Confirmed Prisoners of Ankexfen Raid: Snickering Doubt

Discussion in 'Bug Reports' started by Syylke_EMarr, Feb 5, 2024.

  1. Syylke_EMarr Augur

    The debuff that lands during this raid (Prisoners of Ankexfen) either has an incorrect description or an incorrect effect.

    The description says it reduces casting speed for beneficial spells, while the effect only applies to detrimental spells (and I confirmed this is what is happening while doing this event).
    Fanra and Yinla like this.
  2. Fenthen Living rent free in your headspace

    Fanra and alanus like this.
  3. Allayna Augur

    Limiting aggro to single target fixes this, but does require more work on the tanks part.

    Bards can also climb the hate list with abilities to get chain called.
  4. Yinla Ye Ol' Dragon

    It is nice to have a longer event for a change, rather than 5 minutes and that's it.

    I agree with the offtanks getting called all the time.
    Fenthen likes this.
  5. Fanra

    Any word if the Snickering Doubt slow is supposed to totally negate all melee haste and spell haste?
    I saw a developer quote that said some of the slow was unintended but I'm not sure if it has been fixed now to what it should be.