x4) $20
    • 1 metamorph (recolored 4 ways) = $10 (x4) $40
    • 2 Unique Illusions = $15 (x2) $30
    • 1 Bag (not alot of work here) = $15
    • 10 level III exp potions = $10 (x10) $100
    Add this all up = $250 bucks
    Not a discount for all access members, not a discount to build excitement for the event or even a reward mentally for loyalty
    All of this should be $50 cheaper tiers should $25, $50, $100 and $200
    Now your showing some love to your customers, providing a value statement
    I hope my attempts to restrain my comments and anger and try to provide constructive feedback comes through.
    I will buy something, because I do love this game and I want to help keep it going. I hope the game leaders and not the accountants take the lead during this anniversary year.
    Nightmares, Barton-Vox, Hobs and 4 others like this.
  12. eqgamer Augur

    All of the new wep orns, metamorphs, mounts and illusions look great (especially w/ particles up).
  13. Zansobar Augur

    If they offered prices too low then people would complain about it selling out before they could buy. How could you do a lottery if you only want to go with other people you know?

    Also how much you get for what it costs is a relative issue for each person. I may value my time and money completely differently than you. I don't really see much issue with the price. Others may, but that is how economics works.
  14. Zansobar Augur

    Why not just buy the $50 pack then? I think the 42 slot bag is worth the money for use on the new TLP. Every year I buy the deluxe expansion solely to get the bags for use on the new TLP server (I would never touch the abomination that is Live). I think I end up spending around $200, so to me the additional bag is worth the $50 even if I am not planning to watch the event online.
  15. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    For the questions about what exactly the $1499 entails:
    It includes access to all of the pre-livestream activities the day before the livestreams as well as being able to ask questions directly on the livestreams. This includes face-to-face time with developers, all digital items from the VIP Pack, a physical swag bag with exclusive Fippy Fest in-person items, and more to be announced.

    For the comments about digital items being per account as opposed to per character:
    This is in line with what is per character / per account from our expansions.

    Regarding the comments about the cost:
    We understand the $1499 is causing some sticker shock, however, this was the lowest we were able to go for an in-person event due to the very limited size of venue, the actual cost of food and beverages, swag (both digital and physical), and other back-end costs factored in. However, those of you that cannot make it in-person, we do have all of the digital options with the digital swag. The livestream is free to watch for everyone, however all the digital packs also include the ability to post questions to be asked to the panel during the livestream event.
  16. blood & gufts Augur

    This is anniv, and as such, it should have something more!
  17. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    RE: Will the new illusions play nice with the Legendary Enchanter Illusion turn-in?
    The Valkyrie will. The Brell illusion will not be available as a player spell.

    RE: Are the Sword ornaments for EQ just straight up sword, or is it a convertible myriad of ornaments which is what we've been getting for a while?
    No. The swords are just a single sword.
  18. Silvena *poke*

    Aww bummer about Brell.
  19. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    Will there be a discount after the event as it will only be digital items?
    Barton-Vox and Hobs like this.
  20. Zalkk - AB Journeyman

    Is there going to be in game items only available with the in person tickets? it would be a shame to miss out on things with being in Europe and the travel would be too much, if there is is purchasing a ticket enough to get items via a code without attending?