Today is the day!

Discussion in 'News and Announcements' started by Angeliana, Feb 28, 2024.

  1. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

    Fippy Fest ticket sales are LIVE!

    We know many of you have been waiting somewhat patiently for the Fippy Fest tickets to go up for sale, as patiently as the person in the old ‘Open! Open! Open!’ commercial from the 1990’s, that is. The day has finally arrived, and we are happy to announce that both digital and in-person ticket sales have begun.

    Click on over to the Fippy Fest website for details on how to get your tickets as well as what valuable loot is included in each of the digital packs. Spoiler Alert! You get the digital items for BOTH games, so be sure to check out EverQuest II's digi-loot HERE! Please remember that the in-person tickets are very limited in quantity and are first come, first served. Once they are sold out, they are gone for this event.

    We look forward to seeing you all either digitally or in person in June!

    Be sure to follow us on social media: Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Discord.

    eqgamer and Nennius like this.
  2. Warpeace Augur

    Will the editions be upgradable like the expansions are?
    Hobs likes this.
  3. Hekaton Augur

    whats the order window for the digital items. like is it up until fippyfest itself?
    Hobs and Silvena like this.
  4. Vindicator Journeyman

    Nevermind. Have fun those that are going.
  5. Angeliana Senior Community Manager

  6. Hammaclar Journeyman

    So much for being excited about attending...$1499 is crazy!
  7. Hekaton Augur

    Dang its more than seeing taylor swift
  8. Fintank Augur

    Are the Sword ornaments just straight up swords or is it a convertible myriad of ornaments like we've been getting for a while?

    If those illusions and mounts were claimable per character instead of account it might sell more imo!
    Demetri, eqgamer, Hobs and 4 others like this.
  9. Lejaun Augur

    Yeah. I was planning on going, but that priced me out. I have the money, but explaining to my wife what I'm paying $1500 for, before travel costs and hotel, got shut down real quick and I didn't disagree with her.
  10. Silvena *poke*

    Will the new illusions play nice with the Legendary Enchanter Illusion turn in?
    Eteract likes this.
  11. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Right. $1500 lmao
    At least extra life was going to a worthy cause.
  12. dotard New Member

    Even Fippy Fest you dont have to see/listen to taylor swift
  13. Veteran_BetaTester PIZZA!

    Are the mounts limited first come first serve, or do we have time to buy ? $250 package.
    Hobs likes this.
  14. Beardsy Elder

    100% agree with this.

    These "Claimable" items always need to be claimable to 999.

    I bought that ExtraLife duck for 2022 and only getting 1 claim for it is easily one of the biggest reasons I'll be sticking with Mischief until the end of the server, no point in playing on another TLP if my $100 item I bought is gonna rot.
  15. I_Love_My_Bandwidth Mercslayer

    I'd pay $1499 to go. But it's beyond my budget. Congrats to the lucky few!
  16. dotard New Member

    Would love to go to this event but $1500 per person is a lot to blindly commit when the event details arent even know yet. What exactly are we paying for? Is there a tour of the HQ? Do we get to see behind the scenes demonstrations on how things are made? Split into groups and rotate to different stations to learn the day to day activities of the team members? If it’s just a rented building at a different location with the opportunity to ask questions same as we can on the forums I’d probably pass.
    Slinkus Minkus likes this.
  17. Morrigan Bowjobs

    $150-$250 if we want the illusions and you only give 1 claim!? That and the weapons/pet illusions are just recolor with some of them being washed out solid colors. Your pricing department is out of touch with your base if want to charge that much for digital goods, most recolor and only 1 per account... Do better.
    Barton-Vox, Slinkus Minkus and Flexin like this.
  18. E'ci - Knight Errant Lorekeeper

    Sorry for $1500.00 per ticket the only 'richness' you are concerned with is the greed of the management plan.
    This isn't 'for the community'.
    Means isn't in question, I'm not attending out of principle.
    I thought you'd get a hotel with some large convention rooms. Decorate it, encourage others to bring their own decorations and garb. Do a costume content. Throw some historic door prizes and still more than break even at 50-75$ per person with some added cash from profitable SWAG.
    Any players that show up to this on the video stream should be embarrassed.

    Could have been fun.
    Nope, can't have that.
    Maybe add some surge pricing to the food while you are there... that's the ticket!
    Fenthen, Risiko, Barton-Vox and 3 others like this.
  19. Kirkisx Tunare's Chosen Paladin

    for 1500$ i better get free eq for life like the old promotion.. and personal benefits like extra life bonus on the account only way i legit seeing myself paying that much to see a 25 year old game studio.. not to mention 2 month notice.. even old fan faires were not that much and at least that included hotel and passes for the event.. 500-700 dollars would have been more reasonable... when ya say a select few meaning the top 2 % that live near or around san diego
    Fenthen, Risiko and Hobs like this.
  20. eqgamer Augur

    How long will these (editions) be available for purchase? ...and here I thought I was up some $$$ this pay period :p